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  1. C

    lack of fsb options on Chaintech 7nif2

    Geez, never mind. It explained it in the manual, I just can't read. It's on a totally different portion of the bios than what I expected, and did choose 'expert' like it told me. RTFM works! :)
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    lack of fsb options on Chaintech 7nif2

    Ok, I first booted this system up with a Tbird 1700+, and had all the fsb options available. There is a jumper onboard to select 100Mhz, or 133/166. I then tried it with a Duron 750, yet none of the o/c options are available? No voltage, no fsb, no multipliers, nada. I wanted to o/c this...
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    Is it worth it to upgrade from radeons' 8500 to 9700? Im a BF1942 addict.

    I was really annoyed w/ the beta of BF1942, used to take forever to load on my system. I got ticked off and tried putting and extra 256 in my system, so now I have 512 on an XP box, 1700+ and a Radeon 7500. Made a WORLD of difference. I still notice that I slow down once in a while if I let...
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    Linux Repartioning

    I have a disk that I use that boots to Linux, and will let me create partitions of just about any file system known to man, but it won't repartition existing partitions w/out destroying the data. Sorry. There's prolly a utility to do it, just like there's fips for DOS, but I don't know what it...
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    What's the purpose of flashing the Radeon LE?

    You have to remember, some folks would like to use the card at default speeds w/out using windows, ie Linux, and therefore, the bios flash would be of inestimable (sp?) value to them.
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    Kyro II or Radeon

    I am in the midst of the same conundrum myself. I've managed to distill it down to this: 1) Price. The Redeon LE is 60 odd bucks, the Kyro II from Hercules is a little over 100. (although I keep seeing wonderful things regarding the Vivid!XS 32 meg card that I can't find ANYWHERE!) 2.) OS...
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    AMD K6-2+ 450MHz $35 + shipping - DEAL IS BACK?

    Well, I went from a K6-2 450 to a K6-2+ 450, and thought it was the best thing I'd done for the money. I DO play games, and even w/ an old Velocity 100 card (1/2 of a V32K for you uninformed few), my K6-2+ at 600 does a fine job! Granted, I only play at 800x600, but what the hey?! My 3DMark...
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    Why is the KYRO so ignored?

    I've looked at what few benchmarks there are out there, and this card performs very respectably for the price. Not to mention that it's a good idea to support more competition in the marketplace, now that 3dfx is gone. Am I missing something? None of the review sites show it when the compare...
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    USB 2.0 info?

    I've been trying to verify the concept of networking in USB 2.0. I read somewhere that it was going to support direct computer to computer plugging via the ports to network, w/out any adapters. Anyone care to comment?
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    How much ram do you have to have to ftp remote install?

    i'm trying to do a remote install of RH 6.1 to a node that has 24 meg of ram (EDO simms) and a 400Mhz K6-2 processor. Is there some minimum? I get to where is loads the ramdisk, gets the 2nd stage install info from my ftp server, then it just stops on the screen that starts the xconfigurator...
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    Overclocking Compaq DeskPro

    SoftFSB is nice, but it only runs on windows, and this machine is running Linux right now. :) I haven't come across an equivalent program...yet.
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    Overclocking Compaq DeskPro

    Yeah, it autosets the bus speed from the processor itself, there is no function to be able to select it manually. Ah well. Guess I just have to live w/ it the way it is...
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    Overclocking Compaq DeskPro

    I've had some older deskpro systems donated to me. The one has a PII 333 in it. I've looked at the board, and it has the ability to go to FSB of 100Mhz, but supposedly, the board itself queries the processor for the correct bus speed. Is there a way to 'fool' the stupid thing into using the...
  14. C

    Help! Looking for 3dfx Velocity 100 drivers

    I just posted this in another thread, but here ya go.... OmegaDrivers I use these,and it works great. One way to get it to work is to use the installer, then go back and MANUALLY choose the drivers and ignore the warning. That ensures that you have the drivers installed, even if Win9X...
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    future drivers for voodoo video cards?

