Russia on brink of ... NOPE! Russia INVADES Ukraine!

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Oct 18, 2005
I posted facts and observations that sustained a logic.
All I got in response is:

So name calling and repeating the same propaganda. And I muted at least 5 people whose entire conversation before I even posted anything was already insults.

Your general understanding of the situation isn't poor, you just don't want to understand the situation.
A typical case of "as long as I scream the same falsehood louder, the other party will have to submit".

Well, you can go back to that circus without me.

Your prattling won't change a thing.
Ukraine will lose, the U.S Empire is on the way down in an extremely brutal way in the next 10 years. Maybe 15 if things go slow. Russia has achieved all strategic objectives and it wasn't even difficult for them. You've lost in every way as I explained here:

There is not much to add except how this sad charade will unroll and massacre however many Ukrainians for nothing (and a lot of Russian soldiers on top of it), and since you've been offered wisdom and responded with insults, I won't bother. You can all prattle on for another 36000 messages, then get fed some final message of propaganda by your incompetent leadership, about how "this Ukrainian general betrayed" or "Zelensky abandoned his people" or "it was the fault of the Chinese" or whatever piñata they'll go to beat to not get blamed themselves.
Enjoy your giant lie. And don't forget to insult me again for giving actual information.

Reactions: cytg111 and RnR_au


Oct 18, 2005
The American Empire has lost the war.
Short enough for you?

your first post in this thread, just opinion
I can see that there's a lot to untangle here...

Please, if you're going to try to counter, at least try something a little better than base sarcasm.
Ah yes, the sarcastic question got dismissed, how shameful of me.

No seriously, you've lost. Be as sarcastic about it as you want to be.
I'm a bit bored so I can even detail in every way how you played your cards and how they've somehow been played so poorly that they all turned against you. The geopolitical, military and economic ones. It's quite a royal flush.
Claims to be able to post facts but can’t be bothered.
No thanks, I've read 5 pages and out of it there's about 2 posters that at least try to have an understanding of the situation, the rest is insults and raw arrogance.

I am curious about the strategic situation on the ground to see when the war will finally enter its final stage and where Russia will push. The shape of whatever will be left of Ukraine, as well as how close the Russians will be to Romania may have important effects. I think they'll keep away from Poland as much as possible, but the seaside is another affair. Whatever will be left in terms of industries or economy to Ukraine is also a component. Unless they take Kiev, but that doesn't seem to be on the menu. At least for now.

The war is already lost for the American Empire, all that matters now is what conditions will be set. That's all that's left of this sordid, last-extension-attempt of this Empire.

Opinion no facts
36000 posts in this thread and not one thing learned.
In a way, it's expected.
I was talking about you not having learned a thing. You have 83000+ posts, stands to reason that you read most, and yet you clearly have understood nothing.
Yaddi yadda, everyone who isn't droning along with you is a Russian spy, got it.
Also 90% of my posts are in the tech section. I just dipped my fingers in here out of boredom and because your general obtuse behaviour was ridiculous.
Still no facts on Ukraine.
That's such an amazing sentence to read. I mean, we're talking primary school level of education here.

The U.S is such a non-empire that it only has bases across every continent, dominant political and economic influence over only 4 of them, and its currency is only the global reserve currency.

Edit: let me guess, this isn't an empire it all, it's just big ol' american LOVE and the americans are so nice and love the world so much, they just had to set this all up for them. Out of friendship. No imperial interests tied to it.
This is amazing, I haven't felt this young in ages, you have not the slightest notion of what's going on.
Discredited info, no response to fact check.
Sorry Tovarisch, Comrade Putin was busy torturing children for his entertainment, he forgot to give me the order to come and do some Russian Spying:tm: on the Anandtech forums, where I will influence the minds of the billions of foolish capitalists in the politics section to take down Evil Capitalist America.

This is absolutely hilarious, it's like I'm roleplaying as a Command & Conquer Red Alert character. Except you're actually serious. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Still no Ukraine facts
I disagree, actually. The Empire has reached its extension limits without question. Iraq and Afghanistan proved how all the might of the American Army just weren't enough to change the world their way anymore.
Iraq went to become the bedrock of islamic terrorism and Afghanistan just went back to the Taliban in a matter of 3 days, as if the whole 20 year affair was a strange dream.

