News Trump: Mar-a-Lago just raided by FBI

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Aug 5, 2000
Right, and the US at least grows 'em a little smarter. If someone rolls up behind a convoy, Russians will just shoot them. US military will give them the courtesy of a few golf balls in the windshield in case they're just morons.

Good one. We used to use 3/4 inch ball bearings given to us from the mechanics at the motor pool for those "get off my ass occasions" where we could cover our asses by saying "hey we didn't shoot nobody or noth'in, must'a had a wheel bearing come apart on the road". I sort'a adopted that practice in private life where I'd keep a few handy in my jacket pocket when I was into motorcycles for a period in my life.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
I have a bad feeling about this case. Once a grand jury has handed down an indictment, a trial should follow, by law, somehow. It’s Obviously wrong if a judge can summarily shelve cases she doesn’t like. There should be a “shit or get off the pot” category for writs of mandamus.
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Mar 11, 2004
The conspiracy theory thread is here.

You either don't know history well at all or are delusional.

Like, you know the Pledge of Allegiance was intended to do what I'm talking about, right? There's reasons why the Nazis studied America for how to build their propaganda machinery.

You also are aware the US military pays the NFL millions of dollars per year to do their big "we care about troops" displays, right? Why do you think they fly stealth bombers over the Super Bowl? They certainly aren't doing that for the spelling bee or Jeopardy.

Why do you think police departments have policies about hiring where they deliberately want people that aren't too smart? You think that came out of nowhere? Its part of the deliberate militarization of the police.

But keep sticking your head in the sand, that's been working out so very well.
Mar 11, 2004
And no, I don't believe in aliens and other dumb shit (that some of you seem to be implying or taking my commentary as pertaining to, but then most of you have been wildly ignorant for most of your lives so not surprised that you only know of probably any of this other than from dumbass conspiracy idiots) that many people that believe conspiracy shit go to. In fact, the recent "disclosures" that alien weirdos acted like was a big deal is just the exact type of people I'm talking about (average dipshit that ended up in the military/military adjacent shit, and then had the alarmingly high number of whackos that are in those communities feed them stories that they then tried to pass off as evidence with zero proof; it was barely above the former co-worker of mine that told me a story where the alien turned out to be that giant hairy...thing from the Bugs Bunny cartoons) that also just happened to stumble upon some of this shit via alien shit (podcats and the like). The alien stuff is part of the propaganda (although most of that was actually the Soviet Union who was spending I think a billion dollars a year back in like the 50s and 60s to spread such propaganda and unfortunately, Americans are really really really prone to falling for it, almost as if they've been trained from birth to...).

Tell me you've never been in the military without saying so.

Retired Army here. You're full of shit.

Yep, the military sure values you. Guess that's why the VA is so well known for their world renowned, absolute 1st class healthcare?

I'm not even sure what part of my post set you and the other person acting like its conspiracy shit off, as its not even disputed by anyone that knows like any American history in the 1900s, let alone how authoritarianism and militarism are intrinsically linked. There's no dictator that holds power without a military. There's no military that supports a dictator without fervent devotion to either them directly or them as a figurehead of the State.

Do I think the US military is pushing dictatorship? No, but they've definitely pushed authoritarianism, Teddy did, FDR did, JFK did, Eisenhower did, every President did. They just don't demand fealty to themselves specifically because we have this silly act as Americans where we pretend we haven't let a select few rule us. We just demand fealy to the State more than most, whilst we as a society do a dumb song and dance, pretending that we're not just voting for whichever wealthy (and almost always straight white male) person happens to be favorable at the time and also is agreeable to doing our political circus vs just enjoying their wealth.

You are exactly the type of people I'm talking about. You think the military valued you beyond you being a programmable bag of meat. They don't. They never did. Sure your brothers in arms did, but that's because you're human. But that's also deliberately been attempted to be stripped away. After finding out that even soldiers don't like shooting other humans, the military studied and designed training in order to program soldiers to shoot as ordered. Their drilling is psychologically designed to program you. You think its just coincidence that most cults indoctrinate people by putting them through similar grueling "training" that the military does? All the same tactics that get celebrated when the military does it, and called despicable clear malicious brainwashing when others do it. You think G.I. Joe had nothing to do with propagandizing American military to kids? Its the Joe Camel of saturday morning cartoons. If you think the military didn't do the same thing to the general population you either know jack shit about history of the US or you're even more delusional than I thought. The CIA and the military both had active campaigns to do exactly what I'm talking about. There's entire fields of study about American propaganda in the 1900s. (there's entire colonies of rabbit holes to go in all of that; MK Ultra and plenty of others)

The US military pays Hollywood. They pay sports leagues. They pay for similar locally. All for the express aim at propagandizing themselves.

