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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Best in Show (Christopher Guest, 2000) 2/10

Thorough going POS. Not funny. Stuck it out because just 90 minutes and it did improve when they finalllllly got to the show itself. Still, not funny and painfully reaching for material. Have to think the winged it mostly. This is not a movie to toss aside lightly, it should be heaved with all your might out the window.

jfk what is wrong with you?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Right? Silence of the Lambs dear chap? Sir Anthony Hopkins would like a word.

tbf he did say emmy, but that was also my first thought.

anyway, the point is that the only thing that really matters in film/stories, is the villain.


it's just a silly question to ask.


May 19, 2011
Jul 27, 2020
Maybe take the time to consider what part of being a murderous, highly successful meth cooker makes him a "good guy".

Not a villain. A villain is someone who has nothing likeable, other than maybe making you laugh at his stupid decisions and actions. But what makes him even worse is when he starts hurting/killing characters you care about.

I don't want Homelander laying a finger on anyone I care about and if he does, he should be the one defeated.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Am I missing something here? I don't see Walter White as the villain.

lolwtf? Of course he's the villain. That's the entire point of the show.

why do so-called BB super fans still never understand the basic premise of the show? (to be fair, Cranston also didn't seem to understand this in the end, but he is very much the villain).

what part of the title of the series isn't clear?
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May 19, 2011

Not a villain. A villain is someone who has nothing likeable, other than maybe making you laugh at his stupid decisions and actions. But what makes him even worse is when he starts hurting/killing characters you care about.

Even your own article describes Walter White's "Heisenberg" alter-ego, undermining your point.

Maybe you have a very limited definition as to what makes a good villain in your opinion, but the reality is thankfully somewhat more diverse.

I needed a bit of inspiration and googled for 'likeable villains'. The first good (IMO) result was Michael Douglas's character in 'Falling Down'. Someone added, "The best written villain is the one that doesn't realize or think he's the villain", which I think is very important because the audience has to be able to relate to the villain to best connect with them. A villain who only does bad stuff because they're evil has a tendency to be a pretty dull villain, and the only way to make them shine is with a great acting performance. Even Lecter shows humanity positively, with a tear in his eye when Starling shares her most vulnerable memory.

Going through my DVD list: De Niro's character in 'Heat'
'The Third Man' - Harry Lime, played by Orson Welles
'Fight Club' - Tyler Durden
'Blade Runner' - Roy Batty
'Batman Begins' - Ra's Al Ghul
'The Good, The Bad and the Ugly' - are you really going to say that only Angel Eyes was the only villain here?
'Shutter Island' - the protagonist
'Song of the Sea' - the witch
'The Ninth Gate' - the protagonist and Boris Balkan
'Unforgiven' - the sheriff but also the protagonist
'Platoon' - the sergeant played by Tom Berenger, also the black guy who people also commonly sympathize with despite the fact that he's also raping children.

I'm barely halfway through my list, I'll stop there.
Jul 27, 2020
I'm barely halfway through my list, I'll stop there.
Which one of these won an Oscar? (excluding the ones where you think the protagonist is the villain)

Out of your list and from the ones I've seen, Roy Batty becomes likeable at the end and Ra's Al Ghul is played by Liam who is hard to hate.

"The best written villain is the one that doesn't realize or think he's the villain" <<< That's a self righteous psychopath. Wouldn't say that's the perfect villain as it would infuriate me more rather than enjoy watching someone like that. But if we accept that as the definition of a perfect villain, it would be hard to like them because if they did really well, you end up hating them and hence, the actor. A movie has big problems if it gets best actor for the villain. A villain's role is only to serve as a purpose for the protagonist to show his humanity and which the villain can only portray best by being anti-human. If we start giving away best actor awards to these people, suddenly you get a society that promotes bad behavior and moral decadency.

Anyway, 10/10 to Homelander being a prick and a dick. As for winning an award, that would surprise me.


May 19, 2011
Which one of these won an Oscar? (excluding the ones where you think the protagonist is the villain)

Out of your list and from the ones I've seen, Roy Batty becomes likeable at the end and Ra's Al Ghul is played by Liam who is hard to hate.

Platoon, Tom Berenger got an oscar nomination
Unforgiven, Gene Hackman

"The best written villain is the one that doesn't realize or think he's the villain" <<< That's a self righteous psychopath. Wouldn't say that's the perfect villain as it would infuriate me more rather than enjoy watching someone like that. But if we accept that as the definition of a perfect villain, it would be hard to like them because if they did really well, you end up hating them and hence, the actor.
"Self-righteous psychopath" - that's not generally true of villains or even true in 'Falling Down', IMO. Disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional. He's evidently having some kind of breakdown, sure.

IMO hating an actor because they played an evil role is a job I leave to those with dubious (adult) mental competence.

You have a tendency to shift goalposts: Your previous point was what you thought a villain has no likeable qualities.

A movie has big problems if it gets best actor for the villain. A villain's role is only to serve as a purpose for the protagonist to show his humanity and which the villain can only portray best by being anti-human. If we start giving away best actor awards to these people, suddenly you get a society that promotes bad behavior and moral decadency.