But I don't think they're taking Ukraine out of a conscious attempt. I think the Empire runs on a mindless creel of multiple agents that people collectively call the Deep State, but really, there's nobody in the pilot seat anymore. Not Joe, not the one before Joe, possibly nobody's been really leading the thing since the 60s and JFK ate a bullet for trying to do what Eisenhower didn't dare try.

I think they took Ukraine because...because whoever at the CIA had that as the next post-it taped to his monitor. There's nobody realising what they're doing, they're just doing whatever they're paid for, and as always with administrations, including unofficial ones, you're paid to do a job, and the more of that job you do, the more your job is considered important. The more wars, the more army, the more conflicts, the more CIA/NSA/agencies, etc.

In my mind the U.S Empire is literally a mindless hydra eating what it sees and understanding less and less why it does it every year. It's not like the policies have changed since the 1980s.

Well, when people start believing that extending the imperial military arm that is NATO is a sign of "territorial sovereignty", they'll believe anything.
Here, just earlier, someone was going "the U.S is not an Empire, because we do good things. China or Russia are Empires because they do bad things".
I'm sure the Iraqis, Ukrainians, Germans, and whoever else has to be sacrificed will fully agree and love to be under imperial control.

The scariest part to me is that all these milifans who diddle themselves on how big their weapons are or how advanced their systems are or how fat the tonnage of the american navy is, do not pay any mind to how utterly self destructive kicking Russia out of the dollar and out of SWIFT is.

When you are a falling empire, the ONE THING you want to absolutely not do is wrap your jaws around someone's head, say very loudly "LOOK AT WHAT I CAN DO", bite down on them, and then they go "well, that wasn't too bad". Nothing says Paper Tiger harder than that.
"We will kick Russia out of the dollar and their economy will be WRECKED!!!!!"
Russia's still up and running 2 years later.
"We will kick Russia out of SWIFT and they won't be able to do any international payments!!!!!"
SWIFT was built decades ago. Russia replaced it with a jerry rigged homemade SWIFT in a matter of weeks.

This is the quickest, most complete admission of your actual weakness that I've seen in forever. It's Suez Canal Crisis Britain tier.

Ah yes that one is always hilarious too.

Imagine that your neighbor wants to buy your water, so you extend your hose all the way to his garden.
Then you have a disagreement, so you:
A) turn off the faucet at your house
B) ignore the disagreement and just keep the water running, he's still paying after all
C) go to his garden and BLOW UP THE HOSE (and probably make a bunch of funny orc noises and jump around screaming)

Clearly, of course, without question or any doubt left, it's C. Because Putin is crazy you see. That's the perfect explanation for everything. You don't need to provide motive or justifications: the foe is crazy. That's the reason for anything, he has no reason to do things because he's crazy. It's very sad that since 2000s that he was in power, we never noticed he was crazy. Did you see when Carlson went to interview him, how he was unhinged, took off his clothes, started jumping around making WOOOO WOOO WOOO AWOOOOOOOOGA noises, downing an entire Vodka bottle before rolling on the floor while pissing his pants? Clearly, the man's mad.

I do think Putin expected it to be shorter, he didn't think the americans would be this crazy or silly. He thought a show of force would prove intent, before realising too late that it wouldn't happen.
Also he trusted a Brit with an unsigned agreement. Silly Vladdy.

While playing Battlefield 1942 main theme and humming it to the words "Slava Ukraini".

I mean, proxy wars aren't new.
The sheer arrogance of thinking that a proxy war with weapons supply would suffice against a 4/1 demographics differential, vs an industrialised nation that still retains technological and military independence.

Proxy vs Proxy can work. Not vs an actual power. Which they somehow deluded themselves into thinking that Russia wasn't.

