Search results

  1. Projects for an 8800GTS?

    PrimeGrid still officially supports the 8800. It's good for around 25,000 ppd which would be a nice boost for the TeAm, since some people here are giving PrimeGrid a rest for a little while after the contest earlier this month.
  2. What is everybody crunching lately? And which is a better GPU for such, AMD or NV?

    I got a GTX650 myself a few weeks ago on clearance sale at the local computer store and have been using it on PrimeGrid for the TeAm, it's easily over 100Kppd most days. In fact, I just got an exciting E-mail from PrimeGrid yesterday, over the weekend my card found what was (at the time)...
  3. OK!.........All you OLD DC FARTS! Time to come out of hidding.

    As it has only been 9 years since I began crunching for the TeAm I am not sure that qualifies me as an "old fart"... however I have definitely been in hiding the last few years, I am still way under 1000 posts on these forums. I do have as many computers as ever crunching away, currently 7...
  4. Post the milestones here!

    Thanks for the congrats wayliff, also I hit 20 million combined BOINC the other day. Distributed computing home-heating season is in full swing here so I should be chucking out 100K+ ppd on combined BOINC for the TeAm for a couple months at least :cool:
  5. Surprise! PrimeGrid "GFN Short" challenge Jan 4-17 w/ nVidia GPUs

    Thanks! Glad that my fussy old Linux box was able to cough up a couple of these WUs at the precise time the TeAm needed them :)
  6. Surprise! PrimeGrid "GFN Short" challenge Jan 4-17 w/ nVidia GPUs

    I'm also late to the game but better late than never.... haven't run PrimeGrid in many years but this seems like the perfect time to get back on board! Looks like we are in a tight race so even my creaky old GTX 260 is bound to help some.
  7. The end of F@H on PS3

    Well I did get my 4 million, on the last WU before Sony forced its F@H-deleting update onto my PS3 :) For the record, I ran F@H on my PS3 for almost two years non-stop. Around 1,900 WUs total for just under half a million points. Not too shabby all things considered. Sure PCs are much...
  8. The end of F@H on PS3

    Hello TeAm, It's been a while since I posted here but I have have continued to crunch for the TeAm all these years. I know many of you have moved on to more productive crunching rigs but I found with some sadness the announcement that Sony will be discontinuing support for F@H on the PS3 any...
  9. Folding @ Home on PS3 vs PC?

    My PS3 is currently averaging around 1200 PPD. Only other hardware I have running F@H is a 2 year old OC'ed GTX260 and it's actually getting me about 7500 PPD... So I would say a single GTX460 would have to be at least 6 times as good as a PS3 if not better!
  10. Milkyway@Home double credit bonus for next 48 hours!!!

    What a coincidence... I shut down my MW@H box 30 minutes ago due to the heat wave... gonna hit triple digits here tomorrow and my home A/C is really huffing hard... Was wondering how I was getting six figures today from my 2 year old Radeon 4770... :) Anyway I'll be back once temps drop...
  11. What may be wrong?

    Hi Peter - What make/model motherboard? All other things aside I suspect this could be the infamous "140W Phenom II in a 95W motherboard" issue... some motherboards are known for falsely claiming they can support 140W Phenom IIs when they are really only built to the 95W specification. The...
  12. fun suggestions for linux newb?

    Well, since you're in Canada I assume you like to heat your living quarters in winter, why not have this spare laptop help with that and benefit a good cause at the same time? Over in the Distributed Computing Forum you can find lots of good uses for those spare CPU cycles, my favorite is...
  13. 5th Annual Folding@Home Holiday Season Race thread.

    After a VERY long time away from F@H (and the DC TeAm in general) the time has come to ramp back up. Not sure how many of you remember me... except maybe Petrusbroder who I had lunch with in Stockholm some years back :) Looks like I am able to pull down 4,000 PPD on F@H the last 3 days, I may...
  14. Who's got an old AMD X2/AMD 64 rig as their main computer?

