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  1. Q

    2.4C, P4P800 non-deluxe @ 266fsb Final

    My undervolting technique (on this, or any other of my past boards) has been thus- Clock like crazy and up the voltage as neccessary. after a few days with LOTS of burn-in period, keep the CPU overclocked, then begin dropping voltage. On some of my past boards I've had to do it in increments...
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    question about stressing CPU

    I agree about the "real world" programs part for stress testing (who wouldn't?), but I find that Just Prime etc doesn't cut it. I'm a FIRM believe that you need a variety of stress testers that do different things. Example, I can play C&C Generals, 3dMark, Rainbow6- Raven Shield and DivX...
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    2.4C, P4P800 non-deluxe @ 266fsb Final

    hmmm, it would appear I gotta not let the reply window sit open for 45mins or so before posting a reply without looking back at the webpage :P I agree with EVERTHING he said except the memory part. TRY it just as Thor86 said, but be sure to bench in between RAM timing changes on the way to...
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    2.4C, P4P800 non-deluxe @ 266fsb Final

    OMFG d00d!!! I guess I shoulda read your sig, eh? :P didn't realize you were packin' that kinda hardware. Who cares about optimizing when your 3dMark score is nearly 18 thousand...?!?! Here I'm all happy 'cuz I'm gettin' ~16,600-17,100 depending on overclock (And still can't get good frames at...
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    question about stressing CPU

    that sounds kick-a**. I definitely would like a heads up when you post that. :cool:
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    2.4C, P4P800 non-deluxe @ 266fsb Final

    Yeah, Thor's right dude. Hook us up with more details and maybe we can help you. I got the same Kingston etc too. lol, the sicko performance seeker in us all just can never get enough MHz/bandwidth. It's only 'cuz I'm broke and can't afford another cpu that I don't go harder after more...
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    question about stressing CPU

    personally, I've found Prime, sandra Burn-In, etc to be just a good precursor to the REAL tests. Video encoding. I've had systems that will pass prime95 no problem, but the go to encode an AVI into DivX and my temps are higher than in prime and it's more likely to crash. warm up with sandra...
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    I need a quiet, inexpensive P4 cooling solution...

    I am running the stock cooler and it's great. I'll take the lower noise over the louder/better performing heatsinks anyday. 2.4c @ 3.3GHz rock solid. I can go to 3.47 stable (but much hotter), but the memory runs slower (2/3 ratio vs 4/5 at 3.3GHz) My advice? Do like ErikaeanLogic said and...
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    2.4C, P4P800 non-deluxe @ 266fsb Final

    Oh, and to answer your question anomaly, I originally planned on buying a Canterwood way back in March/Feb somewhere around there. I wanted the extra 5%. But once I saw the features that were being offered for the price, I decided to play "wait and see which mobo turns out to be the real...
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    2.4C, P4P800 non-deluxe @ 266fsb Final

    I agree with you two, I think the Canterwoods will pan out to become the better boards in the long run. If not now, then definitely when we hit the 2nd generation of these boards sometime later this summer/early fall. I do wonder about one thing tho... Intel has had all their fabs...
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    what kind of memory for a P4 2.4c?

    I know this is an old and nearly dead thread, buuut....onza, I'm running Kingston Hyper X 3500 275fsb at 4/5 ratio (meaning 220 for the RAM) with absolutely rock solid stability. I like this stuff 'cuz I got it cheap ($69 for a 256MB stick) and it gives me the room I need to clock pretty well...
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    How does this seem for cooling an overclocked 2.4c?

    I'm currently running at 3.3GHz with the STOCK cooler. I've taken it to 3.4 stable, prefer the lower temps and higher memory ratio (4/5 instead of 2/3) at 3300MHz. My temps are nice.
  13. Q

    Hyperthreading and Windows XP

    You found a way to pick nits anyway tho, eh? :P /flamerwar on just kidding. That's interesting though, I did not know that about the Q3 codebase. The game is from '98 so I haven't tried SMP since the abit bp6 and pre T&L cards. Well I think anybody who's got any sense knows who made...
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    Intel or AMD for overclocking?

    resale value on a computer? Are you kidding me..? That's like trying to make a money off of buying gasoline and storing it in a huge tank at your home (farmers do this sometimes since they need the gas for their tractors etc). The profit only comes if you have a buyer, otherwise who gives a...
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    Arctic Silver on P4? Shop says it's bad?