I think what you've said here is just flat-out wrong. What did you think was "seriously wrong" with say 'Platoon' or 'Unforgiven'? Often the protagonist (in films with distinct villains and 'good guys') is pretty dull and the villain is the one who sets the scene and makes the entire plot work. What makes a good guy isn't terribly dramatic most of the time (for example, none of the seven virtues are inherently dramatic), however what makes a good villain usually is, many stories have completely ludicrous motivations/backstories for the villains but have good actors to sell it.

I would seriously recommend that you broaden your horizons, maybe start a thread and ask for films that go against what you believe to be true because I'm sure there are thousands of examples, and probably hundreds of very good films that people here would whole-heartedly recommend.

suddenly you get a society that promotes bad behavior and moral decadency.

Have you taken a long, hard look at human society recently?

On a lighter note - On this general topic, I couldn't help but think of this classic QI moment:
Last edited:
Jul 27, 2020
Platoon, Tom Berenger got an oscar nomination
Unforgiven, Gene Hackman

IMO hating an actor because they played an evil role is a job I leave to those with dubious (adult) mental competence.

You have a tendency to shift goalposts: Your previous point was what you thought a villain has no likeable qualities.
Probably won't ever see Platoon.

Unforgiven was good but he didn't win. He was probably nominated because people generally like him and they were just happy to see him make an appearance in the movie. Academy members are human after all.

Hating an actor for the role they played is a natural human and emotional response based on the events they just witnessed on screen. I would argue that if someone falls in love with an actor for portraying a despiccable and hateful villain, maybe something's not right there?

Not sure how I'm shifting the goalpost. I still maintain that villains are unlikable. If I like a villain, maybe he's an anti-hero and not really a villain. Let's take Homelander's example. I like the guy. As a generally weak and mostly unhealthy balding male, hell yeah I wanna be Homelander! I would even love looking like him coz the guy's mostly handsome and you can probably pick up chicks easily with a face like that without even being a celebrity. But give him an award? For repulsing me with his onscreen actions? No thanks. It's not just his pure acting ability allowing him to pull this crazy character off. It's the costume and make-up and the director as well as the excellent writing. There's no evidence that someone else couldn't do it better.

Another example would be Hugo Weaving in Matrix. Brilliant performance! Someone who actually deserves an award coz no other actor cast in the role of the agent has portrayed evil so well. It's probably the reason why Matrix 4 sucks. But I would be ambivalent about actually giving him an award. I don't like the message it would send to the younger generation. I saw a bunch of 10 year olds at a checkout saying expletives pretending to be Deadpool. I did NOT like that. Too young to be saying crap like that and it will have a bad effect on their personality development.


May 19, 2011
Probably won't ever see Platoon.

Unforgiven was good but he didn't win. He was probably nominated because people generally like him and they were just happy to see him make an appearance in the movie. Academy members are human after all.

Gene Hackman won an oscar. Look:

Hating an actor for the role they played is a natural human and emotional response based on the events they just witnessed on screen. I would argue that if someone falls in love with an actor for portraying a despiccable and hateful villain, maybe something's not right there?

I'm sorry, but that's just as delusional as saying that people who enjoy say violent video games are going to do something awful.

Not sure how I'm shifting the goalpost. I still maintain that villains are unlikable. If I like a villain, maybe he's an anti-hero and not really a villain. Let's take Homelander's example. I like the guy. As a generally weak and mostly unhealthy balding male, hell yeah I wanna be Homelander! I would even love looking like him coz the guy's mostly handsome and you can probably pick up chicks easily with a face like that without even being a celebrity.

Shifting goalpost - you started talking about "perfect villains", but perhaps the "perfect" element wasn't relevant, but it seemed like it probably was.

Logically you're saying that something is not right with you because you enjoyed the actor's performance playing Homelander. Btw, you do understand that Homelander is 100% the villain, right?

But give him an award? For repulsing me with his onscreen actions? No thanks. It's not just his pure acting ability allowing him to pull this crazy character off. It's the costume and make-up and the director as well as the excellent writing. There's no evidence that someone else couldn't do it better.

Of course there is more to a performance than just the actor(s), hence awards are given out for direction, screenplay, cinematography etc, but the point of handing out an award is to reward an actor for putting in a particularly remarkable performance and logically those who give out the awards should understand enough about the art form to understand which aspects of a performance were good acting or costume etc. It's not about whether someone else could have done it better, it's about what actually happened. Furthermore, plenty of actors have acted poorly when they could have acted better, it's about the performance in the final cut that counts. A good actor can be miscast or have an off-day. For example, the Star Wars franchise nearly sunk Natalie Portman's career because there's just nothing to her performance, but it's generally acknowledged that George Lucas is a shockingly bad director and writer despite his cinematic successes. Portman has proven both before and since SW that she has acting chops. Maybe a good actor could have shined in the prequel trilogy, but I think it would take someone as arrogant and competent as Marlon Brando who just tries to do their own thing and overrides the director to manage it... for better or for worse.

