I don't think PS4K has been even confirmed yet so I doubt they'll release it this year. Read yesterday that Sony is still denying PS4 Neo existence with them expecting PS4 hardware sales to top 60m this year. It's only been out a few years.
Anyway, I just hope I didn't bite early with my...
Thanks mod, but what do you mean by OC too much? Are you saying I could run out of juice while OCing or that my PSU could eventually fizzle out quickly? What if I were to load my computer with two more SSD's and three HDD's?
Thought I would know which games are AAA and made for PC because I read lots of news and reviews. I just see big budget games and automatically think EA. I rescind my previous comments then.
EDIT: I guess I could say I was half-right with some games being originally console games that were...
Whoa shiz, sorry about that. I have been skimming the news the past few years with my old PC and steam looks like a jumbofest of indie games at least from over here. Are you sure all those games aren't console ports and exclusives to Steam though?
ROFL, your statement could be true if almost every single game that hits the PC market were B-list titles, which is what usually happens. I just downloaded MGS5 from steam a couple of weeks ago when it released. Anyone in there right mind would take two for one, EA and Blizzard over Steam...
The real question is, how many games does Steam have that are worth playing? Other than CSGO and what are their "spinoffs" and also Dota, I don't really see any other games that have a large installed base. Of course I could be wrong but I think Battlenet with SC, Diablo, and WOW could be just...
What about battlenet? Is that on Steam now? LoL?
Not everyone plays CSGO-type games and DOTA. What I meant is that the most popular Steam games are all run on Source/2 engine. Thought it would be relevant considering we were talking about hardware... Also, what about 1080p144?
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