Constitutional? Louisiana about to pass law requiring 10 Commandments be displayed in public schools

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No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Blue eyed blonde Jesus is a lie!

But the Jesus is a lie so what is a few more?

Is it a lie…or just a myth? People back then weren’t educated, often worshipped the gods living in stones and trees, so magical sky fairy and the related mumbo jumbo might have seemed plausible.


Feb 24, 2009
Is it a lie…or just a myth? People back then weren’t educated, often worshipped the gods living in stones and trees, so magical sky fairy and the related mumbo jumbo might have seemed plausible.
Sometimes I think those types of beliefs were much better than asking for some authority figure to threaten your very post life existence if you don't believe. It's the usual suspects, I can't control myself so I want someone else to.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Do they even realize Jesus wasn’t a white English speaking Christian?
You're mistaken, they worship the American Jesus. Blonde hair, blue eyes, an AR-15 in each hand, bestows riches upon the worthy (that's why you need to make so many donations, his power is wealth-based in a weird twist of irony), hates queers and illegals (defined as: brown people we don't like). The Bible is more of an optional fanfic, and is entirely metaphorical except for the parts that aren't, which exist in a quantum uncertainty field, this allows them to only be true when they need to be true, and allegory when a different interpretation must manifest.


Jan 8, 2001
You're mistaken, they worship the American Jesus. Blonde hair, blue eyes, an AR-15 in each hand, bestows riches upon the worthy (that's why you need to make so many donations, his power is wealth-based in a weird twist of irony), hates queers and illegals (defined as: brown people we don't like). The Bible is more of an optional fanfic, and is entirely metaphorical except for the parts that aren't, which exist in a quantum uncertainty field, this allows them to only be true when they need to be true, and allegory when a different interpretation must manifest.
That is so whacked. It's a bizarre interpretation of scripture. Matthew 6:
Dependence on God.*

25n “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat [or drink], or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?
26 Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they?o
27 Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?*
28 Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wild flowers grow. They do not work or spin.
29 But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them.
30* If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith?
31 So do not worry and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or ‘What are we to drink?’ or ‘What are we to wear?’
32 All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
33 But seek first the kingdom [of God] and his righteousness,* and all these things will be given you besides.
34 Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.

Don't worry about prosperity, just seek God above all else. Given all of Jesus' sermons on the evil of coveting money, it seems like a disaster in motion. The prosperity gospel is one of the most evil heresies foisted on christians in modern times (by pastors as blind as the pharisees of old). Seeking God for blessings is odd. Seek Him because He is good; seek Him because He alone has the words of eternal life. Seek him for money....
Dec 10, 2005
Allegedly, nothing in the law says they need to face the classroom. Hang them backwards for compliance, and then include a note that says 10 commandments on back of sign just to spite the law and make it clear you aren't trying to hide them.


Jan 8, 2001
Why did God create sin in the first place?

And if being gay is an abomination, why does God create gay people?
He didn’t. The predilection towards is a natural consequence of the fall, our bodies, minds and spirits do not operate with harmony when we distance ourselves from God. However we came about, according to His plan, we rejected God and suffer the consequences in our own being. Jesus doesn’t just ‘magically' fix this when we are baptized, but if we remain with him He. Relates within in us a predilection be charitable above all - sadly, this takes along time for most.

Hmm, I don’t know where this came from, but again, homosexuality is another consequence of the fall. There is no sin in being homosexual. The sin, an offense against God and our nature, is in homosexual acts. It’s also in heterosexual acts outside marriage. If someone who is gay or straight has trouble being chaste, they can go to confession before mass and still receive communion, so long as they are trying to be chaste. One can still go to mass without going to confession, but must avoid going to communion.

Matthew 12:
Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so; some, because they were made so by others; some, because they have renounced marriage* for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Whoever can accept this ought to accept it.”

Jesus did say 'gay', but one doesn’t need to be a genius to know that this is one of the causes for not being able to have a valid marriage in Gos's eye.


Jan 8, 2001
God created all of it, and knowingly. Otherwise, he’s not all knowing.
God knowingly created us to be free. We chose slavery to sin - knowingly. Of course He knew it would happen, but how would we have have freedom to chose otherwise. I don’t know why people cannot see that that this duality doesn’t negate itself? Resolution of opposites seems to be very hard for some ppl. Simplistic reasoning is not sufficient.
Reactions: brycejones


May 15, 2000
God knowingly created us to be free. We chose slavery to sin - knowingly. Of course He knew it would happen, but how would we have have freedom to chose otherwise. I don’t know why people cannot see that that this duality doesn’t negate itself? Resolution of opposites seems to be very hard for some ppl. Simplistic reasoning is not sufficient.