Why do you think no one protested when the government interred over a hundred thousand Japanese Americans? Why do you think they rolled out the National Guard for Civil Rights protests and even campus protests? Why do you think people rah-rahed giving police armored personnel carriers, and other military weaponry (until the same military wannbe fascist cops started using it against Americans - although I know plenty of people that want them to use it more on Americans)? Why is it that all these right wing assholes showup with "tactical loadouts" after ingesting all this right wing propaganda then get upset because people like you try to claim this isn't exactly the same shit America, via the government and military, had been feeding the American people? Only for it to be easily hijacked by fatshits like Alex Jones or Rush Limbaugh or Turmp. Why is the National Anthem literally romanticizing war?

You've been propagandized your entire life. You are incapable of seeing it deliberately because it works. That's the intention of it. Some of you seem to be stuck forever wanting to remain ignorant. Which considering how some of you just in like the last 10 years became aware of the blatant racism, bigotry, and intentionally designed discrimination of most American institutions, I'm not surprised that you are incapable of seeing, let alone breaking out of, the fact that more than any entity, we've been preached at and programmed to worship and admire the military in America.

Hell, your particular version, where you demand that only those that served in the military should get to say anything but bow down and worship at your feet, is frankly an even more pathetic, sillier version of "my team" shit, where because you went through stress with a group of people then they're only good. Its the exact same shit you hear from people that are members of a team, be it Michael Jordan justifying his tyrannical behavior, or even just the generalized "us vs them" mindset that fuels tech companies. And cults. You're basically 2 steps from being a Turmp supporter. I've had like 50 dude that I've had to be around (either pseudo friends from high school, or friends of friends, or co-workers) that act exactly like you, and all of them turned into Turmp supporters. Frankly I think the only reason you didn't is that you were spending a sizable amount of time outside the US. But maybe I have you confused (I seem to remember you being pretty rah-rah military post 9/11, but I also didn't spend any time in this subforum, but you have the generalized mentality that I've seen from most average "alpha" dudes, the types). You sure ingest all the low level right wing grifter dipshits, most of which I'm not even aware of because why would I be, they're worthless shitheels trying to be their little local town Turmp and the like. Which tells me you spend a LOT of time in those waters (aka Facebook political discourse) which means, you know more than most, just how many military people really really like them some Turmp. I'm sure its frustrating that you can see through his obvious bullshit, but somehow an awful lot of others sure seem to buy it. I'm sure that's totally not what I'm talking about at all...

But, thanks for epitomizing exactly what I'm talking about. What's silly is you see it and criticize it when its say, Israel, doing the exact same shit to either their people (or Americans). Or hell, you can even see it when its Republicans now, but even Its all the same shit. You're just ok with it because its your team. But it leads to the stuff that you're finally waking up to seeing. The racism, the bigotry, the institutionalization of white supremacy. What's almost amusing is you going "brah, you didn't even serve brah" like...duh, no shit. That you think you're doing anything other than perfectly proving my point is just...well maybe you'll get there one day. At your age, I doubt it given how long it took you to see the threat that white supremacist shit (that weirdly also just happens to ebb and flow with general sentiment about the military in the US, gee, I'm sure that's just a coincidence...). Meanwhile, those of us that grew up surrounded by military worshipping "patriots" and saw all of this shit for what it is, knows you were never there to defend us. You served in order to maintain the order of the status quo.

One last thing. Why is it, that after having freakouts about how less and less people were signing up for the military, they didn't start talking about conscription, but rather, they started advertising in, and even straight up created video games?

But you're right, the military doesn't prey on people at all. They certainly don't seek out desperate, poor, un/under-educated people (I'm sure that's why we had to take the ASVAB in high school and we had recruiters that actively recruited based on scores and other that the test showed them - wouldn't ya know they didn't put a lot of value in people that scored really well...), they definitely don't target groups that are very impressionable, and they've never ever ever ever tried to get Americans to swear fealty and loyalty to America, say in the form of an object, maybe reciting a pledge of said loyalty. Nah, that's crazy coo-coo conspiracy talk.
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Elite Member
Jan 2, 2001
WTF with this wall of text

Paranoid much?

I think he needs less coffee and/or fewer rabbit holes. What a mishmash of didn't happen, might have happened, could happen, did happen but a long time ago, is happening but not for the reasons provided, etc. . A whole lot of ascribing motives to fit his beliefs going on.
Reactions: pcgeek11


Oct 22, 1999
to @darkswordsman17 's point, the US military heavily advertises for support and/or recruiting purposes. so, they're on point with that one. it's not some conspiracy theory.

edit: just as one example, the US Air Force sponsors various pro gaming series. (this is from 2022 but I think the partnership still exists
This is also in large part because we have an all volunteer military.


Elite Member
Jan 2, 2001
to @darkswordsman17 's point, the US military heavily advertises for support and/or recruiting purposes. so, they're on point with that one. it's not some conspiracy theory.

edit: just as one example, the US Air Force sponsors various pro gaming series. (this is from 2022 but I think the partnership still exists

That's not the conspiracy part. They do advertise for support and for recruitment and sponsor gaming stuff. Nothing wrong with that. The uh oh comes in with the motives assigned to their programs, what people they're aiming for, and for saying that the Pledge of Allegiance was intended as some military loyalty oath and so forth.
Reactions: pcgeek11


Jun 12, 2005
How do you expect them to operate complicated systems with only the dumbest of people.