"But give him an award? For repulsing me with his onscreen actions?" - do you think he should be paid and awarded less for his performance than his colleagues who play protagonist roles? If not, then why on earth do you think he doesn't deserve an award if it's his acting ability that you deem to be particularly noteworthy? If your perspective ruled the film-making world then few actors would ever want to play villains because there's little notoriety for doing so.


Feb 3, 2005
Which one of these won an Oscar? (excluding the ones where you think the protagonist is the villain)
Off the top of my head (I don't pay attention to awards), Heath Ledger won a posthumous Oscar for the Joker. I also think Louise Fletcher won one for Nurse Ratched.
Jul 27, 2020
Gene Hackman won an oscar.
That's not for Best Actor. It's for Best Supporting Actor.

I'm sorry, but that's just as delusional as saying that people who enjoy say violent video games are going to do something awful.
Shooting stuff on screen for fun isn't the same as holding a villain in high regard, enough to duplicate his actions/way of thinking in real life situations which is what immature minds would do. "Oh it's cool to be like Deadpool. Imma gonna pull my dick out in public and laugh my ass off at the look on everyone's faces!".

Shifting goalpost - you started talking about "perfect villains", but perhaps the "perfect" element wasn't relevant, but it seemed like it probably was.
Still don't understand what I said to deviate the conversation away from the original point. All I said was, villains are unlikable in general despite their performances. Weird if they win the Best Actor award (meaning none of the protagonists in the other nominated movies were up to snuff so there was nothing to do but choose the perfectly portrayed villain).

Logically you're saying that something is not right with you because you enjoyed the actor's performance playing Homelander. Btw, you do understand that Homelander is 100% the villain, right?
I enjoy his personality wayyy more than his actions. He exudes confidence. I like what I see in him coz I lack it in my own person. Yes, I know he's the villain that's why him winning Best Actor seems improbable to me.

If your perspective ruled the film-making world then few actors would ever want to play villains because there's little notoriety for doing so.

Do you think anyone plays these roles because they really want to? Given the choice between protagonist and antagonist, a normal person would obviously want to be remembered as the hero. The decision to choose the role of the antagonist may be based on many factors, like amount of work (maybe the villain is paid a lot more for lesser screen time and the job is "easy" compared to all the effort that the protagonist has to go through like training and bulking up for the role etc.), to make their career seem more diverse (actor A has pigeonholed himself for playing the good guy always. actor A is not happy about that. he wants to show his acting has "range") and plain boredom (what? winning and falling in love with the girl again? nah. I wanna rape the girl this time!).


Diamond Member
Jan 1, 2005
I just finished season 3 of The Man in the High Castle. Overall I'd give the show a 7.5/10. Some scenes can drag on a bit but it's fairly interesting. I like it much better than the book (which I'm re-reading now); they did a great job expanding on the book and creating all the different characters and stories/plots. This might just be me, but I find the Mr. Tagomi scenes as boring in the TV show as I do in the book, so they nailed that character...

I'm also re-binging Trailer Park Boys. That's a solid 10/10.
Jul 27, 2020
Heath Ledger won a posthumous Oscar for the Joker.
For Best Supporting Actor

I also think Louise Fletcher won one for Nurse Ratched.
This is weird, for she won Best Actress (I don't remember her role despite having seen that movie. Didn't leave an impression on me). Must be really crappy actresses nominated against her. Still, despite this being a good example refuting my point, it doesn't falsify my notion that villains winning Best Actor/Actress is improbable. If this were so important a role, there would be a Best Villain award.


Feb 3, 2005
So you want a villain who isn't the protagonist winning an award that isn't supporting? Getting awfully restrictive there just to try to prove a silly point.
Jul 27, 2020
So you want a villain who isn't the protagonist winning an award that isn't supporting? Getting awfully restrictive there just to try to prove a silly point.
I'm actually not interested in "proving" my point. I know that I hold weird viewpoints that run contrary to what is considered "normal". But I just don't see villains being hailed as heroes more often. Joaquin Phoenix winning Best Actor is the exception but even there, I would argue that he wasn't playing the villain but rather a mentally disturbed person with whom the audience sort of empathizes with.

Let's not forget how this all started.

Homelander should win Best Actor.

Me: Not likely.

That's the entire thing in a nutshell. And everyone seems to have taken it upon themselves to defend villains. Hilarious, if you ask me


Jan 14, 2013
I'm actually not interested in "proving" my point. I know that I hold weird viewpoints that run contrary to what is considered "normal". But I just don't see villains being hailed as heroes more often. Joaquin Phoenix winning Best Actor is the exception but even there, I would argue that he wasn't playing the villain but rather a mentally disturbed person with whom the audience sort of empathizes with.

Let's not forget how this all started.

Homelander should win Best Actor.

Me: Not likely.

That's the entire thing in a nutshell. And everyone seems to have taken it upon themselves to defend villains. Hilarious, if you ask me
Well you also said that you didn't like his character anymore, didn't give him many props, and said he wasn't actually even the best actor on the show (you named somebody else) - so you did also minimize the Homelander acting role.

Antony Starr is absolutely S-tier level playing Homelander. That is just a fact.
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