Search results

  1. P

    Dual ISP - any software to aid in fast failover for critical redundancy?

    Tx Drebo. Yeah we looked at bonding two T1's, but we then said to ourselves: how long will that last for our needs? We are in this weird niche/no man's land where we have rather high performance requirements but not a large desire to budget for a 3-4 bonded T1. If the Comcast connection wasn't...
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    Dual ISP - any software to aid in fast failover for critical redundancy?

    jlazzaro: Thanks for the clarification. After some further research yesterday, including your input, it does not seem to be a suitable match to my needs. drebo: Yeah, IP SLA is at the top of list. Tx. Wrt T-1, our data feeds from Chicago stream 1.8-2.2mb/s to our platform at a continuous...
  3. P

    Software/database/method to work with 100-200 million row/3-5 column of data?

    Tx for the further input all. Much appreciated. I've started to look into BerkeleyDB, MySQL, infobright, and SQL2008 R2 Express. Leeland, tx you very much for the example code. That is headed in the right direction. Dave or anyone else: I've uploaded a sample 1 day of data to Excel...
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    Dual ISP - any software to aid in fast failover for critical redundancy?

    Spidey, would it be possible to provide a bit more detail on this? Any links to example setup/schematic? Extremely interested in this... no IP migration using two ISP's is an option I did not think was cost feasible. Does this involve AS? I have not talked with the technician yet (install in...
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    Dual ISP - any software to aid in fast failover for critical redundancy?

    Will definitely let you guys know how it goes. Jamsan: For my own desk, have 2 nearly identical workstation towers in holding pattern off a 3-way kvm switch. 4 systems total, 2 of which are constantly connected to 2 separate brokerages that enable us to put on immediate hedged positions in...
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    Software/database/method to work with 100-200 million row/3-5 column of data?

    Thanks for input. Unfortunately I have no SQL experience. Will it be decent learning curve? Any way to pull this off using a database containing all relevant data and then performing the operation with Excel? Thoughts on MySQL? Will be tackling this on my prototyping workstation (XP PRO...
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    Software/database/method to work with 100-200 million row/3-5 column of data?

    Hi folks. Looking for a software package/database/method to accurately & easily work with upwards of 200-million rows of data with 3-5 parameter columns. Here is what I'm looking to do... 1. Pull out and save every 1500th/1501th row. This results in a 200 million row x 3 column data set...
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    Dual ISP - any software to aid in fast failover for critical redundancy?

    Tx once again for the input folks. Much appreciated, as always. After careful consideration, I've decided to hire a specialist to set the office up using higher tier hardware. He's very reasonably priced and came highly recommended to me by a local hedge fund (I run a small futures trading...
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    Dual ISP - any software to aid in fast failover for critical redundancy?

    Tx for input. So no software solution possible here? All relevant platform api's are intelligent, they pick up the new IP within ~10secs. Cisco rv042 consensus is strong? I really do not mind spending 5x that if reliability is considerably better. I did not enjoy the Hotbrick Dual WAN...
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    Dual ISP - any software to aid in fast failover for critical redundancy?

    Hi there! Main workstation has two NIC's (dual onboard). O/S: XP PRO SP3 NIC #1 = Comcast Business Cable 25 mb/s NIC #2 = Qwest DSL 7 mb/s Onboard NIC = Realtek RTL8169/8110 Gigabit Used to run HotBrick Dual WAN, but has failed and is past warranty. Before finalizing on another...
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    Anyone know what tower case this is? Having hard time figuring out what model/make is of this case. Thanks.
  12. P

    Possible to feed two computer systems into 1 speaker system?

    Hi guys. Thanks for replies. Ended up calling Klipsch and tech said it should be fine to use a stereo to stereo split y-adapter. Only time overload comes into play is if the input source is amplified. Going to go down to radio shack and see what I can dig up.
  13. P

    Possible to feed two computer systems into 1 speaker system?

    Looking to route two systems (two sound cards) into a single Klipsh Promedia 2.1 speaker system. Is it possible to split the two 1/8" sound card outputs into a 2-1 reducer of some type to feed single input cable on Klipsch? Will the Klipsch unit experience any type of overload when both...
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    Corsair HX520 or HX620 for following setup?

