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  1. H

    antec Quiet Mid-Tower Case - Black w/350 W at Best Buy: $39.99 AR

    Note the Amazon deal does not include a PS so considerably cooler than this Best Buy deal, though a big YMMV on availability.
  2. H

    Hitachi 250 GB SATA HD $99.99 AR

    Good deal for this size of a SATA HD but keep in mind this is not the newest generation Hitachi SATA drive. The HITACHI Deskstar T7K250 SATA II at Newegg is $123.00, but currently OOS. Most benchmarks show the Hitachi is the quickest out of the latest generation SATA drives.
  3. H

    6600gt texture problems.

    Silversierra, like gusmahler indicates, this may be a game-specific problem so try patching your game. Seeing as you are not getting this problem in other games and you aren't experiencing lock-ups, it's probably something up with Rollercoaster Tycoon 3.
  4. H

    6600gt texture problems.

    Well if you read the Anandtech Retail 6600 GT Reviews, you will see many of the retail cards had heat issues because the heatsink/fan came loose. Now the Leadtek is supposed to be one of the most robust HSF setups, but it's possible yours is not mating correctly with the chip, resulting in a...
  5. H

    Athlon 64 3000+ OEM (Winchester 939) $119 at Monarch

    Oh well...I guess I will need to wait until next week (April 4th) to see if the Venice core releases will be reasonably priced or if they will drive down these Winchester cores even lower. I want to upgrade my computer soon! This waiting game is killing me.
  6. H

    Athlon 64 3000+ OEM (Winchester 939) $119 at Monarch

    trevor2k, noticed the same thing. I emailed Monarch sales through their online form but haven't heard anything back. I want the combo deal but it's supposed to be the same price as the stand-alone OEM processor!
  7. H

    Tonight's 24 Episode 01-31-2005...[Spoilers Inside, You have been warned!]

    For us first season watchers, can someone give a brief synopsis of Tony's character? Don't reveal too much if you can help it, since I'd like to rent DVDs of the previous seasons.
  8. H

    Tonight's 24 Episode 01-24-2005...[Spoilers Inside, You have been warned!]

    OK, so it's closer than I thought to reality, but I doubt the nuclear reactor control facilities are open to the internet. If so, that's an insane security risk.
  9. H

    Tonight's 24 Episode 01-24-2005...[Spoilers Inside, You have been warned!]

    Unfortunately this is a rather silly statement as the routing table is basically just that...a database of IP addresses and how to get there as a next-hop. It would have made more sense to say "I saw the load on the router CPUs" Also, the whole idea of Nuclear power stations being exposed to...
  10. H

    Tonight's 24 Episode 01-24-2005...[Spoilers Inside, You have been warned!]

    Anyone else think the tribute to the fallen Lt. Colonel (assuming Iraq) was übercool? Picture looked fantastic in 720p HD on my 57" TV, as did the show overall. It will be interesting to see how they squeeze out the rest of the 24 hours as it seems like it would be difficult to keep up the...
  11. H

    Tonight's 24 Episode 01-09-2005...[Spoilers Inside, You have been warned!]

    Man, I watched the 2-hour season premiere which I PVR'd yesterday today. Never seen 24 though I heard good things about it. Now, of course, I'm addicted. Imagine my anger when I discovered at the end of the first 2-hour episode the Fox announcer said next episode, TOMORROW...which is TODAY...
  12. H

    damn you nforce 4!

    I disagree. For the folks such as a budget-limited ethusiast, college student and graduated gamer (such as myself) ;), PCIe makes a compelling choice to wait for. If this was June, then I would say yeah, go for NF3-250, but it's only about 60 days until we have a good choice of NF4...
  13. H

    P-ATA Raid 0 Stripe - 96MB/s!!! Yeah, baby!

    MichaelD, for such a hardcore power user (and a "Lifer," nonetheless) I would correct my subject if I were you. When I first read this thread title I thought "96 megabits per second? Barely faster than actual Fast Ethernet throughput! Ridiculous." That should be 96 MB/s. Lower-case "b" is...
  14. H

    P-ATA Raid 0 Stripe - 96MB/s!!! Yeah, baby!

    <sorry for the double post, folks>
  15. H

    Any last comments before I take the plunge??

