EX200 Red Hat Certified System Administrator RHCSA – Thank you for taking this course! Find out what value you get immediately!

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  • January 18, 2023
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1. Introduction to the course.

Welcome everybody, to this course. Today I would like to introduce it to you and to go over a few things, such as who is the course meant for, who can attend the course, what can you expect to gain from it, and what can you expect to learn would be a better way of putting it. Anyway, this course will I have designed it to be a two part course. One part will be covering the very basics of Linux, Linux as an operating system. So we will cover the graphical user interface and we will cover the terminal basic commands. There we will dig a little bit deeper into the advanced commands as well. In the first part you will see how it is installed, how you can modify things. The first part of the course is generally geared towards you becoming comfortable using a Linux operating system. So if you’ve never used it before, if you’ve never encountered anything of a kind before, the first part of the course will be great for you, primarily because no steps will be skipped and you will be able to learn everything from ground up, so from the very basics.

And then we will move on into the advanced stuff. There are several ways of doing this, of transitioning into litigation. And a long time ago when I was using Windows, I transitioned into it by using first, I don’t know, virtualized system, and then I was starting, and then I used the dual boot, and then afterwards I pretty much switched permanently to Linux. I still do have a virtual machine of Windows 8. 1, but I rarely use it just for some application or for some sort of testing or something of a kind. Anyway, I will show you methods of installation, how you can install it, so you don’t have to worry. Even though I have Linux installed as my main machine, don’t worry about it. If you’re using Windows, I will show you in great detail how you can do this in Windows, how you can install it on a virtual machine in Windows, and how you can actually install it as a dual boot. I know that a lot of the people on the net and on my previous courses have had problems installing dual boot Linux systems with Windows 8. 1 and Eight. Due to the boot system of Windows Eight and 8. 1, you don’t have to worry about it. I will show it to you in great detail how to do it.

So you can just follow the exact step by step procedure and that won’t be any sort of a problem or anything of a kind anyway. The second part of the course is basically geared towards passing, getting Red Hat certification. Red Hat certifications are one of the most valued ones in the world, and they are one of the top Linux certificates that you can get. Pretty much every server administrator or something of a kind pretty much has one of those they are not cheap, I can tell you that. They cost quite a bit of money, but they are well worth it. I mean, a lot of the people out there when you apply for a job as a server admin or something of a kind, they will ask you do you have any certificates or something of a kind? And if you tell them that you have a Red Hat certificate that means a great deal, it carries a lot of weight. So the second part of the course we will deal with more advanced stuff, but I don’t want you to worry about it. If you’re a beginner, I will cover all the necessary things up to that point so you will be ready to dig into that, into pretty much all the advanced terminal commands and then we will get down to getting ourselves ready for that certificate for that exam so that you may obtain the certificate.

Anyway, Red Hat certificates are taken separately from your Demi course so you can take them at any point of time, pretty much anywhere in the world. But this course that I have laid out here for you will prepare you for it and you should be able to pass it without any bigger problems. Anyway, there are a few things which you will require in order to follow through this course. Aside from an active internet connection and the machine and the computer. Well, I wouldn’t say that you would necessarily need a Red Hat edition of Linux. I’m just talking about general stuff here. Later on when we get into the tutorials, I will definitely make an effort to show you exactly where you can download what and how you can install each and every single one of those things. So you don’t have to worry about that for the time being. I just wanted to talk about to tell you in general what you will need and what you should expect that you need to download or something of a kind. So you will most likely need a Red Hat image which you can get from a Red Hat website.

And it’s not free, it’s $50, something of a kind. The image itself is free, but the support for the image if you wish to use Red Hat repositories or something of a kind then believe me, you will need to use them then the price is actually $50 per year. There are other more advanced subscriptions that cost more, but this is the cheapest one that you can take and this is honestly the one that anyone starting won’t need anything more advanced or anything of a kind. Anyway, the second thing is that you don’t necessarily need to install Red Hat. You don’t necessarily need to download Red Hat. You can actually download Centaus, which is pretty much a copy of Red Hat. It’s completely free, and pretty much the same commands apply, which is very nice, but you don’t get the same level of support as you do with Red Hat, because on Red Hat, you can log into their you can. Log into your account to go to their website and you can start an instant chat with their tech support and they will resolve any red hat issues that you might happen to have, which is fantastic.

And it doesn’t really cost that much. I mean, $50 a year? That’s nothing. It’s actually 49 but I just circled it to 50 also Red Hat has a free distribution open source Fedora for desktop users so it’s completely open source and Red Hat is open source as well and Centaus is open source as well but it’s free of charge as well. Fedora is free of charge so you can download it from Fedora website that’s a Red Hat maintained distro and as I said, it’s free of charge and it’s for desktop users and that is what I use on my system today. It’s not that great for servers, that’s obvious. You can run service on it’s fine, no problem. Some people do but any bigger work, any serious work you’re obviously not going to do on Fedora you would do it on Sentos which is pretty much a copy of Red Hat and Red Hat doesn’t have a problem with it because Centaus doesn’t actually sell anything, they just give it out for free. Red Hat doesn’t actually sell the operating system itself either, they just sell the support for it anyway and you will be able to install Sentos. It will run without any sort of problems as well if you don’t want to pay for those $50 for the support you can install Sentos and the commands will be pretty much the same.

