For our retirement accounts, I'm just sticking with my targets:
- 36% international stock
- 54% domestic stock [40/60 international/domestic stock split]
- 7% domestic bonds
- 3% international bonds [70/30 domestic/international bond split]
I recently rebalanced my 401k and Roth to ensure alignment across the accounts and matching my targets, since there had been some drift. I figure my time horizon of 20+ years is fine to just stick with what I have. Don't want to play games with trying to time the market, or letting stuff spook me from my long-term plans. I do have some cash I want to invest, but I've already done a fair amount this year, and may just let that sit in a T-bill/HYSA/Federal Money Market to see how things shake out in the first 6 months. Also, some of it is going to serve as our 2025 Roth contributions.