    Truth be told, these days the mobo chipsets change so often it really isn't unreasonable to expect to have to replace the motherboard when you upgrade your chip. I know this is not going to sound good to you, but motherboards are cheaper these days than they used to be. Why not get the fastest...
  16. H

    Harddrive silencer enclosures? what are some?

    stultus makes a good point. Click the link above and you will find SilentDrive can only dissapate around 6.8 watts of heat. This is not much actually and many of the faster and larger capacity 7200 RPM drives will overheat in the enclosure. Though the noise reduction may be significant, the risk...
  17. H

    Newly Built Computers Giving Me Fits

    First off, it is very impressive that a woman is tackling the task of building a new computer! I think more women should get involved with this as it can be rewarding and even save money over buying a prebuilt computer if you are reusing old components. Now... Sounds like the AGP connector on...
  18. H

    A tip to remove the New Egg label goo off your T-Bred chip

    This is true...however I didn't have any brake cleaner around. WD40 is OK, just need to make sure you clean it up, and as I said twice before, don't get it on the core. I just figured most people have WD40 around the house.
  19. H

    Killed my 1700+ T-Bred B trying to unlock!

    That must be a BIOS issue. The motherboard is taking the correct mults, but the BIOS does not display it correctly. (can't read the 5-bit multiplier code?) Try upgrading the BIOS. Otherwise you will just have to ignore it and enjoy your overclocked performance.
  20. H

    WD 80GB 8MB cache 7200 RPM HDD for $40 After $60 REBATE @ CC

    Okay, I found a way to make this deal WAY hotter...found out about this at FatWallet. BUT this only applies to those with a Fry's B&M closeby (West Coast, TX, that's about it) Fry's has this: Linky to LA Times ad select "technology" then Frys. La Times Fry's Ad I checked in my Austin store and...
  21. H

    Killed my 1700+ T-Bred B trying to unlock!

    Radio Shack had a deal on an analog multimeter. Radio Shack MM for $12.00 That should be plenty for your purposes. My local Rat Shack was sold out so I went to the next step up compact digital one for $20. I might return it and get the cheap one. I've spent way too much on the overclocking...
  22. H

    A tip to remove the New Egg label goo off your T-Bred chip

    In my experience rubbing alcohol works too SLOWLY or not at all on the label goo. It's very viscous and sticky...and I just ended up getting cotton fibers stuck into the mess. The WD dissolved the goo quickly and the alcohol took away the WD residue very well. As I said, I'm not sure if there's...
  23. H

    Killed my 1700+ T-Bred B trying to unlock!

    There is a risk of cutting too deep. I guess I will find out on Friday when my other processor comes in if my 1700+ works or not. However, I don't think many people have access to a very fine file like you talk about. The bridge gaps is about 1-2 mm so you need a fine-edge instrument. BTW, have...
  24. H

    Killed my 1700+ T-Bred B trying to unlock!

    Now that I know how to cut these bridges, I agree that a sharp knife (X-Acto will work best) or razor blade is the easiest. Use plenty of lighting and work with a steady hand. I'd be more worried about using the relatively high voltages on a 1.6V processor...what if you touch the wrong bridge...
  25. H

    A tip to remove the New Egg label goo off your T-Bred chip

    So New Egg uses those annoying little inventory control labels on their OEM T-Breds (prolly all their OEM chips). After you peel it off carefully, you will probably have some nasty bits of label adhesive left behind. If you don't have Goof Off, I've found that WD-40 removes it really well. But...
  26. H

    how to remove thermal paste?

    I agree with everyone else. Use Goof Off which is a pretty powerful solvent. The pads are such a pain because they are thermal phase change wax. Alcohol will really not take it off very quickly. Use the Goof Off and then use alchohold to rinse off the Goof Off. I would recommend at least 2 clean...
  27. H

    Killed my 1700+ T-Bred B trying to unlock!

    Yikes...well I'm not returning a dead proc. I'm returning a physically untouched 2100+ b-core. I haven't messed with or unlocked any mult on that core. Since it's 2100+ default, the 13 x and higher mults are available to me in the BIOS so I can overclock without cutting L3s. Anyhow, UPDATE: I...
  28. H

    Killed my 1700+ T-Bred B trying to unlock!