    I could go through all my saved webpages and bookmarks to dig up some thermal compound comparisons, but that's a pain in the a** for something as ridiclous as this issue being debatable. Anyone who thinks AS3 or anything else doesn't help temps, fine. Use toothpaste for heatsink compound (I did...
  16. Q

    1800+ price around $50?

    well the obvious place ( has them for US$56 OEM w/ free shipping... OMG! 2.4c just dropped $12 from what I paid last week to US$175 :Q edit- duh, that's OEM. Okay, then the price went up 3-4 dollars.... *smacks head*
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    2.4C, P4P800 non-deluxe @ 266fsb Final

    Oh, btw- I forgot to mention that you should all take any rotten eggs, bird droppings, are other disgusting projectiles and hurl them at me now :Q The reason is because I am an idiot! I forgot to mention this in the last post, but bascally I mentioned earlier how my Kingston was crap and I was...
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    2.4C, P4P800 non-deluxe @ 266fsb Final

    Hey peeps! Got an update for ya's, interesting stuffs. Ok, so like most of us I upped the voltage for stability at the expense of heat. Before I ever had done this I had first done what I always do, and that is to drop the voltage first and see what I can get outta my cpu. It did 3.0, but...
  19. Q

    Intel or AMD for overclocking?

    I've got a 2.4c at 3.4GHz with the stock cooler. I also wrote a couple of posts about this EXACT topic located here and another useful one here Frankly, although Intels clock higher from a purely GHz standpoint, performance-wise the AMDs are still very close when OC'd
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    Arctic Silver on P4? Shop says it's bad?

    Are you friggin' kidding me? Have you ever looked around at the overclocking community and seen the thousands of folks who have proven otherwise? Normally I would be inclined to agree with you, but since when have Intel or AMD ever encouraged overclocking. I would guess that 90% or more of...
  21. Q

    Arctic Silver on P4? Shop says it's bad?

    too funny :D There is also the possibility that the shop is just covering it's a** so they don't have to deal with RMAs for stuff under warranty.
  22. Q

    2.4c problems

    amoralist (notice you live in Ojai, I used to live in Ventura. :) Now in LA) My 2.4c is product code-SL6WF, fpo/batch-L309A586 Malaysian pack date 4/4 I've been running it all night like this- 2.4c @ 3.4 1.53volt 283fsb ambient 27-28c, idle temps 33-34c, load 51-53c using stock heatsink and...
  23. Q

    Is there a Online guide to O'Cing the NEW P4c -- HELP!!!

    You might wanna check out the forums (formerly They have been way ahead of everyone else I've seen on the web (from a community standpoint) when it comes to dealing with these new P4s and the Springdale/Canterwoods. Dig the link- they are located here These new...
  24. Q

    Does a high FSB really make a difference?

    I too agree. As demonstrated at Aceshardware (not to mention Anands ;) )A lack of internal bitwidth is bottlenecking the Athlon. Just as the P6 Pentium core began to run out of steam at the end of it's architecural life-cycle, so to has the Athlon been running out of the headroom that existed at...
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    2.4C temperature?

    I ran my 2.4c over the weekend stock with the thermal interface stuff. Now I'm running AS3 (no AS Ceramique :( ) Using a p4p800 deluxe and the stock heatsink I'm running a very stable 3.4GHz at 1.56volts, 35c idle, 48-50 loaded with Prime95, 3dMark, and Sandra Burn In all running simultaneously...
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    2.4C, P4P800 non-deluxe @ 266fsb Final

    Oh yes.. ;) I love this hyperthreaded stuffs. Thor, I've heard that the 1006 and 1007 BIOSes fix the cpu hitting a wall at 270fsb (cpus can OC above ~270, but get stuck if on that MHz exactly. Can you confirm this on yours? I'm gonna bench tonight while I sleep, but 290fsb was a no go...:sad...
  27. Q

