Conservatives love finding a black person willing to trash their own people. I give you their latest tool Byron Donalds


Feb 6, 2002
Candice Owens (anti affirmative action, BLM)
Clarence Thomas (anti Brown v Board of Education)
Tim Scott (denies racism)

The conservative landscape contains black people willing to say in the open what white conservatives can't.

I give you the latest Uncle Tom, Byron Donalds. In a speech claimed black people were better off during Jim Crow because at least families stayed together with the father in the home. Joy Reid presented to Byron why that was such a fallacious defense of Jim Crow. Right or wrong he could have easily said black families were better off 60 years ago because more families were together. But he just had to revert to Jim Crow knowing the devastating effect it had on black people in America. Joy Reid took his family defense and threw it back in his face.



Nov 21, 2001
Good on her. The only answer to that kind of talk is more talk.
Call that b******* what it is.


May 30, 2008
Interesting that he seems to be coming from the same place as Clarence Thomas - being concerned primarily with the issue of patriarchal authority and worrying about black men in particular losing that power.

Seems like a mirror image of the way so many white women are more concerned with maintaining their superior status as white people than they are with sexism (hence they will support the likes of Trump). Apparently some black guys are more concerned with maintaining patriarchal power than with racism.
Reactions: Pohemi and hal2kilo


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Interesting that he seems to be coming from the same place as Clarence Thomas - being concerned primarily with the issue of patriarchal authority and worrying about black men in particular losing that power.

Seems like a mirror image of the way so many white women are more concerned with maintaining their superior status as white people than they are with sexism (hence they will support the likes of Trump). Apparently some black guys are more concerned with maintaining patriarchal power than with racism.
Not the only similarity he has to Clarence Thomas.



Feb 6, 2002
Not the only similarity he has to Clarence Thomas.

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Joy reminded Mr Donalds his relationship could not exist under Jim Crow. Meanwhile go back to fantasizing about when America was great. Reminder to all black people considering voting Republican.

BTW - that chick has really wide eyes like the star of the movie Splice. Sorry, that was an unnecessary personal attack but...


Golden Member
Jun 5, 2017
Eh, there's always someone willing to be an utter tool for money.

Or, it could be that they are as they appear and are just f'ed in the head. Known a bunch of those of all shapes, sizes and colors.

And to be fair--it's not like I don't trash my own "culture" (if white rural/suburban living is an actual "culture"). I look like them, can quack like them, could even pass in church if I cared to as I know all the rituals, but I sure as hell don't count myself as one of them. I look so much like a typical Maga gen-xer that I feel like I need a "not with stupid" style t-shirt.

But of course, that's silly anyway as people who look like me haven't been shit on for hundreds of years. Though to be sure I have white coworkers and know people in my circles who bleat about the poor downtrodden (and Christian) white man, what a rough road they have these days. Swing Lo....


Jan 8, 2001
Though to be sure I have white coworkers and know people in my circles who bleat about the poor downtrodden (and Christian) white man, what a rough road they have these days. Swing Lo....
Some of that is just the destruction of the 'Rust' belt and small farms. Plus, almost no (real) wage gains for the middle class over the past 40 years due to tax policy and corporate greed. Then, as Robert Reich pointed out in a speech, someone will turn those events upside down and blame it on racial minorities. Divide and conquer politics.
Reactions: Pohemi and hal2kilo


May 15, 2000
I saw the joy reid interview and honestly I thought she was in the wrong. He didn’t say black people were better under Jim Crow and the clip she showed to prove that’s what he said didn’t show him saying that. He made his point and used the Jim Crow era as the time frame when black people had a higher percentage of marriage. Joy tried to make it about him saying the Jim Crow era was good but that’s not what he said and it certainly wasn’t important to the point he was making. Joy is normally really good about being facts and historical context to a discussion but she missed on this one and frankly I think she should apologize to him.


