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  1. M

    LCD Color Test

    LDC Monitor Brand: Samsun Model: 930B RT: 8s # Colors: 16.2m # Bits: (6+2bit dither) #2 - Color Fade: VERY small amount of dithering (just barely detectable). #3 - Color Bars: Only 1 or 2 spots of slightly visible dithering. #5 - Circle Fade: No dithering is visibe -- completely smooth...
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    RMA it?

    Considering the fact that you are experiencing lockups in EVERY situation, I think you ARE having power supply issues.... I know you have a good-sounding power supply, but even good PSUs can go bad. Try this, disconnect everything non essential (basically every extra hard drive, take out all...
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    Win XP x64 download + Tips + Drivers.

    There is no difference in processor heat when running in X64 vs Xp-32 (I have tested this with my own system). The processor's max heat under load in windows Xp-32 will still be it's max heat under load in X64. X64 may make it run slightly warmer during idle (since more of the processor is...
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    Win XP x64 download + Tips + Drivers.

    I think this is a large part of the reason that X64 appears to be more sensitive to overclocking.... Simply put, in Xp-32, you are not using the chip to it's fullest potential, but in X64, you are using much more of the chips processing abilities, and when you add an overclock to that which...
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    Can I use more than 2 Sticks with the new A64 rev E A.K.A venice?

    Ahh, hence the reason that I said "Supposedly"... I am loathe to really believe claims such as this until they have been confirmed in the real world and tested. Otherwise, they are just PR waiting to be verefied. Thanks Xed, you saved me the trouble of wondering if I should move up to San...
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    Can I use more than 2 Sticks with the new A64 rev E A.K.A venice?

    OK, to clear up the discussion here, you CAN run 4 sticks of memory at 400 MHZ on a venice... You can also do this on a Winchester (I should know, since I am doing it right now). The caveat is that it imposes a 2T command rate, which is somewhat of a performance hit (how much of a hit is still...
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    No Canon printer drivers for x64!

    Yes, the BJC-8000 driver seems to be a great catch-all for Canon printers that do not have any X64 drivers... BUT there is still no fix for some of the missing things for my Canon printer. I have an i470D, which has a built in Card Reader slot, but there is no X64 driver for it, so I cannot...
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    Win XP x64 download + Tips + Drivers.

    A useful tip (in my book anyway) is to check out BEFORE you upgrade to X64. They have a database of all of the drivers (both beta AND final release ones), as well as many useful tips for how to deal with migrating to XP, and how to get hardware working when the manufacturer...
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    Top 3 Motherboards you ever had

    #1 -- DFI Nforce 4 SLI (A64) -- this is my current board (and my all-time favorite)... I have never had a board be this overclock friendly (running my A64 3000+ Winchester at above 2.7 GHZ), rock stable, and it runs 2 video cards in SLI!!! #2 -- My Chaintech VNF4-Ultra (A64) -- this board...
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    Wow, most times when folks post about a MB problem, there are about a thousand possible other things that could have dies, but I think you have pretty well ID's this one. I would definitely RMA the board if possible (although this leaves you without a working system for a few weeks, which...
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    dual boot wxp 32 & 64bit?

    Nanobaud had it ABSOLUTELY correct, in that a BIOS-based dual-boot system is the best when you are testing a new OS. I cannot count the number of times that I have heard people complain that they set up a dual boot, wiped one of the OS', and then lost everything.... It is really quite simple...
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    DFI Ultra D = Ultra Picky?

    This is the reason that I often tell folks with questions about thier DFI boards to ask here as well as DFI street. You can sometimes get useful answers at DFI street, but often as not, you get slammed for asking a legitimate question. Here, you at least are not likely to be slammed for not...
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    DFI Ultra D = Ultra Picky?

    I have used Kingston Valueram, Corsair Valueram, Kingston HyperX, and Mushkin RAM in my DFI SLI board (identical to your board except for the SLI bridge) with no issues. I have heard that earlier BIOS did have an issue with them, but these are apparently fixed (as the posters above pointed out...
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    My nF4 SLI-DR will not boot even to post

    Yeah, what he said.... rise4310 has definitely got the right idea.... Check your CPU first (if possible, try it in another board). If you DO have a Venice, you will likely need a BIOS update before the board can use it. If you do NOT have a Venice, and your CPU checks out OK on a...
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    Friend Purchased XP-Pro REALLY cheap.. Legit or not???

    I know, which is why I was wondering about the possibilities if he did not listen to me, and used it anyway (since he ignored my advice about buying the damn thing, and about his CC number being possibly vulnerable now). Fortunately, he decided that it is not wise to install possibly illegal...
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    Friend Purchased XP-Pro REALLY cheap.. Legit or not???

    Just to update everyone.... I spoke with my friend, and showed him the key search on google.... It is true that seeing is believing, I think he doubted me until he saw that, then he just got real quiet... Also, I thought he paid 40, but he is actually out around $80.00, so he got screwed for...
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    Friend Purchased XP-Pro REALLY cheap.. Legit or not???

