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  1. F

    I'm in "local only" hell (ethernet, static IP, Vista)

    I don't know if this sheds any light on it, but the reason I finally swapped the old router back in was that another Windows PC on our network suddenly couldn't connect to the internet either (and when Spouse can't check email, ain't nobody happy!) ... and as soon as I swapped routers, both PCs...
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    I'm in "local only" hell (ethernet, static IP, Vista)

    Hi guys -- I can't believe it; I took out the new router, set up the old one again, and now I can connect to the internet. Since the problem was confined to one device out of three, I assumed it wasn't a router problem, but apparently it was... If the problem surfaces again I'm sure I'll come...
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    I'm in "local only" hell (ethernet, static IP, Vista)

    Hi seepy, Thanks for your reply... I've tried multiple ports on the router and have tried different patch cables... I will try hooking the old router back up to see if that changes anything... IPConfig: Connection-specific DNS Suffix : IPv4 Address: Subnet Mask...
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    I'm in "local only" hell (ethernet, static IP, Vista)

    Does anyone know how to fix this... Suddenly today on my Vista machine, my internet connectivity vanished -- it's now "local only." This happened in the midst of a lot of fumbling around trying to set up a new router, but I don't think it's a router problem because my other devices can...
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    Intermittent "sticking" of Windows key

    This is a weird one. Now and then, my computer starts acting as if the Windows key were stuck. For example, I hit E and the Explorer window comes up. I hit F and the Search box comes up. And so on. On my old keyboard I used to handle this with great finesse: I would jab at the...
  6. F

    Gaah! Athlon64 running at 117C ???! help!!!

    No multimeter, unfortunately... for what it's worth, the motherboard monitor software says 12v is running at 12.314, -12V at -12.862, -5V at -5.112, 5VSB at 5.145, 3.3V at 3.360 and 5V at 5.134... (fluctuations of about 0.10 on the -12V and 5VSB rails, as well as in CPU voltage). It's an...
  7. F

    Gaah! Athlon64 running at 117C ???! help!!!

    Strange, though - if it was a BIOS/sensor problem, why did the temp readings go back to normal after I reseated the HSF? I still seem to be having stability issues. With Cool-and-Quiet turned on (at least, I think it was; it was on "auto" in BIOS) my CPU voltage was fluctuating between about...
  8. F

    Gaah! Athlon64 running at 117C ???! help!!!

    Aha. Reseated the CPU, heatsink/fan, and memory. Now it boots and the CPU temperature displayed in BIOS is 20C. So other than needing to replace my case fan, it looks like things are OK.
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    Gaah! Athlon64 running at 117C ???! help!!!

    Downloaded Speedfan, it agrees with the temp readings in my motherboard monitoring software... Here's a new problem. I took off the heatsink/fan and CPU... Wiped off the old thermal paste with some alcohol. Applied a thin layer of Arctic Silver to the CPU with a baggie-covered finger...
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    Gaah! Athlon64 running at 117C ???! help!!!

    OK... I just touched the heatsink. The side by the clip and the "fins" (?) feel like basically room temperature. Maybe I should uninstall the software that I previously suspected of causing the freeze-ups, if this isn't really an overheating problem... but I still wish I knew what would cause...
  11. F

    Gaah! Athlon64 running at 117C ???! help!!!

    The BIOS said 107C / 224F ... (or thereabouts) If it had switched celsius/fahrenheit I would think the other number would be a lot lower... This is an Athlon64 3000+ ... socket 754... afraid that's all I remember about it (not which core, etc). Bought it in Feb 2005.
  12. F

    Gaah! Athlon64 running at 117C ???! help!!!

    It appears the case fan has failed... but surely that wouldn't make THIS big a difference... What would cause a machine to suddenly misread the CPU temp, when it used to read it correctly? :confused: Some panicked research tells me Athlons are supposed to shut themselves down at 70C, so I...
  13. F

    Gaah! Athlon64 running at 117C ???! help!!!

    Last I checked, a while back, I had normal CPU and system temperatures. Lately my computer has been freezing up for no apparent reason -- after a moment or two it would work again, but then freeze up again a moment later. I finally thought to check the CPU temp... in the BIOS it said 107...
  14. F

    Can someone help me get rid of this!!