Feb 6, 2002
I saw the joy reid interview and honestly I thought she was in the wrong. He didn’t say black people were better under Jim Crow and the clip she showed to prove that’s what he said didn’t show him saying that. He made his point and used the Jim Crow era as the time frame when black people had a higher percentage of marriage. Joy tried to make it about him saying the Jim Crow era was good but that’s not what he said and it certainly wasn’t important to the point he was making. Joy is normally really good about being facts and historical context to a discussion but she missed on this one and frankly I think she should apologize to him.
What do you think would have been said about someone claiming the Holucost was good because at least families were together? That person would have been called an antisemite. How is Jim Crow any different for black people?
Reactions: hal2kilo


May 15, 2000
What do you think would have been said about someone claiming the Holucost was good because at least families were together? That person would have been called an antisemite. How is Jim Crow any different for black people?

That’s not what he said though. What he said was (I’m paraphrasing) black families were the strongest (meaning had the highest marriage rates) during 1865 to 1965.

To use your example; it would be similar to someone saying that Jewish families had the lowest divorce rates during the 1930-40’s.

It’s a factual statement referencing a particular point in time. Had he said that marriage was high BECAUSE of Jim Crow then yeah it would be a problem.
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Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
There were more black families in the South during slavery. What's his point? Amazing how black Republicans like him have benefited from civil rights now don't believe in them.

This fool is in Congress because they got rid of Jim Crow laws.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
That’s not what he said though. What he said was (I’m paraphrasing) black families were the strongest (meaning had the highest marriage rates) during 1865 to 1965.

To use your example; it would be similar to someone saying that Jewish families had the lowest divorce rates during the 1930-40’s.

It’s a factual statement referencing a particular point in time. Had he said that marriage was high BECAUSE of Jim Crow then yeah it would be a problem.

It's all about them blurring context though. Donalds statements are performative MAGA "I meant this and not that" bullshit meant to raise accusations so they can play the victim.

MAGA: "I didn't say that!"
Reporters: "Here's the video of you saying exactly that!"
MAGA: You're taking it out of context!
Reporters: "Basically, Your context was that black people did better under Jim Crow."
MAGA: "But, that's not what I said or meant! Why don't you see that? The video is edited to make me look bad! The dog ate my homework!

It's almost parody at this point. MAGA Republican says something. Others calls them out on it. Republican accuses them of lying or "taking it out of context." Others repeat phrase used verbatim, or rolls the tape. Republican doubles down and denies everything, despite actual evidence of his context. That's all the MAGA Conservatives/Republicans have to offer the public is lying stories in hopes for a vote.
Reactions: Pohemi


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
It seems when many blacks become conservatives in today's Donald Trump Republican party the first thing they do is start to put down the black communities as well as try to explain slavery or Jim Crow was a net positive or that it wasn't that bad... How blacks are on welfare, lazy, drug addicts, etc. When election times come around they triple down on their ass kissing to the other races and try to show them they are one of them.

The GOP of yesteryear is Not the party of now. Conservatism and what MAGA is promoting are two different things. Xenophobia and racism, bigotry, religious fanaticism, lawlessness for me and not for thee, disorder, rape, sexual assault, political violence ... these are not "conservative" principles, these are simple unethical, self-serving opportunism. These liars hide behind a political label in an effort to normalize what they are doing. Unfortunately, many buy into their rhetoric ... but we need to look past the politics and see them for what they are, unethical opportunists. This Byron Donalds clown is a case study. This idiot is willing to say anything to please his wealthy donors and debase himself for Donald Trump.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
“You see, during Jim Crow, the Black family was together. During Jim Crow, more Black people were not just conservative — Black people have always been conservative-minded — but more Black people voted conservatively,” he said. “And then H.E.W., Lyndon Johnson — you go down that road, and now we are where we are,” he added, referring to the former U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

Fuck yes he is claiming Jim Crow was better for blacks and freedom plus social programs are the cause of black family problems.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
“You see, during Jim Crow, the Black family was together. During Jim Crow, more Black people were not just conservative — Black people have always been conservative-minded — but more Black people voted conservatively,” he said. “And then H.E.W., Lyndon Johnson — you go down that road, and now we are where we are,” he added, referring to the former U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

Fuck yes he is claiming Jim Crow was better for blacks and freedom plus social programs are the cause of black family problems.

