Just checked the abit website, just checked the latest bios for the Abit BX-133 raid motherboard, which is based on the good old BX chipset and this is what it says:
1. Supports Intel Coppermine T CPU
I am really looking forward to some test of this, so far people are saying it wont work but I...
I have been wondering the same thing, can I use a Tulatin in my old BX board?
I haven't found any positive info on this subject yet, but I noticed something very strange in the bios update for the ABIT BX133-RAID board.
This is what is says:
Supports Intel Coppermine T CPU.
Support Flashmenu...
What you need to do is download the update for half-life. Half-life was made way before windows 2000 and therefore half-life detects the os as an incompatible one.
You can download the newest update here:
Upgraded my bios as well, was running 1013 beta7 before this one. Everything seems fine.
I was just thinking of one thing, this bios release is very close to the P3 tulatins I saw some abit boards with support for the tulatins, do you think this is the same thing?
All of the P2B's I have seen runs a coppermine cpu and I have never seen a revision 1.12 board. Some of the older boards you have to set to 1.8 volt on the slocket, they don't go any lower.
When you install the nvidia drivers under windows 2000 it will default to 60 hz in opengl games. The solution to this problem.
You can download a program to change the refresh rate or you could manually edit the nv4.inf file and install the drivers again.
My limit in IE is four downloads. If I download four files at a time I can't even surf. With three files I can surf but only in one window. (this was on IE5 haven't tried in IE6, and I am on 100mbit internet connection)
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