One could potentially use critical thinking to point out that you are applying your own bias in tearing down the suggestion that we teach critical thinking in schools.
Properly teaching critical thinking requires at least three full fields of study, including but not limited to philosophy, law, and psychology.
Then the individual needs to have a detached mindset, something the near-entirety of the masses are incapable of adopting for "sacred" matters.
I've seen enough to say that masses deserved to be ruled by the politicians currency in power, regardless of party, because the masses do not work that hard or well to function against any professional politician; political leanings dont matter.
What gets taught as critical thinking winds up becoming heuristic enablers. Humans presume and assume as a matter of habit, and more impulsive the more emotionally invested they are.
For example, Occams's razor is a method used such that morons think they are geniuses. When all the premises needed to establish a biconditional is found, then it can be applied. It is not a debate stopper, nor evidence, or fact.
Another popular line of thought these days is to take everything people say at face value and that guile, deceit, and hidden artificer necessarily cannot exist.