What do you think the ASVAB is for?
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery

"ASVAB scores are used to determine if you are qualified to enlist in the military and to assign you to an appropriate job in the military."

You don't want "Cletus" working on the Advanced Weapons Systems or a Nuclear Reactor... When he would be better suited as an Infantry or Truck Driver... It saves money by preventing many from failing advanced training by weeding out the unskilled before spending money trying to train them in an unsuited profession.


May 30, 2008
Has this thread not gone a trifle off-topic?

Was going to post this

Maybe it's old news? But am amused by the idea of the FBI having to use 'deadly force' due to Trump grasping a tommy gun and climbing to the roof of Mar-a-lago, while shouting "Top of the world, ma!".

Donald Trump’s campaign has issued another extraordinary fundraising request to supporters by doubling down on a false claim that rival Joe Biden was prepared to hurt or kill him by authorizing the use of deadly force during an FBI search for classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago compound in August 2022.

The claim has become a currency among some Trump supporters and is widely described by them as an “attempted assassination” – but rests on a misquoted section of FBI policy in a legal motion. Moreover, Trump was not even in Florida during the search.

The revival of the claim came late Sunday came in the form of an email to supporters headlined:“This is an Alert from Donald Trump.” “DEADLY FORCE? Biden authorized it. They brought guns to the raid on Mar-a-Lago!” it read.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
WTF with this wall of text

Paranoid much?

Jesus Fucking Christ

more thorazine, please.
What is it you don't like? Is it the rage you can feel in his words, his contempt for the blind, I feel it's there, or is it how true or false you think his opinions about how brainwashed Americans are?

I grew up in a military family. I have seen the brainwashing since I was ten. I know all about the rage. And I have seen all the brainwashing. Perhaps you could try to disentangle the contempt he expresses for those who hate less than he does from the opinions he actually expresses minus that. The more we are attacked for the stupidity we believe in the more we seek to fight back. I find @darkswordsman17 to be quite insightful, personally, if perhaps defensively rude that people dismiss his opinions because of that behavior. I see a bright child who grew up with little recognition and got whacked like a mole in the process.

Some time way back, the memory just came back to me, I made some remark, likely on memorial day, that almost got me banned in a 'praise the veterans thread'. Nobody is allowed to touch sacred cows or point to their presence. And to see through your own can create massive self contempt for having ever bought into them. But that is a waste of emotion because we would not have survived as children if we had not been cooped by them. Stockholm Syndrome is everywhere and scars those who escape and those revolt as long as the self hate remains.

The only way out, in my opinion, requires gratitude and love. Nothing can be different than how things are. You and you alone can change. Lacramae rerum
Reactions: igor_kavinski


Oct 22, 1999
Has this thread not gone a trifle off-topic?

Was going to post this

Maybe it's old news? But am amused by the idea of the FBI having to use 'deadly force' due to Trump grasping a tommy gun and climbing to the roof of Mar-a-lago, while shouting "Top of the world, ma!".
The FBI agents brought guns while executing a warrant? You don't say. The gun loving crowd sure are afraid of guns themselves, apparently.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Can’t wait to see what a judge Cannon does with Smiths request to have Trump sanctioned over endangering the lives of FBI agents that did the Mar-a-Lago raid.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
And, of course, Cannon has outright rejected the prosecution's request for a gag order.
No, she didn't. She rejected it without prejudice, saying Smith should go confer with Trump's lawyers first and then refile the motion. It's a bullshit delay tactic and I suspect she will reject it again after they confer, but it's not outright rejected at the moment. Also it's not a gag order, it's a change to his bail conditions (so the first amendment protections are not as strong).

Frankly it would have been better and faster had she outright rejected it because then Smith could immediately appeal to the 11th circuit. Instead Smith will have to go have some useless meeting with Trump's lawyers that I imagine they will try to put off as long as possible, then refile the motion. If she rejects it then they can appeal and that could start the process for her removal.


Oct 11, 2005
No, she didn't. She rejected it without prejudice, saying Smith should go confer with Trump's lawyers first and then refile the motion. It's a bullshit delay tactic and I suspect she will reject it again after they confer, but it's not outright rejected at the moment. Also it's not a gag order, it's a change to his bail conditions (so the first amendment protections are not as strong).

Frankly it would have been better and faster had she outright rejected it because then Smith could immediately appeal to the 11th circuit. Instead Smith will have to go have some useless meeting with Trump's lawyers that I imagine they will try to put off as long as possible, then refile the motion. If she rejects it then they can appeal and that could start the process for her removal.

You're reading too much into the word. It wasn't meant in the manner that you're suggesting.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Oct 18, 2005
Trump sure is getting a lot of help from a legal system rigged against Republicans. Meanwhile the Hunter Biden trial is in progress.
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