    Glad to help. Log looks good to me (altho like I said, I'm not really an expert on this). I would recommend installing and running SpywareBlaster from Javacool, and maybe its sister application, Spyware Guard. Also get IE-SPYAD. You want to try to make sure you don't pick up any more malware.
  15. F

    Can someone help me get rid of this!!

    I just spent the last couple hours removing Look2Me from a friend's computer. Kill2me didn't work for us either. CWShredder kept detecting and removing it and it kept returning. Microsoft Antispyware didn't even detect it. This is one nasty piece of work. Before I continue, let me say -- if...
  16. F

    Taskbar turns yellow, then crash

    This is Windows XP... but I replaced the motherboard with the exact same make and model because I didn't want to deal with the reactivation hassles. I never did see the yellow-taskbar thing, although a couple of times Windows crashed and the taskbar disappeared, and she said that's what...
  17. F

    Taskbar turns yellow, then crash

    I did a motherboard transplant on my friend's eMachines recently. It seems it was running OK initially but now is experiencing random reboots. She says that before it reboots, the taskbar turns yellow and displays with "ERR" in a box. Has anyone ever heard of this? I was thinking overheating...
  18. F

    NOT HOT: newegg now ships UPS by default

    Gah! I just checked a few random items to see how much more expensive the FedEx shipping is now than the UPS option, and the difference is usually running about three bucks. Per item. Newegg will no longer be the default choice for me. I hope they read the forums.
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    NOT HOT: newegg now ships UPS by default

    Same here. Also, Fedex = pickup location 2 miles from my house, open late. UPS = pickup location 15 miles from my house, closed at 5:30. I hate UPS. FedEx was one of the reasons I ordered from Newegg -- it's gotten so I don't even comparison shop, I just go right to Newegg. Or I did, anyway...
  20. F

    New video card - CRT ghosting??

    Installed 81.84... no dice. :( I put my old card back in there and it looks fine again, so I think the cable is OK. I have a GeForce 5200 I got for our other computer-- I'll try that later and see what that looks like. (I guess if my old card and the 5200 both look good and the 6200 has...
  21. F

    New video card - CRT ghosting??

    Hi all. Thanks for your replies. This card is "ASUS N6200/TD/128 Geforce 6200 128MB 64-bit DDR AGP 4X/8X"... Ghosting was still there at 75 Hz and 1280X960. (1152x864 is unusual, I know, but my old GeForce2 MX did fine with it...) I'll download 81.84 and report back in a bit...
  22. F

    New video card - CRT ghosting??

    I just upgraded from a GeForce2 MX 400 card to a GeForce 6200. My monitor is a Samsung 900NF aperture grille CRT. Now, for the first time, I'm seeing what I think is ghosting -- in high-contrast areas, like large black type on a white background, I'm seeing a faint shadow offset to the right a...
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    Budget card advice?

    Hi all -- thanks very much for your replies. southpawuni, you make a good case for the 6200. I appreciate all the Vista info. I will want to be running it with all the visual bells & whistles, so I want to err on the side of overkill... at least, within my ridiculously low budget. :)...
  24. F

    Budget card advice?

    I'm looking for an inexpensive (sub-$100, preferably sub-$75) video card and would greatly appreciate your advice... my needs are (1) DirectX9, Vista-ready (2) AGP 4X (3) Passively cooled (4) DVI I know my price range is awfully cheap... but I'm not a gamer. Basically I'm upgrading two...
  25. F

    Dead eMachines... motherboard?

    Hi all. I tried swapping out the RAM, no dice. There's not much else to remove--a PCI modem card, but everything else (video, sound, LAN) is integrated on the motherboard. Interesting thought about a dead HD affecting the IDE controller, I hadn't thought of that. I already ordered the...
  26. F

    Dead eMachines... motherboard?

    My friend has an eMachines T3092 that she bought a year and a half ago. It was working normally one night until she rebooted and then suddenly it wouldn't go into Windows. Basically, she turns it on, the fans are whirring, I think I hear a tiny bit of hard drive noise but then nothing. The...
  27. F

    Temperature *worse* with intake fan??!

