EX200 Red Hat Certified System Administrator RHCSA – Installing Red Hat or CentOS with minimal modifications to your current system Part 2

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  • January 18, 2023
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3. Create a Red Hat virtual machine part 2.

Welcome back, everybody. Let’s just go ahead and start the installation procedure itself. Just go ahead and double click on your red hat icon or your red hat machine that you have created. There we go. We get prompted immediately. Just go ahead and select install Redhead Enterprise Linux, press Enter and there we go. The installation should start shortly. Don’t worry about this failure. It should begin loading soon. Hopefully I am not going to be forced to eat my own words. Please, I’m begging you. There we go. It’s working out, so it’s relatively slow, but there’s a lot to load anyway. Keynote here.

The screen will be small until we actually finish the installation itself. It will get a bit bigger during the installation process itself, but there we go. But until we actually install VirtualBox guest editions, we’re not going to have the functionality of a full screen mode. I will show you how to do this, of course, and the process is not different. Whether you are doing this on Windows, Linux or Mac, you are doing exactly the same things. Also, if you are installing Sentos again, little or no difference, some trivial, insignificant things that you probably won’t even notice are there.

You’re not going to have, for example, this red red hat icon in the upper left corner. Okay? So go ahead and select the language of your preference. Oh, by the way, since the guest editions are not yet installed, you’re going to have to capture your device devices. By that I mean your mouse and your keyboard. And you see, you won’t be able to escape the virtual machine box and if you press Write Control, you will be able to escape it.

When you press Right Control again, it will capture you will be confined to the size of the screen anyway. Go ahead and select your Language preferences. Click on continue. I think that your keyboard should be set by default when you select the language preferences. And there we go. That is done. Go ahead and select the time zone that you wish. Just go ahead and click it to any place where you are at the moment what you have selected. I’m just going to leave it as it is. That does not matter for me at the time, but for you it might. So make sure to correct it to the correct time zone if you wish to get accurate time.

It says language is set. Software Selection. Okay, so let’s go into Software Selection sorry. And let’s see what we are going to install. Now, what I have on my physical machine here is a KD Plasma Workspace. But I’m going to go ahead and install Gnome desktop here if you ask. Why do you ask? Well, I want to show you that there are different sorts of desktop here. And I can show you one type of desktop on my physical machine.

And I can show you a different type of desktop on the Red Hat machine. Just so that you know that there are differences and you will see that the differences are significant. What do we want? We want Internet applications conferencing such? Sure, why not? A set of common use? Sure, why not? Client for clients for connecting to a backup server and doing backups. No, we do not need that at the moment. If we do, we can install it easily. Legacy X Windows System Compatibility okay, I’m going to go ahead and select this as well primarily because I might need it later on. I don’t want to bother with dependencies but generally you won’t need it.

Okay, so this is definitely a choice that you should take. Office suit and productivity smart card support. Well, I don’t know. If you need it, use it. If not, well, you can keep in mind that all of these things, including the desktops themselves, you can install and delete later on as you choose after the installation. This is not a Windows operating system. You can actually delete the current desktop, delete the current graphical user interface and install a new one that is more to your liking. This is smart guard compatibility libraries. Okay, this is not a bad idea. Okay, yeah, there we go. Let’s just go ahead and click on Plasma Workspace to see what is offered here. So you see you have perhaps actually no, it’s pretty much the same things. Sometimes in KDE you have a bit more things that they offer, but this is not the case here.

Anyway, there are other desktop environments under the Gnome and KDE. Again, you can delete both either one of these upon installation and then install whatever you want. Like LXT or KD, not Kdexfc or something of a kind. Whatever suits your needs. Well, let’s just say software selection is done. Checking for software dependencies, this might take a while. And now we have installation sources checking for software dependencies. Excellent. It has found both. We don’t need the additional CD. If you selected perhaps some other options, perhaps you would need it, but not in this particular case. This is installation destination. Automatic partitioning selected. Okay, let’s go into installation destination and the partitioning schemes.

