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Download Free JK0-018 Exam Questions
Exam | JK0-018 - CompTIA Academic / E2C Security+ Certification Voucher Only |
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Posted Date: | Sunday, March 10, 2013 |
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I trained for SYO-301, but took JKO-018 today...score was aiming for 830 or higher but ended up with 763????!!?!?!? YES, I passed but I am disappointed how low it ended up...have to wait 1 year to retake?? Thats BS...
What I wanna know is how many other females take this and ace many take and pass/don't pass. And do you have income or physical/mental or psychological issues that interfere with study habits or have limited resources to help you learn and/or retain the information....this test barely passed me(I study just as hard or harder than my counterparts!) and it states I have missed much of the information needed to know to get a decent
1) is it my gender? Age?
2) is it my circumstances?
3) is it my health?
4) is it limited resources I was given access to?
5) or is it something else?
Like I said, I trained for SYO-301 and expected to take that exam and pass well, but proctor gave me JKO-018 and those practice tests didn't like me...every time I took those at least 25%-30% of questions got marked wrong, regardless of whether correct answers were submitted or not! My final score today was 84%, after class final 93% and another practice test score 93%...Happy I PASSED, but Not Happy with score!!
Not all questions from this dump were on the JK0-018 exam, but there were some. About 10-15. Also had 6 sims. Setting up secure environment, configuring firewall rules, drag and drop device settings, choose which device failed in most secure manner, and type of authentication (are, know, have).
Dump not vaild. 5 sims, and all different questions on jko 018
dump not valid, 5 SIMs
Dump is NOT valid. Probably only 3 questions were in the SY0-301 test. 5 sims.
Above are sims that are on the SY0-301 exam.
I repeat, dump is NOT valid.
3 Sims, All questions from this dump. Still Valid as of 14AUG2013
Tested today 5 Sims and 10-15 questions from the last couple of dumps!!!
@ Dubstep any Sims???
Took the exam today, every question on this dump
Is this also valid for the current SY0-301 ? The ones for SY0-301 aren't valid, that's why I'm asking if anyone studied this JKO-018 for the SY0-301 exam ? Thanks, feedbacks much appreciated asap
What happened to all the comments yesterday that said they changed the test and this dump was invalid?
Dump still valid.took test Aug. 6, 2013 scored 896/900. Every question I received on test was on this dump word for word
Is this dump still valid? I also noticed the questions are somewhat exact of the SYO-301 but there are reports that the SYO-301 test changed its questions.
passed with an 824 using this dump. Only reason I didn't get a 900 was me not studying enough. every single question was from the dump sans like 2 questions. My practical questions were different types of attacks, setting up a WAP, and the order of volatility of cpu, hard drive, swap, and RAM. as accurate as this dump was LEARN THE MATERIAL for your own sake. gl on the test!
btw, what's this section H that everybody's discussing about??
Hello everyone, I have enough networking experience and just don't wanna bother getting network+ and jump to security instead. will comptia let me register for security+ without the network+ prerequisite ???
Taking this on Friday. Does anyone have any other advice or just go by this and i will be fine as long as I know all questions?
I just passed this test today (7/11/2013) 854 / 900. Studied only from this dump. I would have done better but my memory isn't great. All the questions were in this dump. Study from this dump and you will pass. Also I did not review section H.
JAPA, Jase
Congratulations! As I am sure you feel now, I used to think I knew a thing or two about security, but after passing this exam, I feel a lot more confident talking / teaching about the subject.
Good luck!
100% Valid! Same answer order too! Sims were the same 3, all at the beginning. 91 questions, 90 minutes. I studied all 794 for about a week. Also noted that I took formal Security+ classes at my college which helped, but this dump put the icing on the cake.
I passed the test today.
This file and totally valid.
I made 869 points.
DasGoat you studied only by this file?
I will take the test on June 24.
I'm studying for that file only. The test was easy?
Hug and congratulations for the test.
Well I passed today with a 900. Every question was on this dump. Three simulators: place the order of information collection CPU, Cache, Swap, HD; name the phishing style (whale, spam, botnet, ect). and a wireless configuration where you have to pick the correct server and get the credentials off of it and use them for the WAP setup.
After doing all of these questions, I found 12 which were poorly written or contained errors. I only saw one of them on the test. But I have no doubt that the computer could pick ANY of the 794 questions in this dump, so you better know them all.
