That isn't relevant to Zen 6 as we already know it's about ~10%. And this is the Zen 6 thread so it colored my line of argument heavily. The only way to prevent stagnation is to deliver it quicker. It is a problem for AMD if they want to be relevant in the laptop market.The solution to your issue is "do better than 10% if you're taking two years to get there", not "do two designs and hope that magically you'll end up with >10% cumulative with the second one".
Disregarding Zen 6 you can look at the last two years and see ARM delivered 1.1x and 1.15x and clock rate increases on top of that. In the same time period AMD only delivered Zen 5 with 1.17x (more like 1.15x, but I'll be charitable) at the same clock rate.
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