    I also wanted to let you in on a site that supposedly has contact w/ the developers and is going to continue to release drivers as time goes on. Omega Drivers I'm using them on my V32k and Velocity video card, (half a V32K) w/ good results...
  16. C

    Win98 update to Win98SE?? Please Help

    There is one major difference between the 2, and that is the Internet Connection Sharing. You HAVE to have SE to use it, although the client machines can be running just about any OS under the sun. :)
  17. C

    dial in connection to Windows 2000 Pro?

    Hey, I have a work machine that I would like to be able to dial into from home and have access to my work network. Is there a way to do this w/ Win2KPro, or do I need to have Win2K Server? Thanks.
  18. C

    Is Anandtech having technical difficulties?

    I'm having a REALLY hard time getting any of the pages to load off of the main site. Anyone else seeing this? I have no idea what it causing it, but it appears that the graphics aren't loading worth spit.
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    Evil Kyo 64mb VS Geforce 2MX

    I've been looking for some 'pro-Kyro' threads. This card seems to be a black sheep on the market. It's hard as hell to even find a good review on it. I mean, I realize that Nvidia has programmed most people into drones, but criminey. Personally, as a regular Don Quixote of the computer...
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    Voodoo 3 drivers from Omega? Anyone else tried them?

    I have a velocity card that I am trying to get a little bit extra speed outta. I found, and they had some drivers for all V3 cards, as well as V4/V5. Anyway, after installing them, I had a bit of a drop on my 3dMark scores. I was just wondering if anyone else has used...
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    ATI Rage 128 kickin' my butt...

    Ok, I'm pretty good at setting up h/w, been doing it as an enthusiast/professional for better than 3 years now. That being said, the card I just got is really torquing me off! I spent MANY hours the other day trying to install what should be the correct drivers from ATI's website, and I would...
  22. C

    What the hell happened to 3DFX?

    I've heard a great deal of controversy on this subject, and read some of the press releases. Basically, 3dfx has sold most of their intellectual property for upcoming chip designs to Nvidia, and Nvidia hired away around 100 of their best engineers. 3dfx will still have to support the current...
  23. C

    Another reason A+ and MCSE cert's mean squat!

    I don't know. I have worked a help desk for 3 years now, and I've seen a lot of techs come and go. When I got my first job, there were 3 other people applying, all w/ their A+, and I did not. When they asked me why I felt qualified for the job, I told them about how it was a hobby of mine to...
  24. C

    Why isn't there a backlash against DDR SDRAM like there was with RDRAM?...RE: VIA KT133A

    You know, it's going to be funny, but the biggest sector that is going to benefit from the DDR ram is going to be budget systems. Integrated video that using system RAM will have fairly impressive marks when using the low latency high bandwidth DDR ram. I'm fuzzy on the details, but Nvidia's...
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    MY GeForce2 GTS Has arrived but i have to wait till christmass.

    I have abstained from participating in a lot of these so called 'pissing contests' for quite some time, but I feel the need to interject at this point. I have a K62+ chip running at 600 Mhz, and I'm very pleased w/ it's results. I'm also only using a Velocity 100 card (half a V3 2000 for the...
  26. C

    Opera 5.0 is out now!!

    Hmm, I've surfed to a number of sites that have flash stuff, and Java running, and it's working fine. (Yes, I'm using it right now). It's so fast, it's scary. I think I'm going to keep using it till it fails, but it would have to be a MAJOR failure to give me an alternative to using IE 5.5...
  27. C

    memories.... or, 'which ram to buy'??

    I guess I should stop being such a cheap bastich..... It just kills me to see PC133 ram for like 50 bux. I get greedy and want to buy a truckload of it, but I've never used the stuff on a Duron board, and that's the only reason I really need it. I have ALL of my pc100 ram generic that I've...
  28. C

    memories.... or, 'which ram to buy'??

