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Scrum PSM I Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps

Scrum PSM I Professional Scrum Master I exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Scrum PSM I Professional Scrum Master I exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Scrum PSM I certification exam dumps & Scrum PSM I practice test questions in vce format.

The Agile Method and Scrum

4. Uses of Scrum

Next, have a look at what Scrum is actually used for. And Scrum has been used to develop and sustain products and enhancements, or to sustain our new products, or even to research and identify market technologies and product capabilities. Scrum, on the other hand, has a wide range of applications. It's important not to associate Scrum only with software development. I know that Scrum is especially known in the software industry, and it has been tremendously successful. But Scrum is not only about developing software. Scrum can be and has been used to develop hardware, build autonomous vehicles, in marketing, or anywhere marketing or anywhere.Complex problems had to be solved by what Scrum is all about: a small team of people who are capable of dealing with the problem. So if there's one thing you need to remember from this lecture, it's that Scrum doesn't mean software development or that it can be used only for software development, but it actually can be applied to a lot of the industries that we have today, or even schools and government. So basically, in all aspects of our lives, scrum can be used and successfully applied.

5. Scrum Theory

I know what you're thinking. Another lecture where you get a pill of this somewhat boring theory And I know this is a bit hard to digest, especially in the beginning, but these are all the kind of typical questions that you will get in the exam. So for that reason, bear with me for just one moment. I will try to make it as digestible as possible, and in this lecture we will look at the Scrum theory and see exactly what this means. And Scrum is actually founded on the empirical process of control theory, also called empiricism. And empiricism asserts that knowledge comes from experience, and you need to make decisions based on what is known at this point. And what Scrum actually does is use an iterative, incremental approach to optimise predictability while keeping risk under control. So you need to do everything that you can based on what you know and what has happened in the past. Of course you cannot predict the future, but this is how you control risk with Scrum. Actually, what is important regarding this empirical control process is that it's built on three pillars. And it is important to remember these three pillars. And there are transparency, inspection and adaptation. So transparency, inspection, and adaptation and we will get into them in just a bit and see what exactly they mean. So first of all, Scrum is based on empiricism, and these are the pillars that you need to remember. transparency, inspection, and adaptation. Okay, so what does transparency mean? Transparency is referring to the fact that you needto have some aspects of the process when you'rebuilding, working on something and they need to bevisible to those responsible for the outcome. And I know this sounds a bit unclear, but for example, those responsible for the outcome would be, for example, some of the stakeholders or the CEO of the company, or other parties involved in the entire process. So it's important to make these things transparent. It's also important to use a common standard and a common understanding of what's being observed so that all parties involved in a discussion understand what they're talking about. So, if you have technical people discussing with business people who don't speak the same language, it can be difficult to discuss what is being observed. So this is one thing that, as an example, requires common language when you're discussing the process and needs to be shared by everybody involved. And additionally, when the work is being performed and inspected, the Scrum guide says that the resulting increment must share a common definition of time, and we will actually get to that definition of done a bit later in the course. But this is the main point about transparency. Some parts of the process need to be transparent, and everybody needs to have a common understanding of what is being observed. Now, moving on to the next part of the inspection—and again, this is very important— Scrum users need to regularly look at the Scrum artifacts. And the Scrum artifacts, which we have only discussed briefly until now, are the product backlog, the sprint backlog, and the increment itself. These artefacts need to be inspected all the time in order to detect anything that's undesirable. And the inspection itself should happen often enough, but it should not really get in the way of getting work done. And this ties together with the next point of adaptation. And as soon as the inspection is over andit is determined that some parts of the processor anything deviates from what is actually expected, adaptationneeds to be made as soon as possible. And this is actually quite important in Scrum because you have these very short feedback loops. And Scrum actually has four formal events for inspection adaptation. And there are these meetings, the Sprint Planning, the Daily Scrum, the Sprint Review, and the Sprint Retrospective, and they are all used for inspection and adaptation. So these points tie together. And the main idea is that you need to regularly inspect what you're doing to understand whether what you're building, what you're creating, or whatever you're working on is actually what is needed. And as soon as you notice that what you're building or the outcome is not the right one, you need to change. And exactly with Scrum, you have this possibility of having these small iterations where all the time you're looking at what I'm doing right now or what I have built, and you look at it and say, "No, this is not actually what we need." We need to make some changes there. And because there's so much happening in Aspen itself, the deviation cannot be so high. So this is why it's important to have this inspection adaptation done regularly, and it can be very valuable. So this is, in a nutshell, the Scrum theory. So remember these three pillars, transparency, inspection, and adaptation. And they're all part of the empirical control process called empiricism, so remember that it's quite important.