    P4 Hyper Treading in the real world

    I would agree with that absolutely. I tested my p4.2.4c @ 3.0GHz on an Asus p4p800 deluxe using ONE stick of Kingston Hyper X 3500. When limited by RAM, obviously a lot of hdd disk caching and swapping is going on (not to mention WinXP itself wanting the whole 256MB), but when I loaded both...
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    2.4C, P4P800 non-deluxe @ 266fsb Final

    Nice stuff! :cool: I got a p4p800 deluxe (product code-SL6WF, fpo/batch-L309A586) and I've come up with similar results so for ( I, too, still haven't finished tweaking it out): P4 2.4c Kingston Hyper X 3500 Asus p4p800 deluxe rev1.02 (1005 BIOS stock, still haven't upgraded...yet) stock...
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    Dig this deal we got . How much would you pay?!?

    Ack, I just realized (thanks to "DAPUNISHER") that this should be in the hot deals forum. Doh! :o sorry!
  30. Q

    Moderator, could you please move this to the Hot Deals forum?

    DOH! You're right. That's what I get for posting on no sleep. MODERATOR, COULD YOU PLEASE MOVE THIS TO THE HOT DEALS FORUM? Thnx :)
  31. Q

    P4 Hyper Treading in the real world

    answer- "a lot". But the Bartons feel "snappier". When I'm running multiple programs (for example: playing a DVD, while using MS office, while running a web browser, at the same time I Encode an mpeg to AVI, while also navigating Windows) the P4 rules the roost by a hugely noticeble margin...
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    Hyperthreading and Windows XP

    Some apps do not use hyperthreading efficiently due to lack of programing. So you have to evalute what Hyperthreading does for YOUR system. Me? I can run c&c Generals at 1600x1200 everything maxed while running Prime 95 and task manager (for cpu history) in the background and it works...
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    Corsair Hydrocool at Googlegear: $235

    I just talked with a Corsair rep at a recent show (great stuff, dig the link) and they said they are going to be producing 3 models with varying levels of performance. The one we all know about (Hydrocool 200) is to have an MSRP of $200. So eventually they'll drop to at least that given...
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    Moderator, could you please move this to the Hot Deals forum?

    Mwave might be able to hook ya'll up with good deals (link) I posted this in the General Hardware forum, but since this is the forum where I hang I thought I'd link to it here. In brief, had a killer sale this past Saturday (details in the link). They had a ton of inventory left over...
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    Dig this deal we got . How much would you pay?!?

    We weren't the only ones getting great deals, although what surprised me was how obvious it was most people don't know their chipsets/mobo makers and their product lines. Their were TONS of great Gigabyte boards, even P4 socket 478 stuffs, lots of Shuttle, Soyo etc. And most people there didn't...
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    P4P800 onboard sound vs. SB Live! value

    So in your case did you prefer the Onboard due to hardware problems? Or did you generally prefer the sound quality over the SBLive? And also, what's your speaker setup/receiver etc. I love hearing about other peeps audio rigs for their 'puters. Don't worry, I'm not tryin' to pull an...
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    P4P800 onboard sound vs. SB Live! value

    I have the p4p800 deluxe and a Creative SB Live 5.1. The onboard sound is acceptable or "aaaiiiighht", but stinks compared the the Live. But then again maybe I can only tell because my computer is hooked up to a 200 watt 12inch Klipsch subwoofer enclosure :D
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    Dig this deal we got . How much would you pay?!?

    So do you think we got a good deal? My buddy and I woke up this Saturday morning and went to (known LA retailer with will call. Very similar to newegg which is nearby.. They were having a 5 month sale to get rid of excess inventory because they just moved to a new location. We got...
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    How are you guys preparing for summer oc'ing?

    did you say "mere change" ?? I can tell you're in Canada 'cuz here in SoCal the temps go from 60s and 70s F to high 80s and 90s all the time. 20 F aint' a "mere change in seasonal temps"! Unless you live in Death Valley or some other desert with extreme highs and lows between the day and...
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