The typical Hero, you need one every war.
If you don't have one, just invent him.
Conspiracy theory and opinion no facts
Goddamnit, attrition to the end.
Those poor sods are just going to get grinded down for nothing.
If we're not even in overt attack mode/crushing mode, that means that they'll just keep going slowly and methodically until there's barely any response/anyone alive on the Ukr side.

War is hell and I'm reminded every time I have to write something like that.
Opinion but does self identify as a Russian.
Can you please drop the propaganda for half a second, or is that beyond your ability?
My glass is full, thanks, don't need more mind poison.

Also what a sick joke to hear that when Ukraine became one of the most corrupt countries with one of the highest tiers of forced prostitution in Europe after Maidan and the Western takeover.
Still looking for facts
And yet again tech nerds prove that you can understand extremely complex CPU stuff and not understand the first thing about politics.
Oh well, I wasn't expecting anything anyway.
I posted about 10-15 posts in this thread, and got about twice as many responses.

100% was full denial
~75% were insults and nothing else
~25% tried to give a sarcastic response
0% counterarguments were presented

The Empire is falling, never have I seen it so directly and obviously than right now.
Just a question of time and dollar inflation now.
More whining
Very sadly for Armenia, it's simple.
Azerbaijan resells the Russian oil that the americans forbid the Europeans from buying. With a 30% markup of course.
So as long as Russia exports through Azerbaijan, they are a sort of forced ally. Azerbaijan has been a nemesis of Armenia for...I have no idea, centuries possibly.

Russia traditionally was friendly to Armenia as a christian country, but now they can't afford to stop the Azeris from attacking it, which explains the recent assaults from Azerbaijan against Armenia, including full blown regional takeover and complete ethnic cleansing.
"Before the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War, the region had an estimated population of 150,000 which decreased in the aftermath of the war.[6] Faced with threats of ethnic cleansing by Azerbaijan and struggling amid a nine-month long blockade, 100,400 ethnic Armenians, representing 99% of the remaining population of Nagorno-Karabakh,[7][8][9] fled by the end of September 2023, leaving a couple dozen people within the region.[10][2][3]"

Russia is now in a position where it can't lose Azerbaijan, and Armenia is getting the same treatment as Ukraine: verbal support and internet slop eaters screaming their willingness to see others die for a cause while they sit in front of their 4K monitors with a Red Bull can in their hand.
It's getting increasingly painful to be part of the West...
More opinion

Wonderful. We're now under heavy enough attrition that we're running out of stuff left and right. Now watch how none of the policies will change because none of the politicians (including those in uniform) want to admit their mistakes.

You can't deny that they must be excellent at spinning.
I was told it's a good trick.
More opinion
Yes, but really it's not that shocking.
When the traditional system of Legion->Conquest->New land attribution fell apart, Rome started stagnating, and would eventually turn against itself with the Third Century Crisis (and many other smaller ones before).
When the Mongol Empire stopped conquering, it started stagnating then broke apart.
Same with the Muslim Empire.
Same with the (insert_empire_here) Empire.
It just is how it is. The U.S Empire just tends to very hypocritically pretend that it's "different", when it's just how an Empire works, and also, they have a weird Exceptionalism where they think that their conquests are inherently good, but anyone else's conquest is inherently evil. Not "friend or foe", "right or wrong". It's very unsettling.

He won't, the system is utterly broken and Graham is one of the most pathetic members of the U.S Empire that I've ever seen.
I'd love to put him and Bolton into a cell and throw away the key.
More opinion
Thank you for reading every time, you are my biggest fan.
Just weird
The American master couldn't care less how many Ukrainians die as long as their deaths give the image that the war is ongoing and so they don't have to show that they've utterly failed.
Yes, it is that base.

That's entirely wrong. The main problem with the U.S Empire is well known and has nothing to do with capitalism, it's a minor element.
The main cause is the form and ambitions of the Empire, particularly in terms of loss prevention and cost of investment.

Take the F-35, americans diddle themselves all the time on how it's the greATeST PLaNe EvRRRRRRR. In truth, it is a textbook example of an overblown project with infinite delays, infinite reinvestments, infinite conflicts between departments arguing about what they want to have in the plane.
The theory is that it's the Bestest Plane Evarrrr. The practice is that it's an incredibly expensive project that allowed itself to waste amounts of money that would have warranted arrests for corruption long ago in almost any country.