6. Scrum Values

So one more pill of theory, and I'm sure this will be quite short. In this lecture, we'll discuss the Scrum values. And in every Scrum team, or every Scrum team, the following values should be emphasized:Values. And those are commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect. And these are the scrum values. And you should somehow remember them because again, you will get questions on these values in the exam, most likely, or in mock exams. So you need to be prepared and sort of memorised them. But you should also take a moment to thinkabout them, to understand what exactly does commitment, whatexactly does courage or focus on, openness and respect. To me, a lot of them lead to something even more important, and that is trust. And trust between the Scrum team members will respecteach other as capable, independent people, people that arefocused on the work of the spring and onthe goals of the Scrum team itself. And everybody involved in this progress, the scrum team, the stakeholders, or anybody else, needs to be open about the work and what the challenges are and what everything that is being dealt with is. Because everybody knows that this is complex work that's being tackled and that being open about everything is quite important, So these are the values of Scrumcommitment, courage, focus, openness and respect. Take a moment to memorise them and think about them. And that's it for the lecture.

Practice section #1

1. Tips about mock tests

So first, if you haven't done that, go to Scrum.org and try your first open assessment. This is a short test that you will find online underscrum.org and it shows how certain questions in the exam will look like.Now, it doesn't mean that the questions that you will get in this short test are the same as the ones you will get in the exam, but trust me, they are pretty similar. Even if you don't know what scrum is, even if you haven't had an hour of training in scrum, I highly recommend that you first do this test, this open assessment, just to get an idea of where you stand. And if you can, I would highly recommend that you only save the results somewhere. So to know what percent of the questions you got right, don't actually look at the questions to see which one you got right and the reason for that. And that applies to all the mock tests that you might be doing when you're practising tests that are similar to the exam. It's important to test your understanding of scrum and not to memorise answers and questions, because this can really hurt you in the exam, and it's better to understand what scrum is and apply your knowledge than to just memorise things. And the thing is, if you're looking at a lot of results and trying to memorise them, even if you do not want to, you will sort of memorise what the result is, what the outcome of one question is, and then you will tend to memorise that question and not really get why the question is answered that way or that other way. So my advice would be to try to look at the score that you get, then improve your scrum kills. After that, only near the end, try to look at the specific response that you are getting wrong. But in the beginning, it will help you a lot if you do not waste this open assessment on just memorising questions.

Tips before taking the exam

1. Register for the exam

Now, the last step should be to register for the exam. And you should only do that when you fear that you are prepared. It makes no sense to give $150 to register for an exam that you may not take for whatever reason. So registering for the exam should be the last step. You do trust me. It's quite easy. They only need your credit card and address information, and it's done in five minutes. So don't waste your money registering for the certification before doing the preparation work. So be prepared and then register for the exam.