There might be some slight variations but you shouldn’t worry about it that much although I would strongly recommend, if you are a beginner to just go ahead and get the Red Hat edition. It’s not that expensive, it’s not a killer or something of a kind it’s for the whole year anyway. You will also need VirtualBox a virtualizer on your Windows machines because even though my main machine runs on Linux I will show you in detail how to perform an installation on Windows in a virtualized environment how to virtualize your Linux on your Windows system. I will also show you how to dual boot with Windows 8. 1 as well and how you can make this smooth transition if you are a Windows user to a Linux based platform. There are numerous reasons for this which we will cover in the follow up lectures but for the time being these are some general things that you will need and see if you fit into any of the groups of people that I have stated previously that could benefit, that will benefit from this particular course. Until then, I bid you all farewell and if you are here, if you decide to take this course it’s a huge step and I wish you a lot of luck with it.

2. Why learn Linux.

Hello everybody. Today I wanted to give a bit of an addition today I wanted to create an addition to the introduction and I do believe that this will be of great use to you. Even though there is nothing technical in this tutorial, there is a bit of a motivation embedded into it. Basically here I wanted to deal with the subject why should anybody learn how to use Linux, or why should anybody learn how to use you Red Hat or get their certification or anything of a kind? Well, here’s why you might think you might have this idea that most of the world runs either on Windows or on Mac, but that is simply not the case. If you just take a look at Google, at Facebook, Twitter, at ebay, at PayPal, all these servers, all these companies, they pretty much completely run on Linux. I’m not sure about ebay, but like 99% sure that it runs on Linux as well. All of these companies, they are the biggest companies, one of the biggest companies on the planet and they all run on Linux. All of their machines are Linux. All of their servers are running Linux.

And if you want to get a job with any of those companies as a technical person or anything of a kind, you will need to know a lot, a great deal about Linux. Because pretty much the entire Google development team, the entire Google development platform is actually on a Linux machine. All of it. Even though the employees can bring their own computers into the company that can have any operating system installed on them, the main OS which they use as a platform for development is actually Linux. They use a version of Ubuntu that they’ve adapted to their own needs. Anyway, as I said, if you take a look at Facebook as well, all of their servers from beginning till this day on today they run on Linux. But okay, that might still not be enough for you. You might still think, oh well, there is bound to be something else, there is bound to be something more other than those few companies. Well, let me tell you something. All of your Android phones that you have, that you carry in your pockets or that you see on television or whatever, they all run on Linux as well. Your smart TVs run on Linux. I don’t know.

What else do you need? Basically, even though the desktop computers still to stay on today, most of the desktop computers do run on Windows, and the market share is pretty low there. For Linux. That is nothing. Just imagine all the Android phones they run on Linux. All the major companies run on Linux. Pretty much not all, but certainly a very large portion of servers, like 90% of them in the world run on Linux based systems. Your routers, pretty much all routers they run on Linux as well, be it your home router or your cisco router or they don’t necessarily need to run directly on Linux, but they run on a derivative of a Linux Cisco routers juniper routers. The commands on the Juniper router are pretty much the same as within a Linux terminal.

The environment is very similar. That’s fantastic for me and for a lot of people out there and even tilted even the desktop is slowly being taken over by Linux more so in the recent years than in the past. Why so? Well, first of all, it’s completely free. Most of it anyway. In certain cases only if you want support, you pay only if you want like professional support or something of a kind, then you pay for that support you subscribe or something of a kind. But the operating system in and of itself is free. You just go onto the net, download it and run it. That’s one of the reasons. The second reason is, although this might not be the case to the greatest of extents with Windows 8. 1 windows? Not Windows, but sorry Linux is generally far more secure than any Windows or Mac based operating system. Why? Well, one of the main reasons, I suppose is the fact that it’s less used for desktop. So therefore there is less interest to develop viruses and something of a kind. However, that is not the only case for it. I mean, okay, yeah, true there are pretty much no viruses out there for Linux based operating system. There are few antivirus systems for it, but they’re generally not used primarily because the system itself is very secure. So even if you were to download a virus as a regular user from the net or something of a kind to install anything you require root privileges.

So even though it’s sitting there on your computer, it won’t be able to do anything. Security is a major portion is a major part of Linux. You won’t have any problems with viruses. Your system will be very secure provided of course that you at least configure it properly to a good extent. However, desktop users, people who just browse browser mainly, nothing else pretty much Windows, actually. Linux would be perfect for them but they tend to use Windows primarily because they are used to it. In Linux you never have to see the terminal if you do not want to. I use the terminal. People in the business use the terminals always. Even desktop users use the terminals primarily because you can get things done a lot faster and the true power rests there in the blessed terminal. However, if you don’t want to as a desktop user you will never have to use it.

