DP-300 Microsoft Azure Database – Review prerequisites

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  • July 12, 2023
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1. Getting a free trial of Microsoft Azure

So now let’s get our free account. And you can see an ad at the top, azure Microsoft. com account, free. You could just google Azure Free credit and see what you get as well. So let’s click on that and you can see we have a Start for free, quite enticing button at the top. So what is it you get? You get twelve months of certain services, $200 to be used in the first 30 days and 25 or more services which are always free. And you can see what services are free.

For instance, a virtual machine can be free for 750 hours. So what’s that? That’s about a month. So free each month for twelve months. However, bear in mind that that’s not necessarily the same as storage. So you’ll find that there is, I think, storage down here, but very minimal if there is. But you also notice SQL databases, three 4250gb that there’s a storage, 5GB of file storage and 5GB of something that’s called Blob storage. So we’ll have a look at what those are as part of this course. So it’s worth getting.

Now, I should point out that if you go over any limits, you will have to pay. And unfortunately, I can’t be held responsible for any expenses that you have, but I will be showing how to pause certain resources. So when you pause it, it doesn’t necessarily cost you any money. So I’m going to click Start for free. And you can see we’re now at the sign up page. So first of all, I need to enter some details. So there’s a bit of waiting and you will find this to be quite often a thing that happens.

Unfortunately with Microsoft Azure there will be a fair bit of waiting. Now, you don’t actually have to do for this certification anything practical in Microsoft Azure. You just need to learn about it. However, I do find that it’s actually quite good to actually do and then you’ve got a better visual memory of what each of these particular services are. So you can see it’s inviting me to take an identity verification by card. So yes, and there’s agreement.

Yes, I do want to agree to the subscription agreement, offer details, privacy statement worth reading. I don’t want Microsoft to share my information with select partners, though it is interesting to get information about Azure, so I’ll sign up so confirming your information. So I’m just going to say not sure. As for my intended user, click submit, there are feedback sent.

So in now setting up the account. And as I say, it does take a bit of a while to do some things like setting up virtual machines, setting up Cosmos DB databases and so forth. But eventually you will get into the Microsoft Azure account. And this is the QUICKstyle center. So you could have a look at each of these if you want to find out how to create a web account, deploy virtual machines, set up a database and so forth. However, I’m going to actually ignore all of this. And indeed there is another section, take an online course.

So this is good, but it’s probably not forecast for what we’re doing in this course. Instead, I’m going to click on this home button and this is where I will generally start each of these practical videos.

So as I say, you don’t actually have to do any of these practical things to get the certification, but it probably helps if you know what’s happening. And I’m also generally going to expand this menu as well. So you can see we can quickly get access to things like SQL databases, azure Cosmos databases and other things. So let’s just take a quick look around Microsoft Azure. So as I say, this is a quick way of getting to common places like for instance, cost management and billing.

So if you avoid how much things are going to cost, well, don’t worry, you’ve got information there. You can click on all services, so you’re not just restricted to the little bits that you see. So if I wanted to go to storage or databases, they’re all clickable there. Alternatively, I could just click at the top and search for a particular resource. So maybe I’m looking for an Azure SQL database and you can see it’s now suggesting SQL databases as a suggestion. Over here we have got a command line interface. We’ll use that later.

But very briefly, the shell is not much used in the certification, but you will be quite to know things about it. Over here we have got your directory and subscription, so just information about what you want. Currently we’re on the free trial, then we’ve got notifications. So what is currently happening? So anything that happens, if you set up anything, you’ll get a notification that it’s being set up and then it has been set up.

We have got various settings, so where do you want to be is probably the biggest setting. So do you want to start at home, which I generally do, or do you want to start on your own created dashboard? So these are little elements that you pin to a dashboard. What theme do you want that could be quite useful? If, for instance, you need a dark theme or a high contrast theme question mark. This gives you various hopes and then let us know how you are getting gone. And then right at the end we have your sign out button. So this is a quick look around Azure and in the next video we’re going to start using Azure. We’re going to install a new database with some sample data.

2. Creating Azure SQL Database with sample data

In this video, we’re going to create our very first Microsoft Azure database. So here, I’m back at the home. So if you’ve gone elsewhere and you see home at the top left, then please click on it. Now there are two places that I could go. I could go to SQL databases, or I could go to Azure SQL. And if you don’t see any of these, then you can just type them at the top. So azure.

SQL So if I click on Create at the top left, this will then say, okay, you’re looking at SQL, but there’s actually multiple Azure SQLs you might be using. And we’ll be using all three of these in this course. We’ll be concentrating at the very beginning of this course and indeed for much of this course on the standalone SQL database. So this is a single database controlled by a server, but you don’t actually control the server. Microsoft does that for you. Then you have got SQL managed instances.

So this is closer to your onprem your on premises database. So you have a server that you can control a SQL server, but you don’t have an operating system. Again, this is all done in the cloud. And then we’ve got an SQL virtual machine. And here you can control the operating system as well as the SQL server. However, it’s a lot more expensive. So I’m just going to create a single database. I could be creating an elastic pool as well, but I’ll just create a single SQL database. So I’ll click create. So what we have to do? Well, first of all, we have to create a subscription. You probably already have a subscription, so if you have one, just select it. Then you need to create a resource group. So if you haven’t got one already, then click Create New. So I’m going to call this the DP 300 SQL database. So that’s my resource group. So Resource group contains all the items that will be used for this particular resource. So unsurprisingly, it will contain the database, but it may also contain other things.