HEW was created under Eisenhower. Eisenhower of course was one of the few recent Republican presidents who cared about minority civil rights (federal troops enforcing desegregation orders). They're regressing. The Owens/Donalds types of todays MAGA Republican party's "line for ages" has been that Democrats are racist because Jim Crow was under the old segregationist white Southern Democrats who migrated into the GOP over decades because the Democratic party began to welcome more black members and pass civil rights bills. Now Jim Crow era type stuff is okay and Donalds is shameless enough to say it's because blacks voted more Republican.

Yep ... the complete destruction of 'Black Wall Street' during the Tulsa Race Massacre was great for Blacks, what with 36 dead, - Thousands injured, thousands more arrested with no charges, and 35 blocks of the Greenwood District leveled was a great time for Black folks. And Ida B. Wells made up all of those lynchings that she documented. Well at least they are starting to be honest about what they want...back to the 1950s.

Again, Donalds is a lying opportunist. Byron wants the GOP to keep his gravy train flowing. Donalds didn't literally say the words "Black people were better off under Jim Crow." He only listed all the ways he imagined they were better off under Jim Crow. He wasn't alive during Jim Crow, wasn't even born until more than a decade after the Civil Right Act was passed, and has no concept whatsoever what life was like back then.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
“You see, during Jim Crow, the Black family was together. During Jim Crow, more Black people were not just conservative — Black people have always been conservative-minded — but more Black people voted conservatively,” he said. “And then H.E.W., Lyndon Johnson — you go down that road, and now we are where we are,” he added, referring to the former U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

Fuck yes he is claiming Jim Crow was better for blacks and freedom plus social programs are the cause of black family problems.
Meh, you're missing the BigLie of BothSidesDoIt™. If you let it slip, you're arguing something that is irrelevant to argue because it's bullshit on its face.

Black people voted for Republicans when Southern Conservatives ran the Democratic Party.

Black people vote for Democrats now that Southern Conservatives run the Republican Party.

Black people are where they are at now because of Southern Conservatives.
Reactions: hal2kilo and Pohemi


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I saw the joy reid interview and honestly I thought she was in the wrong. He didn’t say black people were better under Jim Crow and the clip she showed to prove that’s what he said didn’t show him saying that. He made his point and used the Jim Crow era as the time frame when black people had a higher percentage of marriage. Joy tried to make it about him saying the Jim Crow era was good but that’s not what he said and it certainly wasn’t important to the point he was making. Joy is normally really good about being facts and historical context to a discussion but she missed on this one and frankly I think she should apologize to him.
Ha ha ha! Despite the fact that I went into listening to that Reid segment with indignity and rage nicely dialed up, having heard the anger directed at this turd before hand, I saw what you saw, that her criticism did not match the point he was actually making. Wanted you to know.

Others in this thread have done a better and more honest job, I think, of deconstructing the nature of his myopic focus on a single feature of black life that conservatives pretend to value.

That her criticism was perhaps more passion rather than rational, does not mean what he actually said make any sense.

As I see it, any time a minority population is singled out by the majority as inferior, and generally owing to envy, the minority population will maximize their survival chances by practicing herd mentality. They will ghetto up and economically socially and religiously, if in the cards, to support each other as best their cultural norms allow. The Jews are a particularly good example of this as they have had thousands or years of practice. Black slaves not so much as their cultural values took a tremendous hit owing to slavery. The values that prove effective in self preservation will become idolized, things like a father and a mother supporting children. People who live on the water need to know how to swim but swimming isn't of much value to people who live in a desert. Oppressive environments require skills that free people do not need. Inner freedom of of greater value than oppression demanded adaptations. Free people will have family values based on equality and love.

