Wow, your exactly the reason why I left nothern virginia is the first place. I've lived is this sh!thole since '89 and don't see myself leaving anytime soon. Sure for nine months out of the year its pretty bad but for the three months that all the pretenchous, self absorbed @ssholes like your...
I'm thinking the Leadtek or the Evga
I've read in a few places that the BFG doesn't have the best stock cooling but I'm not sure whether to believe it or not.
Quick Q: I need to send in my 50 for the Cendyne DVD-R from Officemax. Can I send in the rebate reciept and keep my original or am I asking for problems by doing this
I got in on this tonight $105 and change for a 120 is a steal since I missed the Dell dealie
thanks for the thread and ignore those who are obviously on a little to much Prozac.
I have ntelos dsl while Verizon maintains the lines. Over the past month I've been having a intermitent problem of Analog modem chatter over my phone lines. All the dsl filters are in place and the system has worked flawlessly for the last six months. I have called verizon and the continue to...
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