Your post made absolutely no sense to me...
I am full of fear and rage and I can't take the pain, the anxiety I self generate feeling that way. I need to dump those feelings I can't contain but I don't want to feel guilty about it because I was taught it was evil to dump on innocent people. Therefore I only dump on people who are worth being dumped on, really really bad people and when my anger and when my fear of exploding becomes great enough that would be anybody. I an the only one worth anything. All the rest of you are scum and deserve all the putdown and ridicule you can get including that you are dishonest and lie about any and everything. Don't tell me otherwise because I won't hear you because it will make me feel ashamed and guilty and we can never have that because that's how I really feel and I did that as a child, waved accusations around at my parents and they killed me for it and I would rather die than relive all of that by consciously remembering.
I was expressing an opinion as to why people, liberals in this case, want to put you in a liar's box, to say you voted for Trump, specifically here when you say you did not. The reason in my opinion is what I put in the first person to show you how it works. I will try again:
The primary motivation that animates people's unconscious behavior is avoidance of feeling pain we actually do feel but want to repress, denial of feeling bad about ourselves. How did we get to be that way, by being put down as children for perfectly normal childhood behaviors adults are terrified of feeling themselves. The way we were molded into so called proper but actually sick behavior was by being put down and threatened with punishment if we didn't conform to the norm. We became Stockholm victims and in order to avoid having to re-experience the feelings of guilt and self blame we were subjected to we do as our parents or guardians did, we project those now horrible but actually natural behaviors out into the world on other people. That means that liberals will call you a liar so as not to feel how they lie to themselves. They need to see you as the evil one so they don't remember how it was they who were long ago branded as such. You will be accused of being who they fear to see about themselves. If that's confusing just know the same is true of you too and you may also not want to see it.
The good news is that because we all suffer from tremendous hidden guilt, it's can be a big relief when facing oneself that there is no such thing as guilt and nobody is to blame for anything. To be unconscious is to be a machine. How do you blame a clock for going coo coo?