The Yes/No at E@H changes from between a highlighted Bold to not bold.
At LHC, there is plenty of work for CMS (VBox) Atlas (VBox or Linux Native) Theory (VBox or Linux Native). Theory tasks are currently running for multiple days atm. Whenever they have SixTrack tasks they run out very quickly.
Re E@H, ah yea, I see now, it's barely visible unless I zoom right in! lol, what a rubbish design!
Re LHC, ah yea I remember now, I removed Vbox, I think I stopped using it as their was either a lack of WUs, a problem with them, or a problem with Vbox a few years ago or so. After that I never re-installed it as I didn't have a need for it. So I think that only left me with the 6 track which has very few WUs, a shame really.
@StefanR5R as above I no longer have Vbox, I can't really remember what the problem was now, although I do recall posting here about it (I think, can't remember where![edit] Found it -
https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/forum_thread.php?id=4304&postid=46284 ), I don't think I was the only one though. Perhaps I should re-visit Vbox....
My main rig has plenty of RAM (specs below), I would've thought 32GB would be enough? CPU is 6C/12T.
Atm I'm getting plenty of WUs (now) from Asteroids, WCG, Einstein & MW , so plenty of WUs but not enough CPU time! lol