So we are free but we are condemned to hell if we don’t follow his rules? Sounds like pretty much every society ever created, ever. I’ll stick with following the rules that were created by people who lived in modern times and whose rules get updated by people like me who live in the present. If they contradict your beliefs then you can remove yourself from our society and live your life how you want. It’s funny how religious people expect everyone to adhere to their rules but they don’t want to adhere to the rules created by the majority in the society they live in but hypocrisy never seems to be an issue for them.


Nov 4, 2004
God knowingly created us to be free. We chose slavery to sin - knowingly. Of course He knew it would happen, but how would we have have freedom to chose otherwise. I don’t know why people cannot see that that this duality doesn’t negate itself? Resolution of opposites seems to be very hard for some ppl. Simplistic reasoning is not sufficient.

I don't usually wade into these waters here, but it seems to me that God cannot create something, knowing everything about that something beginning to end (before and after that as well), and then blame that something for being what he created. I cannot see how people rationalize free will with an all-knowing, all-powerful, and omnipresent being. You simply cannot have both. I mean, he knew what you would be, think, say, do....all before you were even created.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
Ah trying to attribute logic to a bunch of myths written by villagers hundreds of years ago.

And I don't care if people want to believe it if they keep it to themselves. But when they come out with harmful horseshit like gay people are evil and against God yada yada, they become the enemy in my eyes. All part of dehumanizing things they find icky, so that they'll be justified in whatever actions they take afterward. Like denying trans people health care. Key word: "people". Imagining being such a ghoul that you'd be willing to let another human die because you don't agree with a tough choice they made in their own life that hurts nobody. Fucksticks.


Dec 15, 2015
God knowingly created us to be free. We chose slavery to sin - knowingly. Of course He knew it would happen, but how would we have have freedom to chose otherwise. I don’t know why people cannot see that that this duality doesn’t negate itself? Resolution of opposites seems to be very hard for some ppl. Simplistic reasoning is not sufficient.
Joke's on you, sin's my kink.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Oct 6, 2009
That is so whacked. It's a bizarre interpretation of scripture. Matthew 6:

Don't worry about prosperity, just seek God above all else. Given all of Jesus' sermons on the evil of coveting money, it seems like a disaster in motion. The prosperity gospel is one of the most evil heresies foisted on christians in modern times (by pastors as blind as the pharisees of old). Seeking God for blessings is odd. Seek Him because He is good; seek Him because He alone has the words of eternal life. Seek him for money....
So starving kids in Africa or wherever shouldn't worry about food, they just need Jesus. I'm glad we have that problem solved.


Sep 4, 2005
God knowingly created us to be free. We chose slavery to sin - knowingly. Of course He knew it would happen, but how would we have have freedom to chose otherwise. I don’t know why people cannot see that that this duality doesn’t negate itself? Resolution of opposites seems to be very hard for some ppl. Simplistic reasoning is not sufficient.
If he knew we were going to do a thing then we did not have the freedom to not do that thing. Combine that with the fact he's supposedly all powerful and could have created a world where we did not choose to do that thing, yet he's going to condemn us to eternal torment for doing what he knew we'd do, makes him an evil monster. Or maybe we should just stop concerning ourselves with ancient mythology.


Feb 6, 2002
Right wingers claim religious freedom yet today Rastafarians are federally not allowed to smoke pot as part of their religion.

Those people are full of shit


Oct 18, 2009
He didn’t. The predilection towards is a natural consequence of the fall, our bodies, minds and spirits do not operate with harmony when we distance ourselves from God. However we came about, according to His plan, we rejected God and suffer the consequences in our own being. Jesus doesn’t just ‘magically' fix this when we are baptized, but if we remain with him He. Relates within in us a predilection be charitable above all - sadly, this takes along time for most.

Hmm, I don’t know where this came from, but again, homosexuality is another consequence of the fall. There is no sin in being homosexual. The sin, an offense against God and our nature, is in homosexual acts. It’s also in heterosexual acts outside marriage. If someone who is gay or straight has trouble being chaste, they can go to confession before mass and still receive communion, so long as they are trying to be chaste. One can still go to mass without going to confession, but must avoid going to communion.

