Pick the one that saves the country.

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Oct 11, 2005

I live right in the middle of Y'all Queda and Meal
Team 6 country. I see them with their brand new F150s decaled up with fuck Biden bumper stickers and their shiny Harleys flying those Trump flags.

Wanna know where I see them? In Denny’s. In Waffle House. Every one of them open carrying a firearm. Most of them overweight, rocking tactical pants and od green T-shirts.

They are usually loud, obnoxious, and at times it seems like they pick on people who they want to egg on to a confrontation.

I don't think 90% of them could run 15 feet, would risk getting their nice new Harley or truck dirty to show up where their tangerine terrorist is NOT going to show up.

Yep. I can't go through walmart without seeing one of these cosplay fucks. Usually with a thin blue line shirt and some jorts.
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Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2010
It wouldn't have been a success. Everyone assumes the rest of us would have just sat around twiddling our thumbs and let it happen. Look at what is happening in this country over a grave injustice in Israel. Now add in millions a mature adults to the protests that we are seeing on college campuses. Upheaval would come, for sure, but the result would be Trump and others in prison or worse.

This is a laughable assertion since at that time Trump controlled the military, law enforcement, various militias, etc.

Protests? Sure. But ask countries like Hungary, Russia etc how that fares. Nothing happens.

At best, people are riled up for a while and then things peacefully fizzle out after a few weeks/months when people realize they need to get back to work to pay the bills. At worst, you have bloodshed as the government violently cracks down on protestors. Or something in between.

Probably something like what we'll see in 2025 if Trump returns.


Jan 8, 2001
This is a laughable assertion since at that time Trump controlled the military, law enforcement, various militias, etc.
Law enforcement?? That control is only in on paper. We fought a revolutionary war to be free. We fought a civil war to keep the country together and found just cause in freeing the slaves. The idea that everyone would go back to normal after a president appoints himself dictator is the laughable part. The military, for instance, is sworn to protect the constitution, not the president. If he blatantly violates the constitution, the military has no obligation to follow his orders - actually, quite the opposite.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
Trump has to lose first. Without that, all bets are off.

If Trump loses, Democrats and non-insane conservatives (the Republican Party is a zombie party and will never again be able to do what is needed to help the country) need to massively reform the Executive and Judicial Branches. It's the god damn responsibility of the legislature, which is why the framers of the Constitution put them in Article I. Not Article II. Not Article III. Article I. They are supposed to shoulder the responsibility of doing what is necessary to protect the citizenry. Unfortunately, cushy Senate and Representative jobs where you aren't the focus like 1 President or 9 Justices allows them to delegate away the powers they're supposed to be wielding in a representative democratic republic (the form of government we have here with the Constitution, not just a democracy, not just a republic). They delegate away their power so they can sit back and bitch and continue raking in "campaign contributions" while lying in wait to run for President and be a pseudo-Emperor.

If the Republican Party can continue its zombie dead-hand control of the Legislature through the "Filibuster" in the Senate, then even if Trump loses and Biden wins, we're just kicking the can down the road until a Cotton or Hawley or some other shitbird fascist can garner enough Electoral College votes to really start demolishing the Federal Government.

Here's just a few ways to make it harder for fascists to take control.

Get fucking rid of the Electoral College. Go ahead and make the objectively wrong argument that it allows LA and NYC to elect the President, I love dunking on that dumbfuck argument that is easily shown to be 100% incorrect.

Disband the fucking Senate and increase the House of Reps to 2000 members. The Senate is worthless and the Filibuster is part and parcel why we can't do a god damn thing to help US citizens with their real life problems. Fuck the Senate.

Get rid of first past the post and have proportional ranked choice voting (or any number of alternate ranked choice voting methods) for all Federal officeholders. It's not rocket science, do it so we can get rid of spoiler candidates because holy shit spoiler candidates are an own-goal for the objectively stupid people voting for the spoiler.

Transparency. Full stop. There is no reason that we shouldn't be allowed to observe all governmental processes at all times minus a few key national security matters. This isn't 1792, there's no reason there needs to be a closed door when politicians who make their living on tax dollars are making deals with whomever they're making deals with, again minus national security.