It will not be a requirement. But I just wanted to make this very brief video just to show everybody and explained that most of the world out there is actually most of the appliances most of the devices out there in the world network devices, computers, servers, et cetera supercomputers are run on Linux. Pretty much all the supercomputers are run on Linux based operating systems or on the Linux that we know and use in our daily lives today. Plus, as I said, as I mentioned previously, Windows and Mac do cost money to buy, while you can do pretty much everything and more with Linux based operating systems without paying ascent, I mean completely free. Although you will encounter some problems inevitably with applications.

For example, Adobe Suit, Adobe Photoshop or something of a kind will generally not work on Linux. Even with compatibility layer Wine, you’re going to have problems and it’s not going to work there. So in the application section for desktop it’s still lacking a little bit also in the sense of gamer.

For gamers. Okay, so Linux is definitely not for gamers. I mean, if you’re an average gamer who doesn’t actually require super fast super performance to set everything to max out settings on graphics and stuff like that, you’ll be able to run most of the games without any problems on medium settings or something like that. With a compatibility layer you won’t need to download anything specific for Linux. You can just download a Windows game and run it on Linux with Wine without bigger problems. Most of the things will run. Sometimes it will encounter some problems, but most of the time it will run. So those are the two problems that Linux encounters. But I just wanted to show this picture to you. As I have already stated that most of the places where you can get a job, where you can work they actually run on Linux based operating systems.

Banks especially, maybe not the bank’s computer is like the one that you see when you walk to the reception, but the infrastructure of the bank, their servers and the stock market especially. So the stock market in New York, pretty much all of the servers there are on a Linux system. That is what I want to show you that most of the world runs on Linux. That is where you can find jobs. I’m not saying that you cannot find jobs with Microsoft or with Windows or something of a kind, but you are far more likely to find something with Linux even though it’s a free operating system because companies do use it. They do need people to actually operate it and to do stuff with it. If you possess that knowledge, you definitely have a better opportunity, a better chance out there to be employed, to find work and to make an income. Aside from that, Linux is highly customizable. There is pretty much nothing that you cannot do primarily because it’s open source and you get a variety of desktop versions for it. So let’s say you want to download Fedora, which is an open source, Red Hat free distribution for desktop users. Basically you can get like a Gnome desktop, or you can get LXD desktop, or you can get a KD desktop. We will get into all of this once we get to the GUI part and all of that. But what I wanted to say is that when you’re using Windows or Mac, you’re pretty much stuck with one desktop without extensive customization. While on the other hand, with Linux you can just download the spin that you want.

So if you want a KDE spin of Fedora, you just download that one. If you want Gnome spin of a door you just download that one and you get a completely different desktop. They differ to a very, very large extent. The user interfaces are completely different but the terminals are always the same. The terminal commands are always the same. That is why when you’re doing something via the terminal it is a universal way of doing things. It does not vary from one distribution to another to a significant extent it’s pretty much the same everywhere. In any case, if you still have some doubts, feel free to post them in the discussion section. But there is one more thing that I wanted to address in this tutorial and that is the format for your questions in the discussion section. Now it would be good if you encounter any errors or any problems during this course while you follow it and you’re bound to encounter some problems.

That’s normal. It happens to everybody. You’re unable to do something you’ve installed it in one system. The drivers are not you don’t have the drivers for that. Some problems don’t matter what it is. If you’re posting it in the discussion just say from which lecture it is, copy the error message, post it there and then explain your problem. Also explain what you have tried to do and the procedure that you have used in order to actually attempt to do that. I don’t say this to make my job easier, I just say this to even though I check the discussions on Demy on a daily basis and I try to answer everybody as fast as I possibly can, usually everybody gets a response within 12 hours or less.

But when I don’t have all the information I basically have to write an answer could you please provide an error message? Or something like that and then that adds a lot more time and you need to read it and then you need to find the error message again and then you need to post it and you need to wait for me to check it out again. Basically you can save yourselves a lot of time by just posting the error message, by listing the procedure that you have done and perhaps explaining the setup.

But most importantly, specifying which lecture were you following and where did you have where did you encounter the problems? So if you just post those things I will be able to help you a lot better in a far shorter time frame. So to say anyway, also in the discussions do not feel free to ask me about anything related to Linux. There is nothing that is outside of the scope. You can ask pretty much anything. I will be more than happy to pretty much provide any information that I can on pretty much any subject that is related to Linux either directly or indirectly. In any case, that would be all for now. In the next tutorial we will get into the stuff.

We will actually start doing things. We will get technical and approach without fear. Don’t let that stop you or deter you or something of a kind. If you encounter difficulties in the beginning, it’s okay. We’ve all encountered them. It was difficult for pretty much everybody. If you just stick with it for a little while, you will see it gets a lot easier after a certain period of time. I remember when I started using it for the first six months up to a year I was completely lost, like errors at every corner. But after half a year or something like that, of using Linux, of playing around with it on my own without any courses, I pretty much felt I started feeling comfortable with it. No problems. You will do this in a far shorter amount of time because I will introduce you to it step by step and you will see you will become very comfortable, comfortable with Linux after you have finished this course. Anyway, I’ll see you in the next tutorial.

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