    Hey guys, tx for replies. After running down to Micro Center, turns out they just received two HX620's. With a special discount, picked it up for $129+tx. Not too bad and figure the extra headroom will be good for some years to come. Looks to be very high quality build with 5yr warranty. This...
  15. P

    Dell 2001fp LCD $464 AC w/free ship

    Ordered mine Monday night, arrives tomorrow. Awh yeah. This will be predominantly used for AutoCAD Mechnical and Inventor/Solid Works. CRT is killing my eyes. Hopefully CS:Source will look decent as well. 1600x1200 is perfect for my needs...WideScreen aspect of the 2005FPW is a pain when...
  16. P

    Zalman 7000A-Cu paste or Arctic Silver 5?

    I have AMD64 3000+ 90nm running prime stable 24hr cycle at 2.5ghz using Zalman 7000A-CU and AC5. I wouldn't recommend anything else. Just make sure you use the "slightly larger than a grain of rice" amount while applying.
  17. P

    90nm Winchester overclocking survey

    I actually didn't stop at 2.4, but decided that speed was a safe happy medium since my video card (9800Pro) was holding back any more advances in gaming performance. This is a gaming system. I should have mentioned though that when I dropped the memory/fsb ratio down one notch to 166 setting...
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    Help with OC'ing, only at 210 fsb now

    50C is too high IMO. I'm idle at 37-40C. Load 50-54C. What's your case and fan situation like? Notice you have a Zalman which is solid, but if your case temps are up high, that will compound problems. FYI, I run an Antec SOHO 1000AMG with 4 80mm 31CFM fans plus fans in the Enermax...
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    90nm Winchester overclocking survey

    A64 3000+ 90nm (D0) @ 2.4ghz (1.55V) MSI Neo2 K8N Bios 1.3 2x512mb OCZ 3200 Plat Rev2 @ 267mhz (2.5-3-3-10) - 2.8v Zalman 7000 CU @ Full speed Ratio 1:1 HTT 4x/9x multiplier Raptor on SATA Port 3 Enermax Whisper II 460Watt (33Amp 12v rail) Idle 38C - Load: up to 54C Went from a...
  20. P

    which psu?

    Why not drop $75 on an Enermax Whisper II 460watt (33Amp on +12V rail) and call it the day? Enermax has the name and rep that stands with and above all the competition. OCZ is nice if you have the extra $40-70 for adjustable rail and l33t led lights, but otherwise, like Quebert has said, you are...
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    Help with OC'ing, only at 210 fsb now

    No need to worry. I'll sum up a few quick things that must be addressed: 1. Try reducing your HT Frequency to 4x 2. Up your CPU Volt to 1.52-1.55. 3. Stay away from "Auto" settings. Esp with RAM. It will set your timings too agresssive for a solid overclock. Set HyperX UL to 3-3-3-10 at...
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    A64 performance

    Here are my specs: A64 3000 90nm @ 2.4ghz (267x9) - SuperPI 1m = 32s MSI Neo2/1gb OCZ @ DDR533 1:1 The upgrade has prove "very" considerable performance wise coming from a 2.4C @ 3.0.
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    380 tons stolen *BEFORE* troops arrived

    I've seen the same idiotic wreckless original posts like this thread all over the net. Do people have any clue what it means to make judgement when facts present themself and put your god d*mn partisan blinders aside? Good job're crowned village idiot. This whole situation...
  24. P

    MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum - Troubling Article

    Thanks for digging that up and posting Wesley. It's rather unfortunate some members here are posting this Sudian article like wildfire to somehow show a negative light on MSI...yet they do not expand on the actual history behind this global A64 issue, ultimately showing ignorance. To each his own.
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    MSI Neo2 Platnum - strange overclocking results..

