I'm surprised Nvidia still cares about what people say about them on obscure forums. The whole gaming market seems to be an afterthought for them now compared to the datacenter market. Maybe hiring shills is cheap enough for the benefits. I think big companies could redirect their entire marketing budget to hiring youtube/tiktok/twitter shills, fake Amazon reviewers, etc. and get the same result for a tiny fraction of the cost.
reddit obscure? it's the opposite, there's good reasons big companies care about their image there. people who frequent reddit are the most obsessive and "passionate" consumers, synonymous to gamers. if more and more agree with hecklers, reputation goes down. the hardware subreddit has 4 million subscribers, it's huge, it generates millions of views just by existing. reddit pushes posts to everyone all the time through its app, it's the ultimate doomscroller
youtube/tiktok/twitter are more aimed to the general public and the general public does not understand hardware. they still do lots of partnerships mainly with gamer youtubers, there needs to be the right target group.
then while revenue gap is huge between DC and retail, retail creates the reputation, DC buyers largely follow the reputation to sign the contracts