Keep in mind that you can create multiple disks in VirtualBox, as many as you like or as many as your hardware can support. So we’re going to be playing around with that later on and we’re going to be creating new partitions on new drives. But for the time being I’m just going to go ahead and select the default installation primarily because there isn’t really a need to play around here any further. I will teach you how to partition disks, how to format them and how to configure them to pretty much any setup you want. For the time being you can just select the automatic configuration and that will do the trick.

You can also what I generally recommend is set the encryption immediately here so you don’t have to bother with it later on. So I’m just going to go ahead and say, encrypt my data. You can put the simplest of passwords there if you don’t care about it but have it there. It’s not a bad layer of security to have. It’s actually pretty good, especially when you lose something, or especially on laptops. If you lose a laptop, if the data is encrypted on it, nobody’s going to be able to access it. Don’t worry about it. This is just to save you a bit of time later on. But primarily what people tend to do is encrypt individual files where they have certain things that are stored. Let’s go ahead and click on full disk summary and bootloader. So you can see that everything here is on a single disk. It’s SDA. Okay? So yeah, this is probably not the best thing to do, but as I said, later on, when the installation is done, I will show you in detail how you can partition, how you can create new partitions, delete old ones or change the existing ones.

Anyway, for the time being, just go ahead and click done. This encryption passphrase, I will type in test, but you can type in whatever you want. Make sure, and I can’t emphasize this enough, make sure that you do not forget your encryption passphrase. If you do forget it, you can say goodbye to your data. Quite literally. I’m not kidding. If you lose your encryption keys, it’s gone. You won’t be able to recover it. There are some brute forcing methods out there and something of a kind. But if you have a complex encryption key that you have forgotten, chances are that you will not be able to recover the information that you have there at all. You will, of course be able to reformat a drive and create and free up the space, but you will not be able to retrieve the information. So keep in mind, it is very important that you remember this. Save fastphrase installation destination saving configuration. It says network and host name. So I’ll just go ahead and see what we can do about that. We need to say that this is on IP address submit mask default route DNS. Excellent.

So this is done as well. Oh, by the way, you can see that I have configured my router to the open DNS servers. We can talk about DNS a bit later on. For the time being. I just wanted to mention it. So kdump is a kernel crashing dumping mechanism in the event of a system crash. That is all you need to know about that. For the time being, just leave it on default, leave it on automatic, and if a crash happens or something of a kind, it will be recorded. So you will be able to extract some valuable information from it. It does take up a bit of resources, but it’s fine. It’s not a lot. Anyway, begin installation. As the installation is going through, there are a few things. System needs, random data. You can improve this by typing in randomly on the keyboard or moving the random data quality.

Amazing. Anyway, user settings. Configure your root password and look for my user passwords for this particular machine that I am most likely going to delete after I have finished this tutorial. You will configure something because you will use the root password on a daily basis and on hourly basis. If you’re working, you’re going to type it in a lot of times during your working sessions. So choose something that is complex and that you can remember. I would suggest definitely more than eight characters long. Something that does not contain words from the English dictionary or words from any dictionary for that matter at all. Make sure that it has numbers, letters, lower case, upper case, and that it has some symbols included, definitely.

And it should be greater than eight for the purposes of this tutorial, because the security on this machine, in particular in terms of password strings, is not that relevant primarily to me because this is a virtual machine, I can type in whatever I want, but I’m going to go ahead and type in my password. I’m going to make sure this is a lengthy one. So let’s see. Okay, so this is going to be probably an overkill for a virtual machine, but ol password you have provided zweek fails the dictionary check. Okay, so let’s just see what we can do here. I don’t know. Let’s see if this is going to work. Come on. You have to press them twice to confirm it. It doesn’t matter. I’m just going to use whatever we can change it later on if we want. I will show you how to change the root password and later on we will actually configure a much better password for this. But I don’t want to lose time. Now during the installation procedure. Now you can type in a full name here if you wish, and it will be displayed for you when you log in.

