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  1. F

    Question I think my MB is bad. If so, what do you think would be a good replacement.

    @Shmee i've seen two 4790k dead now actually, and in the same board no less lmao. One had 4 pin pads that were varying amounts of totally gone from half pad to completely removed. I'd offer him the board since it's still good but IDK if it has a ghost in it or what lmao
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    Question Help tuning 3600mhz DDR4 in Gigabyte X570 boards, I've all but given up getting it to work as rated

    Okay somehow it just magically works now on auto with the XMP profile. The only things i did were apply the CAD bus strength and change my RttNom value, and I changed command rate to 2T, and now it works with XMP and everything on auto. I'm pretty sure ultimately the only thing I changed was the...
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    Question Help tuning 3600mhz DDR4 in Gigabyte X570 boards, I've all but given up getting it to work as rated

    So long story short, I rebuilt my PC back over the holidays (3800x, AORUS x570 Elite rev1, 3600mhz G.Skill Trident Z Neo CJR dies) and I didn't pay a lot of attention to the memory timings till more recently when I noticed it wasn't running the XMP profile at all and was at 2133mhz in windows. I...
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    Question Anyone have a list of what 5700XT models use reference PCB? Need a card that will take a waterblock

    EK says I'm SOL on a block for the card lol. good to know though i'll see what's available for what
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    Question Anyone have a list of what 5700XT models use reference PCB? Need a card that will take a waterblock

    I ordered a Corsair XG7 only to discover that my ASRock challenger isn't reference design. Now I'm looking for a card that is reference to replace it but have no idea how to identify a reference PCB from item listings other than looking for an 8+6pin design. I had my eyes on the Gigabyte AORUS...
  6. F

    Question How do i overclock a i7-10510u

    I'll sell you a board and cpu for a decent price if you want to learn, i have an i3 8350k and board I'd be willing to part with if I had a buyer
  7. F

    Can't figure out what e-mail I used for BOINC in the past, any way someone can help me find this info?

    You raised an interesting idea, Im going to try and find an old gen iphone charger and plug in my old phone from then that I still have, see if an old email that's still logged I may have forgotten pops up. I doubt it though, super long shot and IDK where my old charger cables even are anymore
  8. F

    Can't figure out what e-mail I used for BOINC in the past, any way someone can help me find this info?

    Yea I've gone over it in my head all night while playing Witcher 3. I'm 100% positive I used the same e-mail as on most forums back then and i've gone through the 3 primaries I had which I've been using since 2004-6 when I created them. The original creation emails are all there from google and...
  9. F

    Can't figure out what e-mail I used for BOINC in the past, any way someone can help me find this info?

    I spent 2 hours doing this trying to figure out possible alternative emails i might have used, all coming up empty. I exhausted my entire social engineering playbook trying to think of ways i might source the correct e-mail from my own history logs but sadly I seem to have either forgotten a...
  10. F

    Can't figure out what e-mail I used for BOINC in the past, any way someone can help me find this info?

    I'm trying to recover my BOINC account for when the folding@home project for covid-19 is completed and taken down, as I still stand as our forum's #6 all time contributor to milkyway@home and I'd like to potentially bump that up again, but I can't for the life of me remember what e-mail I seem...
  11. F

    Help! my 4790k wont run at rated speed

    nevermind my last post, i found it, the trigger switch is what its called, it locks in the CPU at a low stable frequency so you can boot with an insane massive OC into OS stable to run that one benchmark, take a screenshot, and reboot (according to the manual), and it was set to the "safe"...
  12. F

    Help! my 4790k wont run at rated speed

    I'm looking at the manual now to see which switch this is but I tried looking for that last night before I passed out as well to no avail (probably right before i got frustrated and lay down). Could you point me to which switch you're talking about in case I come back fruitless again? I was...
  13. F

    Help! my 4790k wont run at rated speed

    I went through, checked with my DMM to make sure the board was getting the right voltages from the PSU, manually removed the bios battery instead of using the button, tried the backup bios, and still nothing. even manually hard locking it to 40 multiplier in bios wont get it to un-throttle. I'm...
  14. F