    Depends on what you mean by "main" computer... my main desktop is an X2 5000+ BE @3.15 GHz with a pair of GeForce 9600s... but I've finally ended my Intel boycott by getting a Penryn-based gaming laptop with a GeForce 8600 inside. Honestly I can't tell that much of a difference. I still use my...
  15. Overclocking my Athlon x2 5000+ BE

    To get to 3.2 GHz, try tweaking the bus a little. I'm running my 5000+ BE at a 15x multi and 210 MHz HTT bus, which works out to 3.15 GHz. I've only bumped the volts up to 1.4. It's been running stable like this since the day I got it in April. Temps are 37C idle, 58C under load. I've...
  16. Core 2 Duo E8400 vs Core 2 Quad Q6600

    Depends on how often you upgrade. If this is going to be your main gaming rig for the next 2 to 3 years get the quad. Right now though, there's basically no games that use the full 4 cores and you will get slightly higher FPS in today's games like Crysis, Supreme Commander etc. if you go with...
  17. plz tell your

    Yup, Guild Wars makes my top 3 as well :cool: 1) Diablo II + LOD 2) Guild Wars 3) Portal Honorable mentions: WoW (just quit it and went back to GW, but it was a good run), Diablo I, BioShock, Crysis, Warcraft II, Starcraft, TIE Fighter
  18. AS5 removal... Vodka?

    I don't have any chemistry department connections either; so when it comes to removing AS5 I get my 100% anhydrous isopropanol for $13 per liter at Micro Center. Using vodka is probably a bad idea because if it's 80 proof, then it's 60% water. Everclear, OTOH might be acceptable :cool:
  19. Oldest CPU you are running now???

    Slowest in use is a 1 GHz PIII Mobile in my Compaq N600c lappy. I use its handy dandy serial port to console into Cisco routers once every week or two. One of these days Cisco will join the 21st century and make the Console ports on them USB :P Slowest not in use is a 500 MHz PIII in a Dell...
  20. Newegg open box yes or no?

    I've bought open box from the Egg 3 times - Once for a motherboard, the board worked great and was nicely packed, but yes it was barebones and I had to order the I/O shield for $5 from ASUS (which is very easy to do at the ASUS eStore), as well as download all the drivers. I had a pile of...
  21. Anyone here ever upgrade from nForce 4 SLI to nForce 590 SLI

    Sounds like a plan, thanks for the advice :cool: As for the HSF, I am watercooling this rig now and it's a definite no-go on my waterblock fitting on the AM2 mobo. However the 4-heatpipe stock HSF that came with the Opty 170 clips quite nicely onto it so I will probably run with that for a...
  22. Anyone here ever upgrade from nForce 4 SLI to nForce 590 SLI

    I am currently running an Opteron 170 (basically an Athlon X2 4000+) on an Abit AN8 SLI board with a pair of GeForce 9600 GTs running XP.... I'm CPU limited on the newest games (no surprises there) and got an X2 5000+ Black Edition and an Abit AN9 SLI board today along with 2GB of DDR2 from the...
  23. Whats your opinions on EA?

    This thread actually made me go and look at all my PC game boxes. Looks like Crysis is the first EA game I've bought in a very long time. Most of my recent purchases have been Take Two/2K stuff (BioShock, Oblivion, and a couple GTAs) so I guess I should be bummed out if EA's takeover bid is...
  24. Crysis: CPU limited with SLI?

    I run Crysis pretty decently on a pair of GeForce 9600s popped into a badly out of date CPU/MB/OS combo: Opteron 170 (2 GHz) on an nForce 4 SLI board with 2GB of RAM and 32-bit WinXP. But I am definitely CPU limited... at 1680x1050 resolution and all custom settings (Natural Mod v.2) I get...
  25. What is your dream game that doesn't exist?

