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First Printing: March 2019 Corrections for February 5, 2021 PgError First PrintingCorrection23Question 9, reads: 9. Which of the following statements is true about the value 10 in decimal, hex, and binary? A. 10 hex is equal to 10 decimal. B. 10 binary is equal to 10 hex. C. 10 binary is larger than 10 decimal. D. 10 decimal is larger than 10 hex.Should read: 9. Which of the following statements is true about the value 10 in decimal, hex, and binary? A. 10 hex is equal to 10 decimal. B. 10 binary is equal to 10 hex. C. 10 binary is larger than 10 decimal. D. 10 decimal is smaller than 10 hex.735Chapter 2, answer to question 9, reads: 9. A. 10 hex is equal to 10 decimal.Should read: 9. D. 10 decimal is smaller than 10 hex. Corrections for July 15, 2020 PgError First PrintingCorrection75Middle of the page, Tbps subsection: One terabyte per second equals 1000Gbps. Should read: One terabit per second equals 1000Gbps.75Middle of the page, NOTE: If you need to convert a measurement such as Mbps (megabits per second) to MBps (megabytes per second), divide the measurement by 10. For example, 480Mbps (USB 2.0 transfer rate) is the same as 4.8MBps.Should read: If you need to convert a measurement such as Mbps (megabits per second) to MBps (megabytes per second), divide the measurement by 8. For example, 480Mbps (USB 2.0 transfer rate) is the same as 60MBps. Corrections for April 3, 2019 PgError First PrintingCorrectionAppendix Pg 2Table 2-2, decimal 255 should be equal to 11111111 binary Reads: 255 100000000 FFShould read: 255 11111111 FF This errata sheet is intended to provide updated technical information. Spelling and grammar misprints are updated during the reprint process, but are not listed on this errata sheet.     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