I'm back to buying Bluray for some movies because 1) rights on streaming are constantly shifting to and from stuff I many not have a sub for 2) bitrates most are streaming at suck total ass in comparison.
For music, I like ripping CDs for flac, or just flat out purchasing downloads (though, I've been paring down my physical media collection because it's a pain in the butt to move, and takes up a fair amount of space not doing anything. Exception: we have some vinyl, so that can stay.
For movies, long ago, I ripped all of them to my HTPC to use with Kodi, and I've recently done the same for Blu-ray. Extremely nice to have them in a single, electronic collection to scroll through as you want, and no funky issues pausing and resuming that you sometimes get with the physical disks. Of the physical media, only the Blu-ray and TV sets have somehow come along for the ride through our last move.
Also definitely looking at buying certain movies for the better bit rate and audio. I can tell even with a 1080 TV, the rips always look better than the streams.
I won't bother with "alternative" means of acquisition for media. If they don't want to make it easy enough for me to purchase or consume, then it must not be worth my time or money to watch/listen to it.