    Another Tim Schafer game for the PC. Unlike Psychonauts, Brutal Legend looks like it's going to be console only :(
  26. World of Warcraft and SLI

    WoW runs like crap for me in SLI. It did back when I first got the game and ran it on a pair of 6800s, and it runs like crap now on a pair of 9600s. A couple alt-tabs out to log on Ventrilo or read a raid strat, and the game becomes completely fux0red until I close/restart it. I currently...
  27. The AT World of Warcraft Thread (Where do you play) and general BS

    Hi there AnandTech WoW players, Anyone on Blackwing Lair (US - PvP)? 70 UD Priest here. I've just about burnt myself out on WoW after 20 months - the first 8 leveling two toons to 70, and then the last year in end-game raiding. No I'm not looking to sell my account, just wondering if...
  28. The State of PC Gaming | NEW POLICY POLL, VOTE NOW

    What's the state of PC gaming? Well, if you're a Linux or Mac user it's pretty sorry right now. But as a Windows gamer I'm pretty happy where the market's at. Samduhman up near the top of the thread mentions Xbox 360, and how it's stealing away a large portion of the Windows gamer user base...
  29. best 9600GT out so far?

    I got the stock clocked BFG one from Newegg, based strictly on brand preference (BFG's super liberal return policy). Newegg is already out of stock. Good thing I got it when I did because a single 9600 *crushes* the FPS I was getting on my old pair of 6800s in SLI.
  30. TA = 1 MILLION points in Leiden Classical!!!

    Been a long time since I've posted in these forums but I've never stopped crunching for the TeAm... as of a few minutes ago we've just passed 1 MILLION points in one of my favorite BOINC projects - Leiden Classical! Congrats TeAm!!! :beer::wine::D
  31. Fold For Life - we need members

    I'm sure the DC TeAm here has asked for front page space before to no avail. Things move kind of slow around this site... I'm sure what few web admins Anand has working here are mostly occupied with keeping the Real Time Pricing database going. People here have gone so far in the past as to...
  32. Rosetta@Home - 07/05: Stats

    W00t! Thanks for the kind wishes everyone. I'm only a sporadic R@H cruncher but I keep coming back whenever TAS lets me :D
  33. Worth the effort?

    For DC purposes, definitely pass on it. I briefly assimilated my dad's P3 933 for BOINC a few months ago and it only benched an 815/1445. By comparison, my girlfriend's Athlon XP 2800+ benches a 1913/3236. One of those can be bought easily on the FS/FT forum here, or over eBay, for under $200...
  34. Just to let you all know: Team Anadtech still first in QMC@Home and PrimeGrid

    Must be some kind of stats glitch... I've chipped in nearly 2,000 points in the last week on QMC. I'll make sure that number goes up soon ;)
  35. Just to let you all know: Team Anadtech still first in QMC@Home and PrimeGrid

    How come? Because I'm about to pass you in MalariaControl? :P I probably actually will do some QMC crunching this month, just to see how well the Dutch Power Cows client does with it... QMC is one of the few BOINC projects that doesn't use a quorum (the most well-known being Rosetta), where...
  36. Just to let you all know: Team Anadtech still first in QMC@Home and PrimeGrid

    Thanks for the update Peter! It looks like our standing in PrimeGrid is secure, but QMC looks to be threatened soon. Free-DC has been ramping back up there again and I don't know how long our valiant TeAmmates in South Africa will be able to hold them off without help from the rest of us. If...
  37. Best Processor

    Coquito's right, wait for the price cuts! I think July 24 is the magic day. For the record though, here's another voice of experience saying that S939 Opterons do overclock better than Athlon X2s. I have two Opty 170s, an X2 3800+, and an X2 4400+. The CPU that I spent the most money on...
  38. TAS-member thread for June: CASP7 - challenge

    Well here's my idea then, we do the "New and Old" TAS event. This is where we vote to run one "New" project we have never run before, and then an "Old" project that TAS has not run within the last year. The reason I suggest an "Old" project is that given the current membership of TAS...
  39. amd.borg on top of TeAm List

    Yeah I was confused too, seeing as how Johan has been #1 in the entire WORLD for the last month on QMC and continues to add to his lead every day... Anyway a big :beer: and :thumbsup: to Johan for being such an awesome TAS-mate!!!
  40. TAS-member thread for June: CASP7 - challenge

    You want to do polls for July and August at the same time? Or do you want TAS to do the same project for two months? I'm fine with both options :)
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