When your planes are the most expensive, your missiles are the most expensive, your men's training is the most expensive, your carriers are the most expensive, etc, then an enemy can't beat you in a straight fight. But they can use techniques to make you lose your expensive crap with less expensive stuff. So you have to compensate for that by using multiple low-value, low-quality cannon fodder to preserve your overly shiny toys.

In case you don't get my meaning, the poor Ukrainians are the cannon fodder.

The U.S isn't incapable of fighting Russia. But its entire military-industrial system is focusing on an expensive, high tech, highest tier technology possible. If tomorrow they decided to send 300 80M$ tanks to Ukraine, the Russians would build 100M$ of crappy suicide drones and lose 90% of them, but still do enough damage that 100M$ worth of tech has tore through a large part of 24B$.
And if you told them "we don't need your super shiny stuff, we just need artillery shells, cannons, older, cheaper tech in large quantities", well, there isn't a single part of the military industrial complex that cares. Margins aren't as high, but beyond that, the goal is to be the supreme ruler of the world. You can't be that with equal weaponry, you need better weaponry. So, nobody's going to walk back to mass producing artillery shells if they can be part of the next level Super Laser of Death, or whatever it is that'll bring in the money.

The Ukraine war is a textbook example of a lower funding, lower quality army that still relies on trenches/artillery/tanks/air power/missiles, vs a local proxy that has roughly the same trenches/artillery/tanks/air power/missiles, but has immensely less of them.
Now BEHIND that local proxy is a mighty empire, but that empire isn't going to engage its expensive forces into an escalation. Because at worst, it's mutual nuclear destruction. At best, it'll be cheaper drones, cheaper ground-to-air missiles, cheaper everything, versus their expensive everything. They'll lose more than they win. Pyrrhic victory is never good for anyone.

So the U.S has what it takes. It just won't engage them, because the loss is far beyond what they're willing to pay just for Ukraine. It is the cruelty of this empire that Ukraine can bleed and die between the Russian hammer and the American anvil, but they can't be saved from the americans ceasing to push them onwards, or from the russians that won't stop until they've gotten everything they can. Not even because the americans can't afford to lose, their loss is already obvious and consumed to anyone that paid attention. But because whatever CIA analyst, Pentagon general, or politician somewhere that pushed for the war doesn't want to be associated with defeat.
It's ok to make dozens of thousands of dead, it's not ok to lose face.

All with the obscene screams of the "Slava Ukraini" supporters sitting at home with their Red Bull can and their 4K monitor encouraging "the Ukrainian people" to just go on and keep dying, and trying to shut down anyone who dares criticize the policy.

Ukraine is an affair that must end as soon as possible because the only thing these sods are dying for is an american politician's reputation and whoever's getting paid by the U.S in Ukraine to keep being paid.
Opinion and an attempt to ignore who invaded who
What's funny is that I do, but let's hear your take first since you're claiming that I don't.
What do you think makes an empire?

Yes I remember Afghanistan, Iraq, Germany, Italy, they all "volunteered" in 2002, 2003, 1945 and 1943.
This exactly. Russia isn't going, despite all the propaganda, for a sacrificial zerg rush here. It is a slow, attrition-based artillery barrage that advances until there are no sizeable defenses left. Something against which there is nothing to do but have more artillery, WW1 style, or retreat.

Probably stronger than before. In a very Winter War-esque move, the first weeks of the Russian assault were marred by bad supply, food problems, lack of expected cargo, etc. I still remember Putin's face at his general, you could read the desire to pick his knife and stick him with it.
But since then they've had ample time to reform. It's the same with every war: you enter not really knowing what your weaknesses are, you see them during the war, and time helps you reform and adapt. The Russian army of today and the industry behind it have probably shed a huge amount of useless bloat.

