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  1. Official AMD Ryzen Benchmarks, Reviews, Prices, and Discussion

    X10000! Seriously, most professional review media is completely clueless nowadays (or are in bed with Intel for product samples and marketing dollars). Who the hell buys a $330-500 8-core 16T CPU that they want to be a well-rounded processor for encoding, rendering, well-threaded office...
  2. Geforce GTX 1080 Ti now official - Faster than Titan X ($699)

    Not bad. Was expecting 3328 CCs, 10Ghz G5X and $799-849 price. $699 price and performance more or less on par with the TXP is a nice surprise. 1080 getting a price drop to $499 and getting free performance boost from 11Ghz G5X is a smart move by NV. NV just put Vega in no man's land. If Vega...
  3. AMD Ryzen (Summit Ridge) Benchmarks Thread (use new thread)

    All the anti-AMD trolls and blind fanatics/Intel+NV loyalists who wished nothing more than for AMD's CPU and GPU divisions to fail for a decade are coming to terms with reality that AMD will have a monster price/performance multi-threaded line-up. AMD should have more threads than nearly every...
  4. Goodbye NX, hello Switch

    Ya, so what? Tens of millions of NES/SNES/N64 users couldn't care less about Nintendo portable consoles. Not 1 person from my childhood I know who owned those consoles ever bought a Nintendo portable. What happened when these kids grew up? Ya, they moved on to PlayStation/Xbox and PC. This is...
  5. Goodbye NX, hello Switch

    Nintendo - Games developed for PC will take about a year to port to Switch "Yasuda was in attendance at Nintendo’s Corporate Management Policy Briefing, and relayed a comment from Shigeru Miyamoto. Miyamoto said that games developed with PC as a base can be ported to Switch in about a year. The...
  6. [wccftech]Nvidia Volta Allegedly Launching In 2017 On 12nm FinFET Technology

    Except your strategy of buying flagships and not waiting isn't as clear cut as you made it sound. Instead of wasting my money on $1200 980 SLI, I just gamed longer on my 7970Ghz CF and got R9 295X2 for $600. 980 SLI was faster by what 20-25%? It's irrelevant since for 1440p gaming R9 295X2 was...
  7. New info leaked about the Xbox Scorpio doesn't indicate it is a new generation

    I think people aren't understanding what MS is trying to do because of changing dynamics of the console market. Game developers wanted PS360 generation to last longer. Once the userbase reached critical mass, that's when developers were making the most profits. If you have 50-80M users, you...
  8. [PCGamesn Rumor]Nvidia’s next-gen Volta GPUs to get a little die-shrink after all

    As far as I recall, no reputable site ever claimed that the price of 1080Ti would be $899. People expect that due to lack of competition but I don't recall a reputable leak detailing this. Even as of now, we have no idea where 1080Ti will land in terms of price other than it will be between $600...
  9. Goodbye NX, hello Switch

    Redout is available on the PC though. $55 CAD on the Switch vs. $39 on the PC (and it's already been as cheap as $29 on the PC). Then clearly you bought PS4 for the wrong reasons. No offence, but the issue with Nintendo corporation, Nintendo fans/loyalists and PC gamers or multiple console...
  10. RX 480 8GB or 1060 6GB?

    RX 480 hands down -- and it's good to see that on our technical forum the voting reflects this. I wouldn't go for the Sapphire card as its premium isn't worth it. I'd grab the MSI Armor card for $210. Even better deal here...
  11. [Ars] Nvidia or AMD: Who makes the best budget graphics card?

    The best part is RX 470 4GB for $130 comes with a Hitman is faster than the $700 November 2013 GTX780Ti. The game can be sold for at least $15, making the RX 470 4GB a $115 videocard. That means an 84% depreciation in just over 3 years for flagship level of NV Kepler gaming performance. That's...
  12. [wccftech]Nvidia Volta Allegedly Launching In 2017 On 12nm FinFET Technology

    Ironically, your post only highlights why Vega is irrelevant for AMD in the consumer space. CPUs, APUs and pro-graphics, low-end and mid-range cards is where the $ is for AMD. Gamers haven't bought flagship AMD cards when AMD was clearly superior, so why would this change? The presentation and...
  13. Resident evil 7 full game benchmarks

    One of the best optimized AAA games in recent years and the best RE7 game since RE4. 88% steam recommend rating, 8.6-8.7 Metacritic on PS4/PC reviews. 80 fps avg at 1080p and 50 fps avg at 1440p in a 2017 title for a 5-year-old HD7970Ghz is amazing. Developers like Ubisoft or This is pure...
  14. Resident evil 7 full game benchmarks

