Expert - Isilon Solutions Exam
Last Update 1 day ago
Total Questions : 58
Expert - Isilon Solutions Exam is stable now with all latest exam questions are added 1 day ago. Incorporating DEE-1421 practice exam questions into your study plan is more than just a preparation strategy.
DEE-1421 exam questions often include scenarios and problem-solving exercises that mirror real-world challenges. Working through DEE-1421 dumps allows you to practice pacing yourself, ensuring that you can complete all Expert - Isilon Solutions Exam practice test within the allotted time frame.
A company has an existing Dell EMC 4-node X410 Gen 5 cluster with approximately 100TB of SMB shares connected using two InfiniBand 8-port switches. The company wants a technical refresh of the cluster with a new 4-node H500 Gen 6 cluster with two 16-port InfiniBand switches. The existing cluster has SyncIQ, SmartConnect Advanced, and SmartPools licenses installed.
To move the data from the existing modes to the new nodes, which migration plan is recommended?
A company has two Dell EMC Isilon clusters. The source cluster is running OneFS 8.0.x and the target cluster is running OneFS 7.2.x with replication policies configured from the source to the target cluster. OneFS will not be upgraded on the target cluster.
After some time, the company decided to archive some of the data to ECS using CloudPools. One of the company’s concerns is how the archived data will be replicated using the existing SyncIQ policies. What is recommended approach to address the company’s concerns?
The :”nfs2” file system has been experiencing delays that have been impacting the entire Dell EMC Isilon cluster. Neither Snapshots nor SyncIQ is configured for these directories. Use the “Launch Simulator” button to verify the SSD strategy. Note: It is necessary to ‘close’ (x) the simulator window to answer the question.
Based on your findings, which operation should be performed to address the delays?
A company plans to deploy N+2d:1n protection on a 7-node Dell EMC Isilon cluster. How much capacity will be used to store a 1536 KB file?
A company uses a Dell EMC Isilon cluster to store greater than one billion files. The company often restores files from NDMP backups.
Which backup technology is recommended for the environment?
A company has a medical application that generates a large number of media files. The file count is well over one billion and is stored on a Dell EMC Isilon 8-node NL410 cluster. Currently, each node is connected to the network using two 10GbE connections. The Linux-based application does not require high bandwidth; however, it is latency sensitive. Additionally, the Linux hosts are connected to the cluster over NFSv3. The application generates approximately 10,000 files every 10 minutes.
For the past four years, the cluster has been growing at a rate of one additional node per year. The company is running out of free ports on their redundant network switches. They want to know what can be done to ensure continuous availability. They do not want to invest in upgrading the network infrastructure. In addition, the company needs to reduce the number of consumed interface ports on the switches.
Which recommendation should be provided?
A company has 7 PB of PACS achieve data on their Dell EMC Isilon cluster. The PACS application correctly creates and stores large containers of small files. Based on local healthcare regulation changes, the company can no longer user large containers of small files. As a result, the company wants to know if Isilon can support the new regulatory PACS requirement while maximizing the storage capacity for small files.
Which licensed feature should be activated?
A company wants to purchase four new Dell EMC Isilon H500 nodes to add their current Gen 5 cluster. Which internal requirements are needed?
TESTED 23 Nov 2024
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