    Sorry for the corny title. :) Anyway, I'm buying some ram now cuz it's so cheap, and in a month or so when I build I don't have to pay thru the nose. I realize all about the difference between cas2/cas3, pc100 and pc133, etc. My question is very simple. I plan to build a 'cheap' Duron...
  29. C

    Help me understand Adaptec SCSI card models: 2930 or 2940? (updated compare 2940U2W to 2930U2)

    Hmm, I have a 2940 card, and it is only a 50 pin version. the 'UW' spec card has both. If the price difference is minimal, go w/ the 2940 over the 2930, I'm not sure of the difference, but from the description of what you need it to do, the 2940 will fill the role admirably. :)
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    Yucky The spacer WILL help. It does not replace the spacers, rather it 'fills in' between them to get a perfectly flat surface to mount the hs on. I've already seen some testing that shows that the spacer can also help dissipate the heat from the chips, albeit not by a lot. I would highly...
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    Ge-force or Voodoo 4500

    I noticed that Anand is going to run another test of the 3dfx cards w/ newer drivers, and they are asking for opinions on what tests we want to see. Personally, I very much looked forward to the V4 4500 when it was announced, but due to its delivery delay and lackluster performance, and...
  32. C

    Voodoo5 5500 update review suggestions

    Dunno about the others, but since they claim this HSR works on older V3 boards as well, as a proud owner of this venerable warrior, I would like to see comparative benchmarks on it as well. If the HSR tweaks DO work on it reliably, V3 boards would be back in the ballpark performance wise. :)...
  33. C

    Need settings for a K62-475afx ! All Done, Thanks for the Answers And Great Links

    Jakeman, I can practically GUARANTEE that if you set the front side bus to 100, the multiplier to 5 (at least) you will have NO problems. The K6 line was flaky for overclocking, but the chip you have is essentially a 500 that they marketed at a lower bin speed. The 5Mhz increase will do...
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    FPU Chart

    I just had to be a stinker and insert a comment from the lunatic fringe... I have a K62+ 500 running @ 600Mhz, and it compares to the equivalent speed Celerie on FPU. It's not for everyone, but it does show what AMD can do 'by accident'. :)
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    Ripping DVD's, morally wrong??? Or Not?

    The whole technology aspect of ripping and copying is going to force a change in the industry. Of course RIAA wants things to stay the way they are, but it isn't going to happen. Step back a few generations.... You don't think that the people that used to hand copy books didn't look on the...
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    Ram to buy for future Duron system....

    Since prices are so freakin' low, I want to buy some pc133 ram now. There is a huge disparity between the 'budget' ram and the high end stuff in price. I know the overclockability of ram is important on an Intel system, but since you don't really use the FSB to O/C AMD stuff, can't you get...
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    Building AMD i think...need help choosing

    For a grand, I would go w/ a Tbird and an ASUS or ABIT, prolly the KT7-raid and a good ata-100 HDD like the IBM Deskstar.... There are a # of sites (including Anandtech) that have builders guides for what the recommend, and almost all of them recommend the AMD line for gamers. With good...
  38. C

    Is $50 for 128MB of PC100 SDRAM a good deal?

    The price is excellent, the ram may not be the quality that you are looking for. I've used 'generic' cheapie ram in the past and it's worked, but I've heard horror stories of stuff that has been floated around. Best bet is to check out the vendor on before you buy from...
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    Finally, what the Duron has needed to finally destroy the Celeron: SiS730

    Hmm, I realize that SIS isn't the most highly regarded mobo manufacturer in the business, but for low end systems, I've used them a bunch in the past. I have run into idiosyncrasies (sp?) but they haven't been insurmountable. A LOT of SS7 systems were built using those boards, and a lot of...
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    Anandtech Socket A heatsink review

    I understand the points that the rest of you have made regarding this issue, but there were some points that I saw here that I haven't seen elsewhere. Case in point, the inability to mount either the Chrome Orb or SupaOrb on the Epox 8KTA series of boards. This information was vital to me, and...
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