On to Linux LP1 & 2 .
I had been studying the Sy0-301 questions until I got 99% out of 442 questions. Then I found out the test my school signed me up for was this one. So I got to work on these questions. Now generally I know them well, but there are some questions that just do not make logical sense. Picking up thumb drives in the parking lot and then finding apps installed on a corporate laptop is spyware not a root kit? Seriously? And which protects a SERVER and DATA BASE from single point of failure? RAID 5 and SAN over mirroring and clustering? RAID 5 and SAN do not protect the server.
Look, I know in any batch of questions there are going to be a few mistakes, but some of these seem out of line with the course material I have studied and other questions I have seen.
*shrug* If you guys swear by them I will trust the herd; these collections have been right for the last three test I have taken, but I am still uneasy with some of these answers.
BTW what is wrong with Test H? I haven't gotten there yet. With piles of questions this large, I usually break them up into 40 question bite sized chunks.
Same basic comments as the other posts. This is still a 100% valid dump. I just took this exam on June 11th and passed with an 835. The simulations have not changed, but most important is to study each exam. I made sure to get a 90% on every exam except exam H. Good luck to anyone else taking it.
Meant going for Security + in 3 weeks
Is there a specific model book you are referring to? I'm going for Net+ in about 3 weeks but also still un-sure if I should be focusing on JK0-018 or SY0-301. Any advice is much appreciated!
Took the exam on May 18th passed with 820. This is still a valid dump
This dump is good. Took the test last week (9 May 2013) and scored 886. This dump is valid!!
I took the Comptia Security+ exam today and failed it. My instructor gave us the option to take the exam last minute in lieu of a final. I would like to study the performance based questions some more. where can I find them online to study with the correct answers?
The Exam was not hard, scored a 869 and 100% valid. It was 91 questions for me and 3 were performance based questions. The performance based questions is about sorting out computer components from the least volatile to the most volatile (hard drive, cache, RAM and so forth), the other one is configuring a WAP, but not like you would think. It's extremely easy. If you read a book you will be fine with those questions. The other one is making sure you know what whaling, phishing, spear phishing, (All other types of attacks), etc.
If you use simulator that I provided, load the JK-018 file with the 794 Questions, the questions are the same. I only studied Exams A-E and it was enough. If you can read the practice exams with answers and then load the simulator to practice the exam and finish each exam with 90% and above your good.
Remember to practice with the simulator and read the book.
Sorry JK0-018
Is there any new ones for the sy0-018... It's one seems old for being over a month old.
Is there a difference between this test dump and syo-301 or are both questions the same?
Passed today 869 :)
Study this dump and you will be fine
Pay attention to what jay said about the first three questions they came up for me (They were not on the dump they were done in more of a lab question)
I think these were the only ones i got wrong everything else was in the dump
Hey Jay,
Thanks! I've been doing server administration for years so that shouldn't be a problem at all. This seems to be a lot easier so far then CCNA/CCNA Security.
I'm almost done with the book and taking the exam later on this week. I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks again for the info and the brain dump!
Learn the forensics, one of the 3 questions is about sorting out computer components from the least volatile to the most volatile (hard drive, cache, RAM and so forth), the other one is configuring a WAP, but not like you would think. It's extremely easy. If you read a book you will be fine with those questions. The other one is making sure you know what whaling, phishing, spear phishing is.
Hey guys,
I'm about to take this test this week. I've studied the book/downloaded and currently going through the 794 questions.
My question is that i'm almost through the practice exam and I haven't found any labs.
Is there any labs/simulations in this exam? If so where did you guys find the brain dump for them?
Where did everyone take the actual test at?
100% valid. Passed with 896 3/29. 3 Simulation - All types of attacks, configuring a WAP and Forensic test(Hard drive, RAM, cache and swap file).
Took today and passed with 876/900. 100% valid!!
100% valid. Word for word questions. Some might have a slight typo. Even the answers are in the right order.
Sorry about the typos. Typing in the iPad here.
Should be. Gillbeast gets his exams from actualtests, anontester just took the security sy0-301 exam using actualtests and passed as well.
I always trusts gillbeast
This exam is the latest version available at actualtests. Jk0-018 is apparently different. I with it were the same, since it has a hell of a lot less questions haha.
Let us know!
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