    Currently my HDs are running at 37C, 30C, and 27C after being on overnight... I'm thinking maybe I will just keep an eye on it and leave well enough alone for now, and try switching the fans if the temps get too high... So far the highest temperature I've seen has been maybe 42C after a lot of...
  28. F

    Temperature *worse* with intake fan??!

    Installed the 92mm fan this morning and left the PC running all day... currently the HDs are running at 38C, 32C, and 30C -- worse than my initial reading with no intake fan but better than my reading with no intake fan after running for a while.... I may have to just live with those...
  29. F

    Temperature *worse* with intake fan??!

    D'oh! I was assuming all 120mm fans are alike... :o I forgot to mention this before, but while waiting for the 120mm fan to arrive from Newegg, I had rigged up a 92mm intake fan (a Vantec Stealth I had lying around). Since I wasn't expecting any surprises, I was monitoring my temperatures...
  30. F

    Temperature *worse* with intake fan??!

    Hmm. No stability problems. I guess I just want to maximize HDD life, although that's kind of funny considering I'll probably be replacing the lot with 300GB drives when those are fifty bucks by Christmas. :) Case is on the ground, and it's an Antec 3700BQE midtower. I'll have to check on the...
  31. F

    Temperature *worse* with intake fan??!

    This is weird. I built a system in an Antec 3700BQE case with a 120mm exhaust fan in the back. Nice and quiet. CPU runs about 30C idle, 42C under load. But I have three 7200rpm hard drives in the internal 3.5" bays and was concerned about their temperature, so I tried an intake fan. First...
  32. F

    "Standby" mystery in WinXP -- need help!

    It's funny, though, my partner's computer goes to the welcome screen but he does not have a screensaver enabled at all. But your mention of TweakUI rang a bell... I'm pretty sure I ran that on my PC early on and adjusted a few things, and maybe that's the difference between my partner's PC and...
  33. F

    "Standby" mystery in WinXP -- need help!

    Someone please enlighten me before this drives me totally bonkers... What settings apart from "Power Options" determine whether your PC goes into standby mode? At least I think it's standby mode: the screen where you have to click your user name to start using Windows. My PC doesn't do this...
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    Hard drive temperature - how high is too high

    Having some trouble finding solid facts on hard drive temperatures -- what's normal? What's too high? Spec sheets for my Maxtor drives say max operating temperature is 55C. The HD monitoring software I installed has the "critical temperature alarm" set by default at something like 44C, and the...
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    Peculiar hard drive failure - can anyone advise me?

    Actually, it's the old drive that has bad sectors (bought it a few years ago). I guess I should run the diagnostic on the new drive too while I'm at it... Unfortunately I'm not certain which drive was clicking. I'm guessing it was the old (O:\) drive, since that's the one that failed. The...
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    Peculiar hard drive failure - can anyone advise me?

    Here's a weird one. Maybe someone can help me puzzle this out. I added a new 120GB Maxtor drive about ten days ago, using the MaxBlast software to clone my old C: partition over to it. Took out the previous boot drive, set up the new one as the boot drive (put it as master on the primary IDE...
  37. F

    Random crashes, high temp, fans seem to be working, what now?

    Thank you all for your help. I've installed a Volcano 10+ and my CPU is running at 38C now. And I discovered I was wrong about the exhaust fans, they actually were installed correctly. :)
  38. F

    Random crashes, high temp, fans seem to be working, what now?

    I noticed the label on my exhaust fan at the back of the case was facing toward the inside of the case... I have this sinking feeling my two exhaust fans (back and left side) were both actually, um, intake fans. Maybe that explains the astonishing quantity of grime on my motherboard. :Q Looks...
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    Random crashes, high temp, fans seem to be working, what now?

    And I just removed the CPU fan and discovered the heat sink is covered in gunk. (How does dust get so grimy?) D'you think I could clean the heatsink and fan I have, or do I need to buy a new one? ~covering ears in anticipation of the deafening response "BUY A NEW ONE, DOOFUS!!"~
  40. F

    Random crashes, high temp, fans seem to be working, what now?

    Holy cow. I just installed MBM and watched the temp climb up to 70C. Restarted and went into "PC Health" in the BIOS. 70C. Hmm, the "shutdown temperature" is 70C... and it says the CPU fan is running at 730RPM!?!?!?! Seven-hundred-thirty. It's been a while since I looked at the specs for CPU...
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