After the dust settles, and all of Trumps bullshitting campaign rallies. The reality of his bullshitting will set in. We need to see the rationality of what he said he would do and can do from his bullshitting sessions and interviews. He’s going to find out that he cannot do everything he planned, much less promised (bullshitted). He can appoint flunkies and loyalists to head up various departments, but they’re not the ones who are tasked with implementing things where the rubber meets the road. That’s done at a lot more local level, where pushback from those affected can and hopefully will occur. All this shit won’t go as quickly or as easily as he thinks
This is a long post, but after the dust has settled, All my thoughts rushed into my brain at once, these are only my opinions. I need to fucus on reality and prepare for some CHAOS! a Trump presidency, AGAIN?!
Project 2025 and the remaking of the federal bureaucracy: This is the big one, the rock on which Project 2025 was built, and will heavily influence how much can get done on items further down the list. I think that they will find this much harder to do than they thought. I suspect that rather than getting a strong decisive government ramrodding the conservative agenda through to bring the utopia of Giliad, I think that will be filled with people being put in power who have no idea how the system works, resulting in disfunction, chaos and infighting. Its going to be bad in that we won’t have a functioning government, but it won’t really do what they want it to do. Trump said he does not know who these project 2025 people are and has nothing to do with them (bullshitting). The public with protests and the press need to call him out on this. Implementing this at its full power will be a daunting task. This one would need a national grass roots upheaval. This is the biggest one people need to keep an eye and ear on. Take to the streets and bombard your local officials.
Trump going after political enemies: This is another big one, I don’t see much success going after individuals. most likely it will consist of a bunch of tax audits (assuming he can successfully take over the IRS) and investigations by the justice department, on random charges. This will be annoying and expensive in terms of lawyer fees for those targeted and the taxpayers, but I doubt that they will lead to many if any actual successful prosecutions. Going after businesses and most importantly media companies who piss him off is another thing. If he can strong arm the SEC, and FEC to go after undesirably companies he could pressure then to do his bidding. Trump suspending the Constitution to go round up his political enemies: Not possible. I’m sure he’ll take other unconstitutional actions. But he will not explicitly suspend the Constitution. And if I’m wrong, his press spokesperson will say it was a joke. Oh, and it’s certainly possible that Congress and SCOTUS will go along with whatever he wants. I think the difference between now and his first term is that he’ll just ignore them if they don’t. Elon Musk will help him target his enemies as well. Here are some of his targets:
Cancelling Future Elections: It's highly possible Trump won't make it through the term. With his cognitive decline and his steady diet of fast food, rage and Alsheimer's running in his family. If he does make it through 2028 Trump will be ready to hang it up. his poor health and cognitive decline will accelerate. He will not be facing any legal issues that require him to remain in power, and he will have grifted more money than God. Further the people who really decide these things for the most part are the courts. I believe they really aren’t going to be interested in living in a dictatorship, neither do half of the American people and neither are the lawmakers who have adapted to the current system (it got them in power in the first place didn’t it?) so I really don’t think this will happen. BUT! The real problem is the Republican party and they’re making long term plans to stay in power. Trump’s just a useful idiot that’s diverting the public's attention while they try to do this. It would suit them better to maintain a system of elections and allow the Democratic party to exist - while ensuring that the Democrats never gain a majority. They’ll be happy with a series of elections where the Republican presidential candidate gets 280-300 electoral college votes and the Democratic presidential candidate gets 240-260. Same thing in Congress; as long as they have the majority, they’ll be okay letting the Democrats have some seats. A Democratic party that’s still in existence gives the Republicans somebody to blame for all the things the Republicans fuck up. With all the potential and very real hardships ahead, the voters need to wake the fuck up.
Abortion: Again, Trump said (or bullshitted) he wasn't for a national ban. I don’t think that this is something that Trump really wants but his conservative base does. On the other hand, Republicans realize that this is not an issue that they have popular support with. I suspect we will get a push of a nationwide total ban, which will be watered down to a 12 or 16 week ban with cut outs for rape, incest and health of mother. Trump got what he wanted, states rights re: abortion. Many red states just enshrined abortion in their state constitutions this very election. I'm thinking they realize they would never get a national ban on abortion otherwise this SCOTUS would have already given it. I give it a 50/50 shot of passing, if it passes there is a 50/50 shot he will sign it. The public with protests and the press needs to press him and call him out on if he would veto this if it ever becomes a reality.
Ukraine: Unfortunately this is something that merely requires inaction rather than action, so it will be easy for Trump to succeed. Europe and Ukraine are on their own.
Climate Change: As with Ukraine it just depends on inaction, again Trump is good at that so pretty much any attempt to halt climate change will be stopped.
Tariffs and the economy: As much has Trump loves his Tariff idea, big money doesn’t and will push back against him if he tries this. I think he will get a few token Tariffs out that he can point to claim as an accomplishment, but not the 100 - 200% he bullshitted about or even 20-30% cross the board taxes he promised (bullshitted). Tax cuts for the rich are of course a done deal. The real question I have is how much he is able to insert cronies into various bureaus that send out economic statistics he can make them as rosy as he wants. Of course, it will be obvious, and he will be called on it, but that never stopped him before. And the main effect of it will be that no one will be able to trust these numbers leading to great uncertainty in the markets. And if he does, we now have inflation. I hope his Sec’y of Commerce can convince him that he can have tariffs or lower inflation, not both.
Immigration: As with Tariffs deporting millions of undocumented immigrants is not going to make big money happy. But unlike Tariffs this is something that his base really cares about. So I think he will have to make an attempt. However once it starts and he finds that it isn’t as easy as he thought, and when the reality of ICE busting down doors and hauling off people who have been your neighbors for years start coming out, it will lose some of its popularity. In the end I think that it will lead to a really bad year or two, but fall well short of promises, very much like his beautiful wall. However, if it is limited to newcomers a lot of people may get behind it, especially in urban and some urban blue areas. Between people self-deporting from fear of being grabbed by ICE and roundups of low-hanging fruit, agricultural workers, factory line workers, and so forth, throwing out masses of those folks will crash the economy for major segments. Crops rotting in the field, chickens and hogs not being processed, etc. Watch grocery prices skyrocket. Big Agriculture will not be happy; consumers will not be happy; Trump may ignore (or not be told about) protests but Congress men and women will hear the howls of anguish and fury.
Get out of Jail Free Cards: The federal charges against Trump himself will be dropped, (Not from state attorneys though) and pardons will be handed out to the Jan 6th crowd and anyone else who was convicted due to actions supportive of the big lie. Additional pardons will be given on a case by case basis depending on the degree to which the convict can successfully demonstrate his usefulness to Trump. Gratuities are of course accepted. Which bring us to …
Grift: There will be plenty of this at all levels in every conceivable way. Business as usual. The supreme court has legalized bribery for official acts at the presidential level so long as he doesn’t get impeached by 2/3 of the senate. So, I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes out just as rich as Musk at the end of it.