    I believe it's a don't-ask don't-tell policy. The CPU must be working and there must be no physical damage. I'm overclocking to 2 Ghz, true...but it's at default voltage with a very good CPU cooler. I've also checked Prime 95 for 8 hours and it ran clean. If you overclock it too much and burn it...
  29. H

    Killed my 1700+ T-Bred B trying to unlock!

    Well thanks for the information guys! Obviously you have much more experience with this T-bred "B" unlocking than I. I am going to try cutting the last three need to cut two more. Only problem is that I don't want to keep installing and removing my HSF (fear it will weaken the...
  30. H

    Killed my 1700+ T-Bred B trying to unlock!

    I wasn't satisfied with the 12.5 max multiplier on my T-bred "B" core. I have an Epox 8RDA+ and apparently this NForce2 mobo only unlocks to the maximum spec'd multiplier which is 12.5 on my chip. Since my Crucial PC2100 can't do 166 Mhz (keeping it at 150), my quest for 2+ GHz remained...
  31. H

    Best heatsink/fan for 1.4 t-bird

    Sounds like you aren't going to be doing much or any overclocking. The 1.4 T-bird is a pretty hot chip, but I don't think you really need a massive heatsink for it. Go to SVC and get the GC-68 heatsink fan. It should be pretty cheap and it comes with an 80mm ball-bearing fan. As long as it fits...
  32. H

    XP 1700+ MAX mult. 12.5x on 8RDA+???

    UPDATE: Upgraded to 1/29/03 BIOS on my 8RDA+...still no luck! :( It frustrates me to read about others unlocking ALL multipliers for 1700+s on older mobos. I thought NForce 2 was supposed to be the best. :confused: Come on EpoX!. Either I will have to try to creep the FSB/Memory upwards towards...
  33. H

    Heatsink and Fan Recommendations

    SV Compucycle has the Thermalright SLK-800 for $30. Add their stock SVC 80mm ball-bearing fan for $2.99 and you will have a very good HSF combo for under $40 shipped. The stock fan runs around 32 dBA, I believe. It's a soft whir rather than a high-pitched whine. If that is still too noisy you...
  34. H

    XP 1700+ MAX mult. 12.5x on 8RDA+???

    Thanks for the suggestion...a new BIOS just came out for the 8RDA+ so I am going to try that first. I'd rather not take off my HSF since I've got the SLK-800 on there and I'm getting good temps now. Don't wanna mess with a good thing not to mention all the hassle. ;) I have to think the 8RDA+...
  35. H

    XP 1700+ MAX mult. 12.5x on 8RDA+???

    Crap...I was hoping there's a way around that. I don't know how far my Crucial PC2100 can go...a lot of people are hitting 166 DDR, but some are maxing out at ~155 Mhz. Is it possible a BIOS upgrade will fix this issue? Can anyone confirm hitting higher than 12.5x on 8RDA+ / XP 1700+ "B"?
  36. H

    XP 1700+ MAX mult. 12.5x on 8RDA+???

    I have an 8RDA+, 2 x 256MB Crucial PC2100 running at 2 x 150 Mhz and a T-bred "B" 1700+. It seems in the BIOS (version 12/10/2002) my max useable multiplier is 12.5x. The BIOS does allow me to change the mult. past 12.5, but then it reverts back down to lower mults on POST. I've tried all...
  37. H

    Just got my new 2000+ XP

    Unfortunately unless a retailer promises a specfic core rev, you are just going to get luck-of-the-draw. I imagine the retailer you bought it from in England didn't have that much sales the inventory turnover is lower. I would try to return the chip. I don't know how much shipping...
  38. H

    Newbie to overclocking having problems

    Come on, bro! Your overclock question would have been relevant in 1998 but that's just an ancient setup by today's standards. You are completely wasting your time overclocking. Since you live in Sherman, just head on down to the Dallas Fry's Electronics (off of 635 several miles east of 75) and...
  39. H

    Quiet alternative to Volcano 6? what would you recommend?

    Naah, for that 1333, a SLK-800 is just overkill unless he plans on upgrading to a much faster chip in the near future. I'd second the recommendation of the SVC GC-68. The stock fan is quiet and cools well. If you want it quieter...order it with a Panasonic L1A 80mm fan. At that point, your...
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