Trump and his cronies aren't going to roast the goose that lays their golden eggs. That elitist billionaire club members of theirs is going to slow bleed the nation dry, torturing it just before it dies, then resuscitating it just enough to repeat the suction process over and over again.
This is going to show just how stubbornly stupid Trump's supporters are by ignoring their own demise done in by the hands of the very people they voted for. Still can't believe how these fools fell for all of the lies and disinformation that suckered them into voting for their own economic executioners.
Trump's a better manager of our economy than Biden was? Really? Trump's tariffs are going to punish China and the American people are going to benefit from that somehow? Sheesh. Deporting millions of undocumented immigrants is going to give millions of Americans their jobs back? LOL.
I was chatting with one of my neighbors about how our investments hit it's stride over the last coup'la years and how our local unions are getting favorable wage and benefits packages for their members that they could only get half of when Trump was messing things up during his term.
And then the chatting turned to how both of us had conversations with Trump supporters and how both of us couldn't believe the FOXshit that was coming out of their mouths. They got sold a ton of crap from the Republican Ministry of Propaganda and now these folks were trying to sell it to us as the gawd awful truth. It struck both of us that these Trumpies actually truly believed the obvious lies they were being brain fucked with and when both of us tried to set things straight at the lowest level of layman's language we could muster, well, of course you all know how that went.
What an amusing coincidence it was that both of us found we had the same experience talking with Trump people.
Let's do some economic facts shall we.
While Trump was President:
NAFTA was reworked in our favor so that we stopped getting hosed by Canada and Mexico.
The manufacturing sector gain 400,000+ jobs.
Unemployment hit a 50 year low, all time low for blacks and hispanics ever recorded.
The Small Business Confidence Index Level hit a 44 year high.
The Consumer Confidence Index Level hit a 22 year high.
The US was energy self sufficient for the first time since the early 1960's and not once did Trump empty the Federal fuel reserve.