**Warning NSFL***
fuck israel and anyone that supports that genocidal regime
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I've unfortunately been on the receiving end from isreali supporters that the death of all children in the Gaza strip and Westbank are the direct results of Palestinians putting children in harms way and maybe they should not be having children because <insert whatever reasoning>.
Americans generally don't care about dead children when it comes to Palestinians.
The entire Palestinian people are considered Hamas or hamas supporters and the view on the ground in the united states is that every dead Palestinian child is one less terrorist.
Ask them and watch the wall of what aboutism that comes out.
The people that grew out of the 700k Palestinians forced out of their homes back in mid 20th century will be wiped put.
Religious people want them extinguished.
The chances of them after decades under siege being able to integrate into Isreal is 0%.
Ethic cleansing of that land will be completed.
Moving what was basically a refugee camp with permanent (well sort of) infrastructure to other countries in the area won't work and if done so will essentially create a monster no longer under control of Israel.
Hamas thrived under Israel's watch. What happens when they are under someone else's watch?
Attempts to force 2 million+ people (west bank may be next) to some African country with hopes they will die there (the thought process is that by forcing them to regions westerners care little about, with hopes diluting the Palestinian culture with African culture, all the various "military operations targeting x militants ). It's the model similar to shipping off to a salvadoran prison.
Out of sight. Out of mind. Easy to make people dissapear and atrocities can be run through the propaganda machine.
The US government has spent decades pretending to care about humanity in the Gaza strip and west bank but that has been bs for a long time.
Trump,Kushner, Theil and the Crazy Christians are simply exposing the reality.