There is no one thing that is going to "save the country' because societal collapse is already here. There is only mitigating societal collapse, and even that is unlikely given the current trajectory. Y'all think it's bad now, wait until poors in hot ass countries have no choice but to migrate to richer more temperate climates or fucking die. It'll make what we see now look quaint, and there isn't a country that exists today that can support a 5% increase in full-grown adults every year. Turn the wet bulb temperatures high enough and no height or length of wall is going to make people commit suicide by standing still.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
I can tell you one thing that won't save the country...
the insistence on nominating people past their prime into what would for most people be retirement age continuing unabated.

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Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
But yes.

the identification of the SCOTUS decision on Citizens United as a main cause is very likely on point.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
This isn't 1792, there's no reason there needs to be a closed door when politicians who make their living on tax dollars are making deals with whomever they're making deals with, again minus national security.
Yup this obsession of following the original text of the founding fathers
Reactions: hal2kilo


Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2018
And now... A word from Uncle Chad about things to come.

From "Warriors" to "Pardon-less Wonders": Trump’s Riotous Rhetoric & His Devoted Jan 6er's
The World of Trump
— the man who should probably come with his own warning label: "Caution: Side effects may include severe whiplash from double standards and eye rolls so intense you'll sprain your optic nerve.”

So, imagine this: Donald Trump, with his hair that defies gravity and logic, just crowned the Jan. 6 Capitol "Rioters" as "Warriors", yeah, actual Warriors! As if they were off fighting dragons instead of, you know, baton-twirling their way through the Capitol like it's a small-town parade gone rogue.

Let's rewind to that fateful day in 2021. Picture it: Thousands of Trump supporters storming the U.S. Capitol, many of them armed with the kind of DIY weaponry that could only come from wannabe Jr. MacGyver's — pistols, knives, baseball bats, stun guns, some even used poles holding The American Flag, and yes, even deadly Bear spray. Because sure, why not assault police officers like they're camping in Yellowstone and you just can't handle their s'mores.

Fast forward three years of legal wrangling, and over 1,400 of these folks have been charged. We're talking some serious heavy-hitters here, like Daniel Rodriguez, who thought zapping a police officer in the neck with a taser was a solid life choice. He’s now got 12 long years to rethink that. Or Peter Schwartz, who figured pepper-spraying and folding chair-wielding was just another day at the office. Surprise, Peter: 14 years in the slammer, especially since those 38 prior criminal convictions didn't exactly scream "model citizen."
But hey, Trump, who apparently thinks of himself as a modern day Vincent Van Gogh, (maybe his later years of Insanity), he continues to paint them not as criminals, but as misunderstood "Heroes" and now as "Warriors". Like something out of a twisted Marvel movie where the villains think they're the misunderstood antiheroes.

What about Trump's loyalty? you might ask. Oh, that’s a one-way street as narrow as Trump’s definition of the word “loyalty.” Did he pardon any of his beloved "warriors"? Ha! Not a Snowballs Chance in Melania's Mar-A-Lago Hell! Instead, Donnie reserved those sweet, sweet pardons for his wealthy pals — the ones with deep pockets or deep voices that could sink his ship faster than you can say "subpoena."

For Trump, loyalty is less about "mutual respect" and more about "blind, unquestioning devotion". You're only as useful as the campaign donations you bring in or the legal skeletons you can keep buried in the golden closet. Need proof? Just ask any of the sorry saps still cooling their heels in federal housing over the Jan. 6 shenanigans.

Now, back to the former Prez and his recent rhetoric, which has all the subtlety of a bullhorn at a library. Remember his hot-take on the rioters? They weren't just "hostages” or “political prisoners.” Nope, they
were “warriors.” You know, because attacking police officers with bear spray is evidently the kind of heroic valor that earns you a gold star in Trump’s book of alternate history.

And then there's the icing on this upside-down cake: Trump's promise of future pardons for these so-called warriors if, God forbid, he's back in the White House. (AGAIN, Not a Snowballs Chance in Melania's Mar-A-Lago Hell). Nothing says "I stand for law and order" like telling extremists, "Hey, go nuts — there’s a presidential get-out-of-jail-free card in it for ya." It's a message so loud, even Fido, two American towns over, can hear the dog whistle.

