Check the jumper settings on the slocket are correct. Set them to default and use the board bios to set the speed. If you are using the board, then use the jumpers on the slocket to the speed. If all else fails, try a different slocket.
Hey Mears,
I installed for my GF parents not to long ago.
Just check the manual and it will make sense.
If it takes more than 15 minutes to figure ... check back here I will download the manual online and help you out.
As some of you have seen, I have been having trouble getting my SCSI drive up and running.
I thought I would be as explicit as I can so someone may be able so help me out.
ASUS P2Bs (Ultra2Wide) v.1.02 Bios 1.09
During booting, I hit Control + A to get in the SCSI bios.
My adapter ID...
Hey Sir,
No actually. It gives me an error message stating that there is not enough disk space left to format. However the drive has never been formatted. It states on the previos screen that the drive is blank.
very odd.
Hello Sir Frederick,
My problem is that I can not format the drive... when I goto Format it hangs...
The drive is always crunching away, Could it be a disk crash.
I bought the drive recently have never been able to get it format. It is a 2.1 GB Atlas 1 Wide.
How can I low level format a...
I purchased a P2Bs used. However, the disk containing the SCSI formatter is missing. Can someone please email the info. on the missing diskette. I have the SCSI driver diskette but that is all.
Please help,
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