I’m not going to type it in, but it doesn’t really matter. I’m just going to type in the username. Creator or random guy? Random guy. That’s going to be my username. But you can also type in your full name here and you can type in whatever you want for the username. I like to do a lot of partitioning in the post installation period and the configuration of the root password as well. And I can also change the encryption keys during the installation. I generally pick the simplest possible things and then later on we actually improve upon the security in the post installation process. Besides, I really wanted to save these things for an opportunity to later on show you when we actually start using the terminal, how you can actually change all these things because it is far more important for you trust me to be able to change them in the Linux terminal than anything else.

Okay, so user random guy will be created. Excellent. So the installation is now running. I’m going to leave it to run. I don’t think I shall wait for the end of it during this tutorial, but if there are any changes or anything of a kind, rest assure I will take some screenshots and I will explain it in I will explain it in greater detail in the follow up tutorial. However, for the time being, I’m just going to let the installation run. And once it is finished, I’m going to continue on from there and we will see what we can actually do once the operating system is actually installed to install VirtualBox guest editions to get introduced to the GUI of the GUI graphical user interface of Red Hat. And then we’re going to jump into the terminal as well to see how things actually work there. Until then, I bid you all farewell and I wish you a lot of luck.

4. Create a Red Hat virtual machine part 3.

Welcome back, everybody. Let’s just continue on. So I have my virtual machine here. It’s running. The installation process is complete there. I didn’t take any screenshots. Nothing special there. Just let us finish till the end. That is all, nothing else. So go ahead and click on Reboot capture, okay? Until we install guest editions. So it’s rebooting now. Just wait for it. It shouldn’t take that long. And after it reboots, we’re going to be doing several things which you will need to do afterwards. The post installation procedure, you can let that run. You don’t need to actually change it there to boot or anything like that. So please enter passphrase for disk. If you remember, we have encrypted them and I have entered the decryption password. It is very important that you remember your encryption keys. As I’ve stated previously, if you are the sort of person that forgets them, write them down if you don’t feel like putting it. If you feel like you’re going to forget it or something like that, better than not to put it, because you’re going to lock yourself out of your own disk, and that’s going to be pretty bad. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that if you decided to actually get the Red Hat subscription for $50, you will be able to enable certain repositories from which you will be able to pull the information from.

Okay, so license is not accepted. We will fix that shortly. Let’s just click on I accept license agreement. Done. Finish configuration and boot into your Red Hat machine for the first time. As I said, we’re going to have access to certain repositories, but no big deal there. You should really know how to do this. Primarily because tomorrow, when you’re managing Red Hat systems, you will need to enable individual subscriptions for machines. And what machine has access to what sort of packages from the Red Hat network anyway, here it says Subscription registration. This assistant will guide you through the process of registering your system with Red Hat to receive software updates and other benefits. Okay, so you don’t need to register now. It is not necessary, but let’s just go ahead and say that we do want to register here, and then afterwards, I will show you how. Can you register in the post installation period as well? Via the command line? So let’s just select yes, I’d like to register now. Forward. I will register subscription. Okay, so default. I will use it. No, we do not need proxies.

Done. Let’s see what happens now. Come on, come on. Yes. There we go. So, is it going to show my password? No, it will not. So, login name? I believe it was creator 69. So original, right? And I even misspelled it. There we go with that as well. So just type in the username that you have created on the Red Hat website through the process of registration, and then use the same password no problems. If you forgot it, of course you can go to Red Hat and say forgot password is something of a kind and it will reset it to your email or something. Please enter the following for the system system name okay, we don’t actually need to do that at the moment. We can just leave it at default. Done. The subscription management registration registering you will only be able to do this if you actually bought the license itself for one year. Where Red Hat provides updates, maintenance and support. Well, not maintenance, sorry, provides updates and support, which is very nice. As I said, you can at all times just go over to the website and basically start a chat and they will help you out with pretty much everything that you need. So red Hat enterprise linux desktops all support type virtual quantity one Done. Go for it. Attaching subscriptions. This should finish up shortly.

