Except I do, and I didnt't absolve the opposition of any respnsibilty. I said the majority of the failure falls on the voters. What you seem to want is a car salesman, to win over voters, thinking that is how politics works, or should work, and how voting works. That ideology is exactly why this country's leadership has erroded over decades, and we got trump. Because the voters, voted for the car salesman over facts and truth, because he said what they wanted to hear, and sold them on lies. It's the voter's responsibility to educate themselves on issues, canidiates, etc, and base their vote on the information they gathered, not the otherway around relying on the media and car salesman's (politicians) sales pitches.
What's really perplexing, is you are blaming the democrats, blame Biden, blame Harris because they didn't push back, didn't get the messaging out.. etc.. yet you admitted that Harris told us that this was going to happen, so you already disproved your own argument. In fact it wasn't just Harris, it was various democrate leaders, including Biden, who did push back and such, on many differnt plateforms. Which means, that voters didn't care, ignored it, or what have you. I guess they should have resorted to taking a club to the voter's heads and beating them into summision, as it seems that is the only way voters will give their due dilligents to what is right in front of them.