Then we need a database name. So I’m going to call it DP 300. Now have a look at the requirements. Database name should not match any special pattern, so it shouldn’t be an obvious thing. Up to 128 characters, no reserved words, and no database with the same name exists in the server. Now, I haven’t actually created a server, so we need to create a server. And if you’ve already got an existing server, you can select it. But I’ll click create new. So here we have the server name. Now it’s this thing that needs to be unique across all of Azure. So for instance, let’s put in DP 300 and you can see fine for reserved words. But it’s not fine because it only needs to have lowercase letters, numbers and a Hyphen. So I’ve put in capital letters. So let’s change that to lowercase so now it’s checking and here you can see the specified server name is already in use. Somebody has beaten me to it.

So I’m going to put the word database after it. And so you can see it’s available. Right so now we need an administrator login. So I’m going to have my login as DP 300. So you can see, you can’t choose typical names like admin administrator, SA which is short for systems administrator, root, DP manager, login manager, that sort of thing. So again can’t include non alpha numeric characters. So you could have capital DP this time, perfectly fine. Now we need a password. So what I’m going to do is write a password in my notepad and then I’m going to copy and paste it in. So that way I’ve got a copy of this password. So you can see it needs to be at least eight characters, no more than 128 characters. I hate to even think what a password over 128 characters might look like. And it can contain uppercase lowercase numbers and non alphanumeric characters symbols and must contain at least three of those categories. And I can’t use for instance, DP 300 and then something else.

So I’ll just confirm the password and then I’ll put in a location. So the location should be roughly near you for the greatest access. So I could put it in Australia East but then every time that I access it, then my computer would have to go through Azure. Azure would then send a signal all the way to Australia. Australia would send signal back. It just adds additional latency. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to put it into UK South. Obviously you might have a different location. So this is your server. So make sure you have a copy of your server name, your server admin login and your password. So I’ve just copied them all to a notepad which is off screen. So let’s click. OK. And so you can see that here we have this new server. It’s not yet been created, it’s just been marked. All of the details have been saved. It’s going to create all of this in a string, in a JSON string, JSON string.

So I can save this password as well. Whether you choose to do so, down to you. Do you want to create an SQL elastic pool? We’ll have a look at elastic pools later. What about the compute and storage requirements? Well, I’m going to click on Configure database. So you can see we’ve got some dots at the top. It just means that it’s working. So once the computer is finished thinking, then you can see we have got a service tier. In fact, there are six different service tiers. We’ll be going through them all in later videos and you can see an estimate. It cost about $500 a month. And we could also change the configuration. Well, what I’m going to do is it’s a bit too expensive for what I want at the moment. I’m just going to take it all the way back to a basic service tier. So now the estimated costs about $7 a month, much better. You can also change a few options, but that won’t actually change the cost. So what I’m going to do is put it all the way up to the top.

So 2GB for basic service tier, so click Apply. How do you want your data to be backed up? Well, the default which I’m going to leave it as is georedundant backup storage. So that’s fine. So let’s go through the other types. We’ve got networking. Now as I said before, security isn’t gone through in a lot of requirements for this particular certification in the sense of networking. So what I’m going to do, I’m going to have a public endpoint so I can access it from outside as opposed to a private endpoint, which allows it to be a bit more secure, but a lot more complex, at least at the very beginning. And I’m going to say, shall I allow Azure Services and resources access? Yes. And shall I add me my current IP internet Protocol address? I’m going to say yes as well to that.

So we’ve also got other things, connection policies, how clients connect to your database, and also your TLS version, such transport layer security. So I’m just going to leave that as is. Security you could enable as your defender for SQL. So that is a package including vulnerability assessment. But this is not going to contain sensitive data. In fact, it’s just going to contain the standard data. So I’m going to say not now. Additional settings for my data source. I’m going to start with existing data. I’m going to start with some sample data. So there we go, tanks. I don’t need to worry about that’s. Just having name value pairs that allow you to search for a particular service and click Review and Create. So you can see estimated costs about $7 a month. And here’s everything else all looks fine. Click Create down at the bottom. You’ll also notice there’s download a template for automation.

We’ll have a look at templates later on. So click create validating, initializing deploying. It will take a couple of minutes or so. I’ll just pause this video and you can see while it’s doing this, we’ve got this notifications up here. So if I click on notifications it says okay, it is Deploying, deploying in progress. So I can dismiss this, but you’ll see this little line continues. So it’s going to go through various stages here. So now you can see the list of requirements has expanded. We’ve got things like databases and firewall rules as well as the server and database. And here you can see that it is successful, your deployment is complete. So I can click on go to results, but instead what I’ll do is I’ll go home and I will go to SQL databases and here we can see our results, our database. So if I click inside of it here, we can see our database. It’s part of a resource group.

So if I was to open resource groups, you can see what’s inside the resource group. We have an SQL Server. So this is again something that you can’t actually control. Much of you got a few settings in here, but you can’t say, for instance, I want SQL Server 2016. This is a particular server and you’ve got a few things that you can access. Within that we have got a database, and again, you got a few things that you can do with this database. Now if at some point you decide, okay, I no longer want this database, then you can click on Delete. When you click on Delete, it will say Are you sure? And it will ask you to type the database name. Now the database name is up here, so you could just copy and paste it.

So until you do that, you can’t actually click delete. However, a better way will be to go back to home, go to the resource group in which it is contained, and delete the resource group. So you may see a delete later on. That’s not the one we want, it’s delete resource group. And again it asks me, are you sure? You have to type in the resource group name? You can’t accidentally delete it. So in at this video we have installed our very first SQL database. It has some sample data in and in the next video we’re going to connect to that data.

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