    Not only RE7 benches. I've been following PC gaming benchmarks since the day HD7970 launched. Facts are facts. Over 100s of games and last 5+ years of hardware history and reviews, including the now factual aging of GeForce 5, 6 and 7 in DX9 games compared to ATI's cards, buying into NV cards...
  15. Resident evil 7 full game benchmarks

    Still, R9 280X 3GB is wiping the floor with NV's GTX670/770 and is also beating 780, 780Ti, OG Titan and GTX970. This is a historical moment as we have a 2017 modern game where R9 280X is outperforming 2 "generations" of Kepler cards and a next generation Maxwell card. Things get even worse...
  16. Radeon 5770, 6870, 7870, 270X, 380 RX 480 compared [Computerbase]

    In 12/14 games RX 480 got > 60 fps at 1080p. In Rise of the Tomb Raider it almost got 60 fps -- mild overclocking would have gotten there. Just goes to show that for 1080p 60Hz gaming, there is no need to buy $300-400 GTX1070/980Ti/Fury X level cards. It's better to buy a $160-200 mid-range...
  17. [wccftech]Nvidia Volta Allegedly Launching In 2017 On 12nm FinFET Technology

    Not really. Pascal is just Maxwell+ on a new node. The underlying architecture traces its roots to September 2014. Besides, the article discusses Volta for professional applications not consumer. For consumer, NV had Volta for 2018 for the last 2 years and it's still 2018. NV's bifurcating a...
  18. Goodbye NX, hello Switch

    Looking at the price drops on the Wii U, it's very hard to predict if Nintendo will drop price $100 by then. This is certainly shaping up to be a controversial and divisive console launch. Let's look at another side of the Switch that clearly isn't appealing to me -- portable gaming market...
  19. Goodbye NX, hello Switch

    Or they could have done both. All it takes is a GTX1050/950/1050Ti/RX 460 to get them to match or even beat XB1/PS4. Grab a stand-alone 8-core Jaguar and you got 2 consoles that you can release games on at the same time. See how right now we have PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro and we will have XB1S and...
  20. Goodbye NX, hello Switch

    They are out of the touch with reality but one major issue stems from marketing this primarily as a home console. Gamers keep saying it's a portable handheld that connects to a TV, but I've never owned a handheld and it's portability value is $0 to me. I want a traditional home console with a...
  21. Goodbye NX, hello Switch

    $50 isn't a lot but you are looking it the wrong way. For $50 you can buy 3-4 PS4 exclusives like Uncharted Collection, Ratchet & Clank, Until Dawn, etc., and the Uncharted 4 bundle is $250. Suddenly I get 4-5 "free" games with the PS4. You think parents or gamers don't look at things like that...
  22. Nintendo Switch is powered by NVIDIA

    I am not comparing the Switch with 2-3 controllers to a PS4/XB1 with 1 controller. I am saying when purchasing multiple controllers for local co-op, the all-in price keeps increasing - i.e., the more controllers you need, the more the price increases over PS4/XB1. That's not the position a firm...
  23. How do you finance your GPU purchase?

    I am confused by this strategy. It rewards you for eating out, which would mean the more times you eat out a month, the more times you put away $5. Shouldn't it be the opposite -- every time you don't eat out at work, you put away $5 since bringing home food is cheaper than eating out...
  24. Goodbye NX, hello Switch

    ^ It's very enticing to trade-in the Wii U towards the Switch. Your out of pocket cost is low and you get a brand new console with at least a 4 year support. Despite my criticism, when paying barely > $100 out of pocket, I'd want the Zelda and Mario Odyssey in 2017 on the Switch. I guess it just...
  25. Nintendo Switch is powered by NVIDIA

    As long as Sony/MS do not allow PS4P and Scorpio exclusives, it seems reasonable to clump PS4/Slim & PS4 Pro as well XB1/XB1S/Scorpio as the same 8th generation. What is going to be inevitable is the Switch overlapping with PS5/"XB2" in 2019-2020. The Switch needs to have at least a 4-5 year...
  26. Goodbye NX, hello Switch

    Oh this console launch is even worse than I thought. Nearly everything I have feared for months is coming true -- grossly overpriced, grossly underpowered, gimped storage capacity (hence they didn't discuss it), low resolution screen, very bad battery life, extremely weak launch line-up and...
  27. Is the GTX 1070 worth it?