Speaking as a European, France is the last country with a semblance of an army, and it is, by accounts I've heard, a shadow of what it was. Yet every single neighboring country says that it is the last real army left. So make of that what you will.
Sure are a lot Russians dying to weapons from countries that have no militaries. Also ignores significant increases in European military spending
I posted facts and observations that sustained a logic.
All I got in response is:

So name calling and repeating the same propaganda. And I muted at least 5 people whose entire conversation before I even posted anything was already insults.

Your general understanding of the situation isn't poor, you just don't want to understand the situation.
A typical case of "as long as I scream the same falsehood louder, the other party will have to submit".

Well, you can go back to that circus without me.

Your prattling won't change a thing.
Ukraine will lose, the U.S Empire is on the way down in an extremely brutal way in the next 10 years. Maybe 15 if things go slow. Russia has achieved all strategic objectives and it wasn't even difficult for them. You've lost in every way as I explained here:

There is not much to add except how this sad charade will unroll and massacre however many Ukrainians for nothing (and a lot of Russian soldiers on top of it), and since you've been offered wisdom and responded with insults, I won't bother. You can all prattle on for another 36000 messages, then get fed some final message of propaganda by your incompetent leadership, about how "this Ukrainian general betrayed" or "Zelensky abandoned his people" or "it was the fault of the Chinese" or whatever piñata they'll go to beat to not get blamed themselves.
Enjoy your giant lie. And don't forget to insult me again for giving actual information.
Just as a last effort: you know your sarcasm and constant insults aren't going to get you anything, right?
All you've been doing is deny, mock and insult. All it's doing is confirming that you have no argument here, just vitriol and the pure arrogance of believing that only your POV is acceptable.

There we have looked at all your posts in this thread to date. You consistently lack sources, veer into pure opinion without supporting evidence and whine a lot.

You have objectively not substantively engaged in this thread in any kind of intellectually honest manner since your first post.

Like I said you get what you give here. You’re getting the level of engagement you started with. @fskimospy specifically has tried several times to get you to directly respond to questions and you have refused to do so.

Attempting to lie about your posting history when we can see it will get you no where.


Jun 23, 2004
Is there any new news?
Vlad the Butcher is slowly carpet bombing Kharkiv city, piece by piece. Glide bombs have been added to the bombardment.

Mayor: Russia hit Kharkiv center with guide bombs

Since mid-March, the Russian army has intensified its shelling of Kharkiv, using ballistic and cruise missiles, Shahed kamikaze drones, and new modified UMPB-D30 glide air bombs. The Economist reports, citing anonymous military sources in Kyiv, Russia might want to turn Kharkiv into a “gray zone” that is unlivable for civilians.

The Kremlin wants to make Ukraine’s second city unliveable

Russia wants to turn Kharkiv into uninhabitable "grey zone"

Russia is preparing a ground assault on Ukraine's second largest city, Kharkiv. According to GUR, Russia is training 120,000 troops for a new offensive against Ukraine. In the event of a military failure, Russia plans to turn Kharkiv into an uninhabitable city akin to Mariupol and Aleppo. -Economist

Reactions: Young Grasshopper


Jun 23, 2004
More ground view of Russia's bombing campaign, and the major city trying to survive.
Ultimately, these people are all destined to become refugees, or corpses.
Ukraine would need far greater support to prevent those outcomes.

Ukraine’s Kharkiv moves classrooms underground so kids survive Russian attacks

The Russian border is just 20 miles away, and Russian forces shell Kharkiv nearly every day. The strikes have buried families in the rubble of their homes and destroyed hundreds of buildings, including schools second-graders like Maksym would be attending. Recently, strikes also hit the city’s power grid, leaving hundreds of thousands without electricity for days.



No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Your prattling won't change a thing.
and yet here you are. another useless Russian cvnt that thinks his lies and propaganda works here.

you haven't made one argument yet. not one single fact. you imagine we haven't dealt with shit like you before. you imagine your handlers think you do good work here.

all we see is cvnt when you post, and you aren't going to achieve anything more than the already useless Russian cvnts that have been posting here for some time.