    What is it with anti-MSI gang bang crew spreading this review like it's the plague and not knowing the full story? I'm not a MSI Neo2 owner btw, but have used 3 for custom builds, and it overclocks like a charm using whole integer multipliers as many enthusiasts will recommend (at least until...
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    Asus A8V 3dmark score

    3dmark 05 that's a good score. But you wrote 03...that's no good then if not a typo.
  27. P

    MSI?s K8N Neo 2 Falsifies its .5 Multipliers

    So the simple remedy is just use whole integer multipliers until a new bios fixes the issue? Or does the problem stem deeper? This board still reaches insanely high overclocks. Why are people freaking like it's the biggest scandal of the quarter. heh.
  28. P

    [DEAD] AMD 64 3500+ socket 939 at MultiWave for $168

    Just a heads up, I have a 3000+ 90nm that does 2.4 ghz on stock Vcore with Zalman 7000 air without breaking a sweat. MSI Neo2 Plat. I'm sure I can do 2.5 with it when the new RAM/PSU arrives. In the process of building an identical rig. This 3000+ 90nm chip is the 2.4C of A64's. $168...
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    HOT HOT HOT! $750 off a $1500+ Inspiron for 10/19 to 10/20 at Dell home!

    Bit the bullet... 8600 1.5A - WSXGA+ XP Pro 512mb 128mb Radeon 9600 Pro 8x DVD 30GB Intel Pro Wireless 2200 (b/g) $920 after CA tax and $49 rebate Hope to get it down to $820 after college student 10% deduction.
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    BEST 19-21" CRT?

    You should seriously consider the Sony GDM-F520. Top of the line 21" CRT .22mm Ap grille. I'm considering this monitor for a graphics design system currently being built. LCD is NOT the way to go if you are in graphics design. Technology is simply not there yet. I own an Apple 22" Cinema...
  31. P

    CD Quality Compared to MP3 Quality

    Merlocka: In all due respect, I'm not trying to impress people...if you would notice I was directing that rather meaningless spec at "Workin'" because he was acting like quite the know-it-all jack-ass...just giving him some fun fire under his rear. No big deal...ok? Perhaps I was acting like...
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    CD Quality Compared to MP3 Quality

    Merlocka: I'm more than confident the spec varies...I've had this debate with a collegue of mine before. He's the one who convinced me it was so, especially after seeing a Marantz info release. It flucuates up to ~38 bitrate if I remember correctly. When I get into work tomorrow, I'll be happy...
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    CD Quality Compared to MP3 Quality

    I stand corrected...a flaming as*hole you are. Yes, when perusing the thread, I came upon your name calling post...calling people idiots and morons. Real mature. Where does this get you? So I made a decision to call you on your idiocy. Just because you copy and pasted information into your "mp3...
  34. P

    CD Quality Compared to MP3 Quality

    I just saw this thread...nice to see an "audio" related topic. Well I read the first 10 posts or so...maybe you guys have hit the nail on the head already....but I thought I'd just give you guys word of what floats around in the sound engineering industry I'm part of. First off, if you're going...
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    Power Supply Question

    Try ordering from Canada. ( I think). I paid about $95. It's well worth the me.
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    Power Supply Question

    Check into the offerings by There is nothing like a silent 300Watt power supply. I was reeled in by the Enermex Whisper 400Watt offering, and I was quite dissappointed. I use a PC in an audio studio, and a silent PC is of utter importance. Keep in mind, the PS is usually the...
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    Best 17inch Flat Panel LCD for Games/DVDs ???

    I notice a lot of you are for the majority worried about gameplay and 3d. Say you weren't (as I am)...would you feel confident to say that these latest and greatest LCD's are superior in 2d in every way compared to a CRT such as a Sony G500? I'm audio engineer, and all my software requires sharp...
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    Best 17inch Flat Panel LCD for Games/DVDs ???

    Back to the top... what are your thoughts of the Apple 17" TFT and 22" Cinema displays? Where does everyone stand now with there respective LCD purchases?
  39. P

    Replace fan in PSU?

    You do understand the dangers involved in opening up a PSU, correct? The capacitance can kill you, so be careful. That fan replacement should be fine, even if at the lower end of cfm. I've run a PSU with NO working fan for over a year with no problems. GL.
  40. P

    What case does DELL use for there black/silver 8200/4300 series towers?

    up...anyone? Thanks. They still being supplied by Palo Alto?
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