At this time, the brash moves of the Trump entourage with Musk may have damaged their numbers with many clueless people who just chose Trump because he's not a woman, not of mixed race, not intelligent, not bursting with years of experience in San Francisco, Sacramento, the US Senate and the Vice-Presidency.
But Musk may have made some people wake up. Wha-a-t? He's a convicted felon, and this guy who was never elected to do anything is gonna meddle with my retirement records, my payments from Treasury or Social Security checks, my tax records? We're not supposed to have criminals running the government. . . . .
They'll be anxious, and anxiety is not fun. they'll remember. Meanwhile, I just pray for a massive stroke, irreparable heart attack, hypnotized to go sleep-walking on the I-95 truck lanes during rush-hour, or just an exploding projectile guaranteed to spread PTSD with the cell-phone Zapruder re-make.
Otherwise, stop grousing about Biden, Harris, Democratic mistakes -- whatever. There's a criminal in the White House . . . a CRIMINAL IN THE WHITE HOUSE! . . . . A criminal in the white house . . . A CRM IN-I-NAL IN THE WHITE HOUSE! That's like hiring The Wild Bunch to administer your bank while you're down the street at the Temperance Meeting.
There's a chance to turn this around. They've already created great outrage. Just telling people "there will be a little pain at first" -- that's a pretty weak sales pitch. Let's help them make some bigger mistakes. But get people worried about their money and entitlements -- upon which they may sorely depend? Priceless.