Jun 4, 2004
What’s odd is I really haven’t seen much of anything outside of the usual videos of successful strikes, other than the strikes on refineries, which were clearly at least modestly successful as now Russia is making contingency plans for new gasoline sources.

I get the sense you are coming from an extremely distorted media environment because what you think the rest of us are reading seems very different than my lived experience.

Genuine advice - you might want to ask yourself what sort of propaganda you are consuming. After all it’s led you to act as an apologist for Russian genocide while condemning Israeli genocide.

Ah well the Russian populace has plenty of rubbles to pay for increasing gas prices with absolutely no political pressure. Right?


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
LM apparently has cooked up a new "affordable" aeroballistic missile that can be internally carried on the F-35 and that is ready for production. Very limited details other than it is intended to target a large variety of things including enemy AD sites, ships, and ground targets.



Jan 8, 2001
LM apparently has cooked up a new "affordable" aeroballistic missile that can be internally carried on the F-35 and that is ready for production. Very limited details other than it is intended to target a large variety of things including enemy AD sites, ships, and ground targets.

It's just too bad that the limited space of internal compartments on F-35 variants has been limited the range of some munitions. Then again, for extreme long range missiles, out-boards isn't a problems since the aircraft is past the limits or any interdiction by enemy fighters/air defense.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
It's just too bad that the limited space of internal compartments on F-35 variants has been limited the range of some munitions. Then again, for extreme long range missiles, out-boards isn't a problems since the aircraft is past the limits or any interdiction by enemy fighters/air defense.

A B-21 sneaking up on your surface group carrying 12-14 of these would likely severely ruin somebody's day...
Reactions: pcgeek11 and Ajay


Jul 17, 2003
I thought Vietnam wanting to buy F-16s was amusing but this is better. French have been making notable inroads with some of the Kremlin's pals, first Armenia and now Serbia.

Oh shit. When Russia starts losing Serbian support and patronage you know things are getting bad.

Kremlin can't act surprised after leaving Armenia out to dry though, it's credibility as a security partner is on life support, kinda like it's arms export industry. Lil bro Serbia choosing France/EU over Russia, Putin probably shat a furious brick over that one. French Rafales already stole his lunch with some Asian customers in 2022 didn't they?

*schadenfreude drenched laughter here*
Last edited:
Reactions: feralkid

Young Grasshopper

Senior member
Nov 9, 2007
You can all prattle on for another 36000 messages, then get fed some final message of propaganda by your incompetent leadership, about how "this Ukrainian general betrayed" or "Zelensky abandoned his people" or "it was the fault of the Chinese" or whatever piñata they'll go to beat to not get blamed themselves.
Enjoy your giant lie. And don't forget to insult me again for giving actual information.

Biden and the Pentagon have already been laying the groundwork for who is to blame for their own foreign policy failures since last year:

-It’s Orangeman’s fault, a guy who hasn’t been president in 4 years

-It’s Mike Johnson’s fault, because he is a tool of Orangeman

-It’s Zelenskys fault, because he didn’t use our arms properly during thier failed counteroffensive

This country has a history of propping up foreigners, then discarding them when they no longer serve a purpose:

-Saddam Hussein
-Manuel Noriega
-Muammar Gaddafi
-Osama Bin Laden

Make no mistake about it, they will not accept blame and will blame someone else. This all could have ended with negotiations but Biden+Pentagon+resident armchair keyboard warriors wanted to ‘stick it to Russia’. It’s blowing up in their faces and now they’re in a panic.

Ukraine was supposed to get its aid in Dec and now we’re in April. It’s also amazing how the European warmongers have convinced these tools that a country 7000 miles away with an ocean between them should be providing the bulk of the funding for this war instead of the continent that borders Russia.

In the end, Russia will come out of this stronger militarily AND financially, and they will serve as an example of a country who successfully rid itself of western hegemony for other countries who want to move on from the dollar.

And once enough countries move away from the dollar, now the waiting game kicks in for hyperinflation. It’s not a surprise gold is along with the stock market. No sense in keeping dollars around, better to buy up assets.
Reactions: Mahboi
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