Update, both my elderly Asian parents were assult by a black woman today. This is now personal for me
Do you want to complain about racism toward Asian people, do you want to prove that it exists, do you want payback for the hatred that has come your way in life, or do you want something more positive like real understanding that offers transcendence of suffering. If the latter I will restate what I said in post 152 hopefully more clearly:
What is racism? Is it not a sense of entitlement that one has a right to express violence against other people because they dare to look down on you because of your race, that they make you the object of scorn, worthy of payback with violence. But where did this sense of entitlement come from, why this focus on the superiority and inferiority based on race? Can there be racism without the notion of differences between people, that adherent to the notion of difference there is also the belief that for any one difference there is a superior and inferior version of it? Doesn't racism exist because of emotional need, a need for a personal sense of entitlement, a need to express even violently that one's self is superior to other people and race is just on of a million other differences we focus on to provide that superior feeling? And isn't the rage against racists the sense that their need to feel superior to others is hurtful and not justified?
You are angry that your parents were attacked and you see it as racially connected but why? Isn't it just one difference, being Asian that you are focusing on? You realize, I hope that Asians also discriminate based on which sub-division of Asia you are from. How much more racist could the Japanese have been in WW2? Which people in Asia are the best looking and blah blah blah.
If we see race an just one of a million of other differences people base their ego identity on we see that the problem isn't racism but the need to feel that one's own self identity is superior to the self identity of others. It is all about who is worth being put down. But where did this need to feel superior come from? How did differences that are utterly meaningless in terms of superior inferior come to be so very very important? Does it not have to be the result of defending oneself against the charge of deserving to victimized as inferior, as being worthy of being stomped on by so called superior people.
But where does this scale of important values exist outside of your own mind? Pay special attention to this. How can you feel inferior or superior to anyone else if you did not hold those standards in your head? Everyone who feels they are a victim of racism does so by reference to the notions of race they carry in their own heads. Every victim of racism is a victim of racism because he or she carries that condemnation as if it were real in their heads. How the fuck did that happen? How did you allow yourself to imbibe the notion of racial inferiority or any other notion of yourself as being judged as inferior? Is it not a result of exposure to the feeling of what being judged as feeling inferior feels like.
In today's profoundly sick world does anybody grow up with the concepts of inferior superior being hammered into them from childhood. Isn't the fear of being judged by others why Asian children are driven to perform, to excel and especially via education and then prestigious, that is to say well paying jobs? And what person who excels at anything not the target of put downs from the envy and greed, the inner feeling they themselves do not measure up?
So, I believe that racism exists because the concept of a belief that superior inferior exists, that we live in a world of dualism created by thought which is fear, fear of not measuring up, that we are in fact worthless until we achieve whatever stupid or sensible ideals the adults around us as children demanded as expectations we conform to or be judged by them as inferior. Who has not grown up with the expectations that we must live up to the ideals of our parents or be scolded and humiliated by them? we were actually taught to hate themselves, judge ourselves as worthless if we didn't toe the line. And as children we couldn't have survived those corrective procedures of punishment for deviancy had we not suppressed that pain and become conformistic people trained to see as sacred the ego we as adults we were forced to pretend to be. We became the victims of Stockholm Syndrome. upholders of the authoritarian supremacist of a million different faces, pretenders to really being worth something based on some external identification held sacred by our particular tribe who say that makes us to actually to be worth something. And if you poke them with the truth they will unleash their unfathomable rage and being put down and made to feel guilty of being their real selves.
In this way we live in a world of people who suffer from hidden inferiority who act out exactly how they really feel, going around pretending to be superior to everybody different in that whatever meaningless accidental thing they happened to grow up programmed to believe is the very best. Thus all self hating people are the best race, the best sex, belong to the best social groups, root for the best teams, and on and on endlessly, and they all do this in their ugly hateful state of self hating delusional state of sleep.
The more you hate yourself and were made to feel that self hating shame for being whatever race you happen to be, the more racist you will be, and the more you will want to harm other races or just any handy target to get even for your own pain and shame.
What race has had it worse in America? By the way I believe there is only the one human race that has some genetic variability, a tiny amount based on historic population localization by geography, so the idea of race does not really exist for me although I am not blind. I think Black people have been most traumatized, will be the most racially sensitive, and also the most fucked up by racism. They will also suffer from the most pent up violence and willingness to try to get even. They, like whites before them, will be looking to put some other race beneath them. It is the nature of self haters to want others to feel their own pain. If they can inflict it on you, you will go down the same path.
My point then is that racism destroys the self respect that is the birth right of every person, and those most damaged are the most likely to damage others out of the rage created by self hate.
So we live in a world populated with every level of bigotry, from those with racial killing rage, to those who attribute all their personal grievances to other races to racism deniers. Do something about your own self hate and racism for you will cease to exist. Don’t waste your time in the race game. We all suffer from our own repressed feelings and from those of others. To focus there is to fan the flames.
There is only one race and we are all the same, the image of God, and the monsters of our programming. To acquire conscious awareness to to become conscious of our own suffering. Out of grief for the self comes compassion for the suffering experienced by all who are asleep, unaware of the potential true love that is hidden within them.
I am so sorry for what happened to your parents. It didn't happen because they are Asian but because so many people are deeply sick and will not take ownership of their own pain.