Oh, by the way okay, so it’s finished actually before I had a chance to show you, but it doesn’t really matter. I have the command standing by. Here’s what I want to show you. Basically there are these two commands which you can use in order to register yourself from the command line on a system which has already been installed. So random guy shall now log in for the first time. No, don’t do this to me. Yes, there we go. I almost thought I forgot my password, which would be quite embarrassing, but what can you really do about it? These things happen. I will later on probably show you how to actually recover your password from a loss as well. So that shouldn’t be a problem. Excellent. So we have booted into Red Hat. As you can see, it’s a relatively simple desktop without that much configuration capture. I’m just going to leave it here with English United Kingdom. You can change it to whatever you wish. Of course you can add additional keyboards here if you would like, but no, I don’t need any additional keyboards. Okay, so you can also add some accounts here on the cloud, but generally not a bright idea if you’re going to do a link your Facebook account or something like that. Just like here, if I say add account, let me just show you, you can say Google.

Don’t do this to me, I got Google on cloud, Facebook, some other things. All in all, if you have business accounts that are directly related to this machine or here physically well, not physically, but the accounts that you own that you use for business and for transactions and stuff of a kind, I would then definitely suggest to actually link them with strong passwords. But I definitely would not suggest you linking, I don’t know, Facebook account which you use basically for socializing or something of a kind or anything that falls into that category of non professional things. So don’t do that if you’re going to have a professional account, sure, but something for fun. No point. Just open up your browser and log in. I’ll just go ahead and cancel that and press on.

Next, start using Red Hat. Enterprise linux Client Excellent. So now we’re in Red Hat and okay, it’s going to give us some getting started in the browser but we don’t actually need that at present because I know where things are. Feel free to read through that if you wish. The desktop is fairly simplistic. This is Gnome, if I’m not mistaken and you can install different desktops here with more advanced graphical features. But we’ll see what we can do later on to actually change how this thing looks like. But before we do anything, I want to have a full screen mode. I don’t want to be messing around with this small image and I’m sure you don’t want to be looking at it either.

So go into Devices insert guest Edition CD image could not find VirtualBox guest Edition disk image file. Do you wish to download this disk image file from the Internet? Yes, I do. Thank you very much. Sure you want to download VirtualBox? Which site is it? DLC cdnsun. com? VirtualBox. Okay, so yeah, go ahead and download it. Make sure to check these things.

If they look fishy or something of a kind, then don’t. Rather instead copy the address and check it out on the net, see if it’s legit or something of a kind. If it’s not, then absolutely do not while this is going on, while the Network Operations Manager is going on, let’s just go into Devices network network Settings. Make sure to change this from that to Bridge adapter. But I’m just going to leave it running for now while the download is going on because I don’t want to actually interfere with it in any way but change it from that to Bridged and then under name select an adapter as I have showed you in the previous tutorials. Make sure that you do that. Don’t forget to do it primarily because well, it’s better to have a machine with an individual line IP address that is separate and detached from the others but that can yet communicate without any problems of whatsoever as opposed to it going through Nat, which is not really good, not something that I favor anyway not that good. It’s good for protection and firewalls. Just to give you an example of what Nat is, it’s network address.

Translation so let’s say you have a router, your own home router that you use in your house that has been given to you by your IC provider, for which you paid money. And then you have a machine behind it, like a laptop desktop or a phone or whatever. It’s completely relevant. Then all the communication is done through that router and that router is a device which actually has a public IP address. From there, all the requests are forwarded to the machines that actually made those requests. So if you’re opening up a web browser not a web browser, sorry. If you’re opening up a website, it’s going to go through the router and then the router is going to receive the information and forward them to the correct device within land. That is why we use Network Address Translation protocol. But with the coming of the IPV six addresses, that’s going to become quite redundant. Anyway, let’s just go ahead and see. Oh, this is still downloading. Okay, so it’s 50% now. It is taking quite a while, but no worries there. I assure you it’s going to finish while it is going on.

