as a public servant, I wore a suit and tie daily, and I showered -- almost! -- every morning. Then I retired. After telling myself at that time that if I shaved every day, I wouldn't go to hell, I grew a beard. And I realized I didn't need to shower daily. IN FACT! I could go a week or more without a bath.
I had once met this otherwise attractive young woman with a back pack headed toward the local convention center to take a shower. I asked her where she was living. "White Park" she said. All the homeless people live there -- camping out. I asked her when was the last time she took a shower. She confided: "About six weeks ago." I didn't notice any particular strong odor, but then there was a breeze blowing,.
Sometimes I don't want to bother with a shower. I have a wet bar in my hallway on the first floor. I give myself a shampoo and beard-wash, and then the "three-point" operation with a washcloth and soap.
But as for the OP's question -- use Lume Deo or Mando frequently. As far as I'm concerned, it's not how your clothes smell that's important. It's a matter of how they FEEL. If you begin to feel sticky between your body and your shirt or pants, it's time for a bath and a change of clothes.
Then, there's also the matter of Demodex mites, also known as eyelash mites. Everybody has them, but they are most numerous on old people. Can everyone intuitively understand how this might be possible or likely?
Supposedly the mites don't have an anus. Instead, they gorge themselves on dead skin, and eventually explode.
I say the mites are sufficient incentive to shower more than once every six weeks.
My mites are Aztec or Egyptian mites. I have discovered they have been building pyramids with dandruff on my scalp.
Alas, with a bottle of Head and Shoulders, I have become Death -- the Destroyer of Worlds.