In oppressive environments the bird dies in the nest. A saying


May 15, 2000
Ha ha ha! Despite the fact that I went into listening to that Reid segment with indignity and rage nicely dialed up, having heard the anger directed at this turd before hand, I saw what you saw, that her criticism did not match the point he was actually making. Wanted you to know.

Others in this thread have done a better and more honest job, I think, of deconstructing the nature of his myopic focus on a single feature of black life that conservatives pretend to value.

That her criticism was perhaps more passion rather than rational, does not mean what he actually said make any sense.

As I see it, any time a minority population is singled out by the majority as inferior, and generally owing to envy, the minority population will maximize their survival chances by practicing herd mentality. They will ghetto up and economically socially and religiously, if in the cards, to support each other as best their cultural norms allow. The Jews are a particularly good example of this as they have had thousands or years of practice. Black slaves not so much as their cultural values took a tremendous hit owing to slavery. The values that prove effective in self preservation will become idolized, things like a father and a mother supporting children. People who live on the water need to know how to swim but swimming isn't of much value to people who live in a desert. Oppressive environments require skills that free people do not need. Inner freedom of of greater value than oppression demanded adaptations. Free people will have family values based on equality and love.

In oppressive environments the bird dies in the nest. A saying

Whether or not his point was valid or good is worthy of a discussion in of itself but to twist what he said as something else is wrong and not a good look for those who pursue the truth and facts. Instead of having that discussion though, all she did, probably, was to cement his view that the left is “evil”, “liars”, “dishonest”, etc. Now people like the pcgeeks, greenmans of the world can point to such an interaction and say, “see! The left is just like I’ve been saying!”. It’s a missed opportunity imo.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Whether or not his point was valid or good is worthy of a discussion in of itself but to twist what he said as something else is wrong and not a good look for those who pursue the truth and facts. Instead of having that discussion though, all she did, probably, was to cement his view that the left is “evil”, “liars”, “dishonest”, etc. Now people like the pcgeeks, greenmans of the world can point to such an interaction and say, “see! The left is just like I’ve been saying!”. It’s a missed opportunity imo.
The reason I told you that I saw what you saw is because the only weapon of value against lies in my opinion is the truth and to know so creates a high bar in the form of ethical standards that if not followed destroys the argumentative value of principle. That better arguments were give by others here also in my opinion was not intended to imply she wasn’t wrong. I did not like how she misrepresented his words.

When I read your post having already seen the same thing, I laughed to signify the fact that I was glad you said it and not me. I take a lot of heat for expressing my exact same feelings about the same sort of irrational reactions I see on the left regarding many other things including the manufacture of knee jerk reactions to guns and Jorden Peterson. I wanted to support your post. It was gratifying to me that you heard what I did so I just wanted to share back in case that produced the same reaction. Love you.
Reactions: ivwshane


Feb 6, 2002
That’s not what he said though. What he said was (I’m paraphrasing) black families were the strongest (meaning had the highest marriage rates) during 1865 to 1965.

To use your example; it would be similar to someone saying that Jewish families had the lowest divorce rates during the 1930-40’s.

It’s a factual statement referencing a particular point in time. Had he said that marriage was high BECAUSE of Jim Crow then yeah it would be a problem.
I’ll rephrase…

Jewish families were stronger during the Holucost because at least families were together.

That would have been labeled antisemitic.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I’ll rephrase…

Jewish families were stronger during the Holucost because at least families were together.

That would have been labeled antisemitic.
If family strength is defined as togetherness and to nothing else and families were in fact more together during that time period the statement could be made by a racist or non racist person but would still be true. The statement itself would simply be factual.

I am not going to bother checking but I have the impression that more marriages fail today than in Jim Crow the late thirties and early forties.


May 15, 2000
I’ll rephrase…

Jewish families were stronger during the Holucost because at least families were together.

That would have been labeled antisemitic.

Interesting. I don’t see anything wrong with your revised statement.

I guess if you assume the implication it could be offensive but if you were to state that you weren't endorsing or condoning such bad acts then you are back to arguing on the merit of the statement.
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