Let’s just have a look at some of the other features that we have here. So this is where your name is displayed and you can play around with notifications. And this is also where you click when you want to turn your machine off in terms of GUI, in Settings and other things we will get into later. But for the time being, let’s just go over some of the basic options that you have here. So we got settings, we got log out, we got lock, we got Power off. By the way, for lock, you can use in most of the cases you can use Control, Alt, L, and it’s a really good habit for laptops, especially if you leave them unattended. Not a good idea. You can just check out the date, you have the calendar. It’s fairly simple. Take a look at it. Calendar like any other calendar. Nothing much to say there. Over here, you’ll go to the battery if you’re in a laptop. Come on. Under power settings.

Aside from choosing your plan, whether it’s extensive use and high performance, or whether it’s power saving mode, something of a kind. Look you have here, blank screen. So it will blank the screen after five minutes. Don’t do that. Well, these are my preferences. You can choose them to whatever you want them to be. Automatic, suspend off. But when battery power is critical hibernate. You can choose power off or hibernate. Surprisingly enough, it doesn’t have that many options like I do on Fedora, but maybe apparently that’s it not much there. But when you’re using Linux machines, the batteries tend to last forever. They’re very energy efficient, so to say. I don’t want to get into all of these things at the moment. We will get in the followup tutorial, I will actually explain about the GUI and well, not the follow up tutorial, but once we’re through this mini chapter, within a course through these three ways in which you can actually set up your entire environment.

Excellent. So the VirtualBox guest edition disk image file has been successfully downloaded. Do you wish to register this file image, insert it into the virtual Cinsert? Thank you very much. Important software updates. Install them. Come on, capture. Okay, so VirtualBox editions contain software intended to be automatically started. Would you like to run it. This is an equivalent of you putting a CD into your machine and running it, so just go ahead and run. It does require password, so go ahead and type in your root password. Come on. Excellent. So it’s running this in the terminal and it should finish up shortly, after which time I do believe that we’re going to need to perform a reboot, but I’m kind of hoping that we won’t and it will catch it automatically, this process. It might take a while, but building the main module failed.

Okay, let’s see if this is going to present some major issues. I don’t know, it can have some failures. It’s still going to work the way I’ve experienced it anyway on my other virtual machines. Press return to close this window. Excellent. So are you going to load it up now, or do we need to restart? Oh, we definitely need to restart. So install updates and restart. Sure, why not? Here we go. Excellent. So let’s just wait up until it boots and see what happens. Remember, we are looking for a full screen because I really don’t feel like doing this on a small screen and believe me, neither will you. So once again, we are prompted for a decryption password. And there you go, it’s booting up again. The boot process is not that slow, it’s relatively fast. There are some updates that have been applied as well, but we will need to perform additional checkups on this and these systems need to be updated quite frequently too. Although unlike Windows, it’s not going to force a restart on you, it’s not going to restart in the middle of things while you’re doing something important.

That will never happen with Linux, quite literally and pretty much you do these sort of updates manually with the packet managers on regular basis, pretty much on daily basis. There are small updates, although the updates for Linux are generally never big as updates for Windows, so it’s going to take you a very short amount of time to fill them up. And it doesn’t take like a process of ages. When you reset the machine, you get that spinning circle. It says, Please do not turn your computer off until the updates apply. Oh, that’s a killer. It can be a bit annoying, but what can you really do about it? Not much. If you want to apply updates in Windows, that is what you have to do, but in Linux not so much. Let’s see how far this is. Come on. Okay, so it has popped a little bit, but still going to take a while. So I’m just going to pause the tutorial here and we will continue on in the next one. So you don’t have to wait for this to be over. Anyway, I bid you farewell until then. Bye.

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