No he is a danger because he will sell out the entire country for a compliment.
I have this same issue with left brain thinkers constantly and it revolves around ending an analysis of an issue by pointing to a symptom that describes some behavior. “Joe is always kicking holes in the wall because he has anger issues, etc.”.
OK, I don’t disagree that Trump would sell the country because he’s narcissistic, which is characterized by a need for praise and that makes him dangerous. But you could say a deeper danger than that is that such a man was elected by voters along with a lot of others who are more likely seeking power and money rather than complements.
Are you going to say people voted for him because he was looking for complements. I am sure he was looking to win, to complement himself in part, but he was also running to stay out of jail and escape financial loss.
The problem is that Trump has a number of different personality disorders all of which make him dangerous and listing what they are and the symptoms they express are all disorders because they are self destructive, compulsive, and internally and externally danaging.
So we could sat that Trump is dangerously because he is not mentally well and because he is President is a danger to the nation.
I am happier with this because it embraces not just the danger of narcissism but sociopathy and on an on.
But all of this is still so what to me. Trump is dangerously because too many American voters for endless and complex reasons of their own pulled the lever for a dangerously mental individual. This suits me even more. So say I am ready to stop here. Well then now what. I have described a moral conclusion we should not vote for nutcases for President because it dangerous for the country.
Does anything change? Does anybody else see? Do Americans care? I don’t think so. It’s just a description with what is and where we are. You might also say here that humanity is asleep or that we are what we eat culturally, that our culture is sick.
I don’t care how you state the issue. However you state it, the future as some of us see it looks to be full of dangers Trumps power will bring.
No matter how you characterize why he is dangerous the belief is that he is dangerous and that, of course opens a different debate as to even if he is dangerous as the voters obviously didn’t think so at a conscious level anyway. Let’s not go there here.
So my issue is this. A description is a description. You can file it away. You cas say don’t vote Trump, he’s deranged or dangerous, whatever.
The only thing that interests me is why he is the way he is, why people vote how they do. I am interested in motivation, the drivers of behavior, why some people seem safe to be around and others are dangerously. How did we get where we are.
Would an understanding of the origins of mental illness suggests ways to prevent it from happening or cure it?
The answer is that when we first learned to think with words and categorize things, words began to tie ideas with feelings and when they could be used to make us experience fear, our feelings went underground, hidden behind ego.
As humans developed a sense of separateness, acquired a sense of individuality and lost the oceanic experience of being here only in the now there were always those who found their way back.
Putdowns told you you don’t deserve the simple joy of being.
Trump was told he could only be respected by his father by becoming just like him and that included never having the weakness of loving anything.