Matthew 12:

Jesus did say 'gay', but one doesn’t need to be a genius to know that this is one of the causes for not being able to have a valid marriage in Gos's eye.
The Fall. Yep, totally not God’s fault He first put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the center of the Garden of Eden with the proviso that its fruit can’t be eaten.

Remember, Adam and Eve were like children at this point and trusted anything and anyone because…they had no knowledge of good/bad/evil/mistrust…nothing. They trusted all, believed all because why wouldn’t they?

Then one of God’s creations tricks them because they again had no reason to not trust…again they were without guile, suspicion, or any bit of knowledge to not trust any of God’s creations.

Just seems logical that if God wanted guileless people, people that were lifelong clean slates without “sin”, He certainly wouldn’t have first put that tree in the garden in the first place, or second, would have warned them about not trusting anyone/anything but Him.

But, nope, put the means for their downfall at hand and no warnings about trust. Looks like a setup for failure…almost like primitive man was looking for a reason were so bad and all.

Yep, man’s sinful actions/thoughts/etc. are all man’s fault and God has zero responsibility for it.


And God does love some torture once in a while…as long as it proves a point. So torture is really good. (See Job and God betting Satan that Satan couldn’t turn Job against God, using anything at Satan’s disposal except outright killing Job. That was a merry time for Job. Guess evil suits God sometimes here snd there.)

Just doesn’t seem very benevolent. Or caring. Or all-powerful or even giving much of a crap about His creations. After all, God allows evil to exist, so guess He’s not all-powerful after all.
Reactions: thilanliyan and pmv


Oct 18, 2009
Let’s add God sure likes Himself some slavery.

One could even say that the Bible is clear on this: the institution of slavery is permitted by God, endorsed by God, and owning slaves can even be a sign of God’s blessing.

And this was real slavery: Exod 21:21…”the slave is the owner’s property”

Numerous passages condone slavery throughout the Bible, but not one passage condemns the practice.

Guess God is cool with evil, unless you consider slavery to be anything but evil.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Let’s add God sure likes Himself some slavery.

One could even say that the Bible is clear on this: the institution of slavery is permitted by God, endorsed by God, and owning slaves can even be a sign of God’s blessing.

And this was real slavery: Exod 21:21…”the slave is the owner’s property”

Numerous passages condone slavery throughout the Bible, but not one passage condemns the practice.

Guess God is cool with evil, unless you consider slavery to be anything but evil.
Don't forget the Bible also says beating your slaves is fine unless you beat them so badly they die as a result.
Reactions: Meghan54


Jun 4, 2004
The Fall. Yep, totally not God’s fault He first put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the center of the Garden of Eden with the proviso that its fruit can’t be eaten.

Remember, Adam and Eve were like children at this point and trusted anything and anyone because…they had no knowledge of good/bad/evil/mistrust…nothing. They trusted all, believed all because why wouldn’t they?

Then one of God’s creations tricks them because they again had no reason to not trust…again they were without guile, suspicion, or any bit of knowledge to not trust any of God’s creations.

Just seems logical that if God wanted guileless people, people that were lifelong clean slates without “sin”, He certainly wouldn’t have first put that tree in the garden in the first place, or second, would have warned them about not trusting anyone/anything but Him.

But, nope, put the means for their downfall at hand and no warnings about trust. Looks like a setup for failure…almost like primitive man was looking for a reason were so bad and all.

Yep, man’s sinful actions/thoughts/etc. are all man’s fault and God has zero responsibility for it.


And God does love some torture once in a while…as long as it proves a point. So torture is really good. (See Job and God betting Satan that Satan couldn’t turn Job against God, using anything at Satan’s disposal except outright killing Job. That was a merry time for Job. Guess evil suits God sometimes here snd there.)

Just doesn’t seem very benevolent. Or caring. Or all-powerful or even giving much of a crap about His creations. After all, God allows evil to exist, so guess He’s not all-powerful after all.

Don’t worry when you are omnipotent the answer to any logical paradox is yes or no or whatever you want it to be.
Reactions: JD50 and ch33zw1z


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
They should put them in the classrooms in the original Hebrew since they’re only originally intended to be binding on the Jews,

I wonder if all these "Christians" in Louisiana realize that the man they will vote for President has broken every one of these commandments?

Well, if you’re going to have them, might as well enforce them!” Particularly against professed “christians”. Every kid who breaks one will get 10 days detention. Actually ... Detention is woke! Nothing wrong with a good old fashioned stoning.
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