    Help! my 4790k wont run at rated speed

    Okay I'm looking right at the advanced settings> processor power management tree and the only thing there is > system cooling policy> dropdown menu ^active ^passive, with default set to active. The system is set to high performance as well. Im going to see if my SSD from my other system will...
  15. F

    Help! my 4790k wont run at rated speed

    Literally all I did before this happened was turn it off and install another radiator into my water cooling loop, the system has been running fine for a month now with stock settings at 4GHz, I haven't got around to overclocking the CPU yet because I'm having issues with getting enough air...
  16. F

    Help! my 4790k wont run at rated speed

    So i have a Gigabyte Z97-SOC Force motherboard and a 4790k i just got. I have been running it fine with no problems for a while now and today it suddenly decided that it only wants to run at 800MHz no matter what! So what do I do? I reset the bios, i manually dial in the clock speed base and...
  17. F

    HELP, not sure how to route a high end water loop for ideal temps!

    an after the weekend update, i added the working black ice GT2 in up top because i literally just had to cut the existing final drain tube and catch it in a bucket, then reconnect the split ends to the radiator in place. installed it with push air penetrators and the pull D12SM-12 yates i've...
  18. F

    HELP, not sure how to route a high end water loop for ideal temps!

    lol holy fracking hell that's a big rad. given my whole having access to a window to put it in that would be pretty much THE way to get it done, and the window's opening is exactly 520mm which would be enough to sandwich 3 140mm fans to hold it in place with some bricks to hold it up on the...
  19. F

    HELP, not sure how to route a high end water loop for ideal temps!

    Guskline i didn't see your reply before. I'd love to except i don't have a good spot to mount a 4x4 120 radiator nicely. I'm pretty sure it'd do the job though LOL. I redid the loop and with all exhaust fans I got a decent drop in temps but still my cpu is heating up to the temp of the cards...
  20. F

    HELP, not sure how to route a high end water loop for ideal temps!

    80-85 actually. thats part of why I'm using water at all, during the summer it just gets so damn hot i needed to spread out the space over which i was dissipating heat in order to run a nice 290X crossfire setup without it sitting there at 90c+ loads 24/7. at least the GPUs are hovering in the...
  21. F

    HELP, not sure how to route a high end water loop for ideal temps!

    water temp is definitely on the higher end, i can attest to this by using an IR thermometer to check the temps externally and i'm getting temps ranging 95-105f on the tubing and as high as 115 on the fittings. The direct backside of my hottest 290x is 105f to give you an idea of how well the...
  22. F

    HELP, not sure how to route a high end water loop for ideal temps!

    except for on the MCR320 i'm using silverstone air penetrators, im using medium speed yates on the swiftech radiator cause it's always worked well with those and they're the best looking green LED fans around that work well. I don't have a temp probe but whatever load temp my GPUs hit (right...
  23. F

    HELP, not sure how to route a high end water loop for ideal temps!

    So I've got a conundrum of sorts. I have a loop consisting of two 290x and a 4790k with 2 Alphacool Monstas (3 fan 120x80) and a swiftech MCR320. using EK copper blocks on the 290x and the new Apogee XL with a custom biohazard plate from performancePCs, and the best temps my CPU will do are...
  24. F

    290x instantly crashing on loading most games, but will load cgminer fine

    it instantly processed, was approved by a computer and all. I'm waiting on the return shipping label now, i'd mine on it but when i put it into another comp it'd BSOD whenever it got to installing that driver so i just canned it for now. figure im just stuck waiting =/
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    290x instantly crashing on loading most games, but will load cgminer fine

    yup, card's bad. putting in for a replacement with newegg today
  26. F

    290x instantly crashing on loading most games, but will load cgminer fine

    nope, no bios mods. This rig is intended for gaming and general use and I will eat the hashes for stability's sake, i just cant turn down the 900+mhs once I get a water block for it that it adds to my farm. im gonna get unigine tonight and try that, Shmee's comp loaded PS2 just fine (though he...
  27. F

    290x instantly crashing on loading most games, but will load cgminer fine

    tested in another machine with the same issue but it turned out my second box didnt have any games on it cause i forgot i only copied the OS to it and not the games partition. i have a friend updating their copy of the same game while i get my other box reconfigured back to its old stable mining...
  28. F