2. Tips for the exam

Now, before you actually take the exam, here are a couple of more tips about the exam itself. And the first thing you should be aware of is time. Time is very precious, and maybe you've seen it in the Mug tests or when doing the open assessment. You have the impression that you have a lot of time. You have the impression that you're finishing all the questions pretty easily and that you have lots of time. And maybe this will be a surprise to you, but in the exam you will actually run out of time pretty fast. So keep this in mind. When you're doing Mark tests, try to limit the time, and in the exam, you have 80 questions that you need to answer in 60 minutes. And if you're doing a pretty similar Mark test with 80 questions instead of 60 minutes, try to limit them to 40 minutes or even less if you can. And you will see that in the exam, once you have this impression that you do not have enough time, this is a very uncomfortable feeling to have. So be prepared for the feeling of not having enough time and prepare for this in advance, if you can. While doing the Mark Test and while taking the exam, you have the possibility of marking some questions for review. Now, you might have the tendency during the exam to be unsure about a lot of questions, but I just wanted to warn you that it's not realistically expected that you will be able to review at the end more than five or maybe seven questions. So be careful what you select for review because if you have more than ten questions, you will not be able to review them. And if you do not mark the questions where you are really unsure about the answer, you'll probably waste your time reviewing questions where you already know the right answers or stuff like that. So be careful what you choose to review. My recommendation is five to seven, no more than five to seven questions, and anything else. Try to sort it out the first time around. On the topic of time, try not to waste time again. You will not have a lot of time. And what I actually had during the exam was that, even if I had a pretty good internet connection, the website where I was taking this test was pretty slow. So every time I clicked the next question, I think there were like 5 seconds it took for the next page to load. And actually, if you look at something like 80 or 85 questions, if you have a couple of questions that you need to review, even during this review process, jumping to questions that you have previously seen is really time consuming.So if you take, like, 85 questions and multiply them by 5 seconds, you will get, like, more or less, seven minutes or something like that. It's been almost ten minutes just waiting for the website to load. So for 60 minutes, you can say that 10 minutes are wasted on just loading a web page. So if this is something that you cannot control, try to control your time while answering the questions. So don't waste any time, don't disconnect yourself from the test, or anything like that. Try to be as focused as possible. Have everything near you if you need it. Have the scrum guide, have your mindmap, or whatever notes you have. Have a glass of water or a piece of chocolate, or anything like that. Do not waste any time. Time is really precious, and you really do not have it. For this exam, you really need to use your mind and have a good understanding, and your mind needs to be fresh. So I recommend you take this exam somewhere in the morning or the part of the day where you have the most energy and are rested and fresh and really up for this exam. So don't do it somewhere in the evening where you're retired after the day of work or something like that. I actually took my exam on a Sunday, and it was pretty good, but my mind and body were totally arrested. and this had a major contribution to the perfect result that I got during the exam. It's important to read the questions carefully, and you might get the impression that maybe you know some of the questions from the mock test or that they look pretty similar. But it's important to read every question and every answer, and only after reading the question and the answers and making sure you do not miss any words should you select the right answers. Don't just jump in and say, "Oh, I know the answer to this one, or I think I've read the first and second answer." It's the second one. I'm not bothering to read the third, fourth, and fifth ones. This is a big mistake. Read the question, make sure you understand it, read it out loud if you think it helps, or read it slowly. Look at every word, and make sure you understand what the meaning of it.Don't just scan it quickly and think that you understand everything. Read word by word, and make sure you do not miss anything. And also regarding reading, there are some things you need to understand to understand the meaning of the question, and even if it sounds familiar, it may have a different meaning. Words like "can" or "may" completely change the meaning of the question. So be careful when reading the questions.

Go to testing centre with ease on our mind when you use Scrum PSM I vce exam dumps, practice test questions and answers. Scrum PSM I Professional Scrum Master I certification practice test questions and answers, study guide, exam dumps and video training course in vce format to help you study with ease. Prepare with confidence and study using Scrum PSM I exam dumps & practice test questions and answers vce from ExamCollection.

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  • Manya
  • Japan
  • Jan 07, 2021

172Q still valid, passed with 100%

  • Jan 07, 2021
  • karson
  • Australia
  • May 12, 2020

practicing with these vce files for PSM I exam opened my eyes and helped me discover crucial pit falls that i could have otherwise missed… after realizing these tricks the exam was easy for me. i passed it with a high score& from the first attempt!!! recommend!

  • May 12, 2020
  • sandy_k
  • Hungary
  • May 10, 2020

@paul_zander, first PSM I dumps are still valid. they helped me pass this Scrum exam earlier this week. What about tips, you should know that this test requires you to pay attention to details, so make sure you practice as many times as you can until you score well in each section… it will also pay off to use various books, videos or take courses o this exam…I wish you the best in your assessment..

  • May 10, 2020
  • paul_zander
  • United States
  • May 07, 2020

hello, i will really be grateful if someone shares some advise and tips for passing this exam… and are these PSM I braindumps useful?

  • May 07, 2020
  • Nash01
  • Germany
  • May 06, 2020

these PSM I practice tests are excellent resources to use for this exam!! and this is also due to vce player! i practiced so many questions and answers just for free and also got familiar with the exam structure. also i understood how to tackle different question types so i was 100% ready and passed with ease!!!

  • May 06, 2020
  • Phoenix
  • Canada
  • May 03, 2020

@Javier_SB, yes! these PSM I questions and answers are still actual. they helped me pass my scrum exam without difficulty. only very few questions seemed new but I was able to tackle them by applying the knowledge I had gained… I don’t think you will fail if you prepare keenly with these materials

  • May 03, 2020
  • Javier_SB
  • Poland
  • May 02, 2020

who can please verify if the practice questions and answers for PSM I exam are still valid? I want to know if they will be useful in my exam next week

  • May 02, 2020
  • J
  • United States
  • Sep 05, 2019

Can anyone provide a newer question dump?

  • Sep 05, 2019
  • Ade
  • Canada
  • Aug 22, 2019

Appreciate if you could assist in providing some dump questions on Professional Scrum Master 1. Thanks

  • Aug 22, 2019
  • kanchan sinha
  • India
  • Jun 17, 2019

need some sample questions for PSM 1 certification

  • Jun 17, 2019
  • Manas Mukherjee
  • India
  • Jun 09, 2019

Interested in PSM1 certification. Could you please provide some dumps.

  • Jun 09, 2019

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