    1070 came out June 10. It's getting close to 1/2 of its life-cycle in GPU terms. A lot of people in this thread and online are using ancient GTX660/660Ti/670/680/770 or HD7850/7870/270X cards. It's far smarter to pick up someone like a $160 RX 480 4GB as a stop-gap 1080p 60Hz card than spend...
  28. 390X vs Nitro Fury Non-X at 1080p and 4K?

    If you are seriously considering 4K FreeSync, maybe wait to upgrade the GPU when you actually get a new monitor? I'd also keep a close eye on the Fury X as prices are at $300 level:
  29. Radeon Vega Architecture Thread Of Shame

    If Vega 10 engineering sample was demoed with that crappy blower, and knowing AMD learned from HD7970Ghz, it reaffirms the slides showing 225W TDP. Looks like AMD is backing off 280-300W TDP designs of R9...
  30. Radeon Vega Architecture Thread Of Shame

    You mean the only real option at the ultra high-end? Like I said already, 95% of PC gamers were better off during HD2900-HD6900 eras. Back then we had fierce price competition which resulted in $250 8800GT, $300 HD4870, $260-370 HD5850-5870, $250-300 HD6950 that unlocked into a 6970. Even if the...
  31. Radeon Vega Architecture Thread Of Shame

    But TXP costs $1200. What's wrong with a $650 card that offers 87-90% of TXP performance? I get that TXP isn't realistically "worth" $1200 using historical metrics (i.e, $349 GTX570, $499 GTX580 or even full blown $699 GTX780Ti), but those days are done for. We should just accept that it's not...
  32. Radeon Vega Architecture Thread Of Shame

    Raghu, Many hypothesized that AMD's very high transistor/mm2 chip density impeded the GPUs from achieving high clock speeds. There are 5 key areas you need to consider. The first is that not all of the building blocks of the GPU scale linearly with a node shrink since not all types of...
  33. Need to inject a few thousands in my setup

    35" 3440x1440 100Hz G-Sync x3 in landscape mode would be nuts for a holodeck: The display's bezel measures under 6.87mm on the top and the sides. The launch timing on March 12th should align nicely...
  34. Vega/Navi Rumors (Updated)

    Yup, just like NV lost during GeForce 5, 6 & 7 generations. During the last 3 generations, Tahiti 7970Ghz smashed 680/770 and since November 2014 has been trading blows with a GTX780. Kepler will join the horrid GeForce 5 & 7 as the trifecta of NV architectural failures. Kepler was nothing more...
  35. Vega/Navi Rumors (Updated)

    I think they are talking about FP16 performance. Notice how AMD advertised the Instinct cards with 25Tflops of compute but that's actually 1/2 precision. For PC gaming this metric is meaningless. Fury X is hated too much. The main reason 980Ti looks good is overclocking. In modern games, at...
  36. Vega/Navi Rumors (Updated)

    Everything on that chart is correct. Polaris 10 has higher IPC over Hawaii and Tonga. IPC over Tahiti scales from 15%-40% faster depending on the game. Computerbase already tested this. Polaris 10's biggest weaknesses are 32 ROPs and low memory bandwidth. Unfortunately for GPU designers, games...
  37. Vega/Navi Rumors (Updated)

    It's looking promising. Based on IP8 vs. IP9, AMD's road-map showing Vega with higher perf/watt than Polaris, and rumours up to now that Vega wasn't just a scaled up Polaris, I never understood some naysayers who claimed that Vega would barely approach AIB 1070 cards and lose to the 1080. I...
  38. Radeon Vega Architecture Preview Thread

    If AMD delivers, my 1070s are out the door! Hoping for 45-50% gain over the Fury X at 4K. Fingers crossed for 4096 shaders @ 1525mhz = 12.5Tflops FP32.
  39. Advice on upgrades for 4K set.

    What facts don't you like? You got a problem with me comparing OP's 290 to a 1070? Read the OP, read my post. All the facts are there, including benchmarks. What is it that you don't agree with about 1070 beating 290/390 by only 40% at 4K? Here is another source with much more favorable games...
  40. Need to inject a few thousands in my setup

    What a terrible advice. We could be weeks from the launch of AIB 1080Ti cards and you recommend the OP get a $2400 setup? AIB 780Ghz > OG Titan 780Ti > Titan Black 980Ti > Titan X ... It's only worth buying the Titan series as close as possible to its launch date. Why would you tell someone to...
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