    290x instantly crashing on loading most games, but will load cgminer fine

    No you didn't read my OP. Also the version you linked is out of date, 12.5 was released this week and you linked me 12.4 unless you are saying 12.5 has a bug and i should try 12.4 (i used 12.1 before updating to 12.5 so idk if it will make a difference), then I definitely followed the DDU...
  29. F

    290x instantly crashing on loading most games, but will load cgminer fine

    I already ran a driver and registry cleanup a dozen times between various 14.x beta and the 13.12 WHQL, definitely not an issue of the drivers being corrupted or anything like that. Made sure of that after it BSOD the first time and had to run a chk dsk on startup afterward because it BSODd...
  30. F

    290x instantly crashing on loading most games, but will load cgminer fine

    okay so resetting the game settings for planetside 2 to default graphics and reinstalling the entire game got it to load finally, under 13.12. making progress, definitely some type of driver issues going on here and not a hardware bug ed: wont load the game unless i run it at default render...
  31. F

    290x instantly crashing on loading most games, but will load cgminer fine

    So I got a new Sapphire 290x reference board today for my main system to replace my 7950, since I mine and have the extra capacity in my farm but need to focus on slot/MH/s density now more than raw output. It mines fine but when I try loading any newer games (planetside 2, arkham asylum, arkham...
  32. F

    Getting a 290x + waterblock for a mining/gaming PC, questions!

    dude that's the suck, that explains a lot. I remember seeing those on the card when we put the loop together and wondering about it but had forgotten, was gonna hit you up today about it after seeing this. didn't notice you already had (idk how i missed it). You need to hit me back today anyway...
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    Getting a 290x + waterblock for a mining/gaming PC, questions!

    Risers arent an option, this box is being designed to withstand 85-90f+ days at full load sitting in the hottest room of the house. I have an air cooled farm in the garage which I plan to riser out but I'm concerned for the summer when the garage no longer is the bastion of stored cool air it is...
  34. F

    Getting a 290x + waterblock for a mining/gaming PC, questions!

    So title is straight forward, few questions, some about mining, some about gaming, and some about the watercooling aspect which may need to get taken to the CnC section to get answered later. 1: I plan to mine on the card and overclock it, but also plan to game. I am dubious of powercolor's 2...
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    Anandtech Member Case Gallery!

    thought I'd show off what the HAF Stacker is capable of here with some photos from my new rebuild. Gonna reloop the top box tomorrow so the radiators are on the top. was getting issues with an air bubble forming in the cpu block and not bleeding out because it's the highest point in the rig and...
  36. F

    Cryptocoin Mining?

    13.12 and 13.9 were both tried. 13.9 worked just fine well before i had any issues. it doesnt matter how many cards or what cards, the results are always the same (significantly decreased performance from expected). CPU/ram usage is in an idle state with less about half my 4gb used and cpu idling
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    Cryptocoin Mining?

    this got buried, I didn't get any replies or PMs about help on this issue. I just took the system down to 2 cards and then 1 card, it doesnt matter what cards are in it, It's under-performing them no matter what. This is my single best board for miners and it was working fine (though the OS...
  38. F

    Cryptocoin Mining?

    Okay, I have a really weird one for you guys. I have two Sapphire Dual-X 6950s and 1 AMD unbranded 6970 (which does 1000/1500). the 2 6950s at stock were each getting like 385mhs and the 6970 was able to hit 500 at the clocks listed. I've since moved them to a single rig, but for some reason the...
  39. F

    Older s1156 board won't post with newer CPU with proper bios updates, help?

    I'm running the latest bios, I thought I mentioned that I thought but it appears I may not have. I'm wondering if the bios update didn't fully take except that the EFI for the board had some functionality added that wasn't there before I updated it so I figured trying to just run it again would...
  40. F

    Older s1156 board won't post with newer CPU with proper bios updates, help?

    I own an MSI P67A-GD80 S1155 board which I was originally using with a 2600k as a multigup gaming box. It's since been converted to a litecoin miner and the CPU was harvested to go into an ITX gaming box instead, and a celeron G-1620 was ordered to replace it. The vendor ran out of 1620s and...
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