Trump has also ramped up his rhetoric, calling his opponents "vermin" and suggesting that migrants are "poisoning our blood." You'd think we were in a time warp to the bad old days of segregationists and Nazis. All this while planning his "revenge" on Biden, the DOJ, AG Garland, Jack Smith, FBI Agents etc..., literally anyone standing in his way of the White House for allegedly "rigging" his numerous felony convictions. (To be exact, 34 Felonies with 54 additional felonies coming soon to a courtroom near you. Oh, and Spoiler: there's zero evidence of "rigging" his trial with 12 random Jurors , that he had a hand in picking, the 16-25 randomly selected Grand Jury Panelists who INDICTED him or the President & the DOJ having anything to do with his "STATE" courtroom dramas.)
Experts and scholars are practically tripping over themselves with concern. Jon Lewis from George Washington University said Trump’s language is like "rolling out the red carpet for violence". And Jacob Ware of the Council on Foreign Relations warns Trump's blabbering is basically an "open invite for extremists to come in and wreck the joint".

The DHS even chimed in with an annual threat assessment that’s practically shouting at us: Election season is the tremor before the domestic terrorism earthquake. And Trump’s rhetoric? It’s a megaphone for the Proud Boys and their ilk, who’ve slithered back to Trump rallies looking to swell their numbers.

Federal law enforcement is on high alert, but trying to keep it on the down-low. The thinking is to avoid riling up conspiracy theorists convinced that any action against them is part of some grand "deep state" ninja moves. Experts like Jacob Ware think it might do more good for state and local governments, plus NGOs, to lead the way in cooling things down.

Key battleground states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania will focus hard on protecting vote-counting sites, because counting votes should not feel like defusing a bomb. We need to take this seriously.

Trump’s conjuring up chaos,
and this isn’t just Trump being Trump. He’ll scramble the law and order omelet if it means grabbing power. And he’s spelling it out right there in broad, glaring daylight.

Until next time, keep your irony detectors switched on, and remember: in Trump’s delusional world, loyalty is a one-way ticket — and you're the only one paying fare.

Almost time for me to pack the bags.


Jun 30, 2004
If you want to know how I FEEL about it, I could see only part of this disaster coming down the pike in Fall, 2015.

I've seen people I know -- senior citizens -- die from a stroke, disabled by a stroke or deteriorating by other means, and I have wondered, given the way they spoke about it since the 2016 election, if screaming at Trump on the TEE_VEE shortened their lives. It sure as hell has raised my blood-pressure! I miss my friends.

So dismissing any logic or wisdom in the matter, I'd like to see someone with nothing to lose and a 458-caliber bolt-action make an exploding mercury bullet and hit the sumbitch from behind, so someone with a cellphone could make a Zapruder remake of an exploding face that would give all the space-aliens in the fly-over shit-hole red states PTSD for the duration of their lives.

I don't just hate HIM -- I hate THEM! "Oh, the little embryos and fetuses! I'm going to hell if I don't stop people from aborting the little embryos and fetuses!" "Oh, the Deep State! They're taking our precious bodily fluids (like Tesla, GM, Apple and all the other big organizations)".

Our lives -- our personal, obscure lives -- have been made miserable for damn near seven years.

Maybe we just need a civil war, which we can finish without Lincoln's mercy this time. I say first of all that the GOP should not be able to claim Lincoln as one of their own. That was a long time ago when things were different. A Democrat then would be a Republican today. And I say this: They all should be forced to concede and admit it at gunpoint!

Apocalypse Now! Exterminate them ALL!
Reactions: Viper1j


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
Lol actual item for sale

(pics of shirts)

Works for me, almost as good as a red maga hat as a warning of "asshole approaching".

Funny how any red cap makes me do a double take.

Now, if the shirt was "I've decided to NOT vote for the felon" I'd think for a sec about it. But no, living where I live, that would be an invitation for some stand-your-ground gun nut to shoot me.


Jun 2, 2000
Works for me, almost as good as a red maga hat as a warning of "asshole approaching".

Funny how any red cap makes me do a double take.

Now, if the shirt was "I've decided to NOT vote for the felon" I'd think for a sec about it. But no, living where I live, that would be an invitation for some stand-your-ground gun nut to shoot me.
I have a BiL who is a trumpie but has a sense of humor. Last Thanksgiving he came wearing a clone of a MAGA hat except the printing said "Relax. It's just a red hat."


Jun 30, 2003
I have a BiL who is a trumpie but has a sense of humor. Last Thanksgiving he came wearing a clone of a MAGA hat except the printing said "Relax. It's just a red hat."
That's actually pretty good. Not gonna lie
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