Musk, an autistic ketemine addicted citizen of South Africa plugged in an unsecured email server at the opm and has a been siphoning data for over a week.
He also has partial control over the elderly fucking moron who is sitting in the oval office. The moron is also under the spell of a psycho religious nut and several people who are literally native enthusiasts who believe in that everything must be destroyed to prepare for their Armageddon scenario.
You have a bunch american oligarchs who read a fucking shitty book and now think that is how society should be structured so they are all playing the game for the white house.
The mental defects that voted for all this are going to get exactly what the rest of us told them they were going get but they are such idiots they'll just rehash what the propaganda machine tells them.
I stopped posting around here because post from people like the ones you mentioned were just too much stupidity for one man to take.
I came back to this forum mainly to see if you still had your GTI.
Do you?