    Guys, thanks for suggesting Googling the serial.... I cannot believe that I never thought of that (and I have done it before)! It is DEFINITELY a counterfiet -- the key shows up on hundreds of different sites for cracks and keys and serialz, etc. This is going to suck for him, I thought he...
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    Friend Purchased XP-Pro REALLY cheap.. Legit or not???

    My next door neighbor often asks for my advice and help when working with his computer (he is an art appraiser, and not very computer savvy, but IS somewhat adventurous with his stuff). A few weeks ago, he asked me what I thought of a deal he found (on some site on the internet) to purchase...
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    Upgrading To Windows XP 64 (Issues?)

    No, Windows XP X64 is a clean install only. There is no option to upgrade from Windows 32 (or any other version of Windows) to the new one, so you will have to back up programs and data, wipe the hard drive, and install clean. On the upside, I do not think I would WANT to upgrade from 32-bit...
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    Help with choosing a Final Mobo

    Not sure about the other boards, but I have used Corsair ValueRAM, Kingston ValueRAM, Kingston HyperX, and one other type (cheap, but cannot remember the brand) in my DFI SLI board (which is identical to the Ultra D board except for lack of SLI and extra goodies) without any problems. It has...
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    Upgrading To Windows XP 64 (Issues?)

    Hi jrphoenix, I have been running Xp X64 for a couple of weeks, and it IS great. I have noticed a decent speed increase in almost all uses, and it seems more stable than Xp-32 (it should be, since it is supposedly based on Windows Server 2003 tech). For drivers, I would check on Planet AMD64...
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    DFI nf4u lanparty vs asus A8N-E

    I am not sure how far the Asus board will go with overclocking, but the DFI board is widely know to be the BEST overclock board out there, hands down. It also can give insane amounts of voltage (up to 4V!) to your RAM (if you have expensive ram that will take it, such as some of the OCZ...
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    Windows XP Professional x64 Edition: Drivers, Free Trials, and Availability

    No, for the time being, XP Home users have to settle for EITHER the Trail verson, or purchasing the OEM version of XP Professional X64 through a dealer (there are several online sites that will let you purchase it with another piece of hardware such as a $3.00 mousepad). I believe that it is...
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    Windows XP Professional x64 Edition: Drivers, Free Trials, and Availability

    No that is NOT the trial version.... Shipping ($12.00 in this case) is the only cost to Windows XP Professional X64 when you trade in your 32-bit XP License.
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    chaintech vnf4 video problem

    I would DEFINITELY say that your motherboard is dead. I had a Chaintech VNF4 Ultra, and it was working fine until my power supply went. I moved to a new PSU and case, but the board would never respond after that (when I powered up, I got power, drives spun up, but I never got ANY video at all...
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    dfi ultra d

    I actually got my hands on 2-2-2 Kingston HyperX PC3200 DDR at Fry's on sale in January for $178.00 for 2 sticks of 512 MB (I bought 4 sticks total)! This memory has overclocked well (It will do decent overclocking while keeping low latencies), and has been rock-stable. I have been VERY happy...
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    DFI SLI Problems

    Well, I hate to ask what may be 2 stupid questions, but here goes.... 1) Have you made SURE to plug ALL of the extra power connections on this board in (both the extra molex power connection, and the extra floppy driver power connection? This board requires both to be stable, so if you missed...
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    How to make Nforce4 SATA floppy disk for Win XP X64

    Glad I could help! If I can help anyone to avoid my own pitfalls, I will always try to do so.
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    How to make Nforce4 SATA floppy disk for Win XP X64

    I finally figured out how to get around this late last night. I downloaded the SATA driver disk creator for Windows32, made the disk, and then copied all of the files in the Windows X64 IDE directory (from the Nforce4 X64 drivers) into the floppy (so it overwrote all of the duplicate Windows32...
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    DFI Lanparty NF4 Ultra

    Actually Moosey, if you want a board with a quiet Chipset fan, then you cannot find a better board than the DFI (Ultra, or SLI) board. Both the Ultra and SLI board are equipped with a maglev fan, which "hovers" in the retainer, and has no bearings to fail. I have the DFI-SLI board, and it is...
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    Ramifications of running a 20-pin PSU on a 24-pin board

    I think he meant the extra 4 pins of the 24-pin PSU for the new Nforce4 motherboards. As far as it goes, I would either get an adaptor (still an iffy proposal), or upgrade to a 24-pin PSU. I used to own a Chaintech VNF4 motherboard, and had a 24-pin power supply hooked up to it. That PSU...
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    How to make Nforce4 SATA floppy disk for Win XP X64

    Well that completely sucks! I have a legit copy of Win XP X64 waiting for me to install it, and to do so, I will have to go back to my PATA drives (when I have 1 non-RAID, and 2 RAID0 SATA drives ready to go)! Does anyone have a better solution than going back to a Pata drive for the time being?
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    How to make Nforce4 SATA floppy disk for Win XP X64

    I recently downloaded the new release of Windows XP X64 (legitemately from the MSDN), and attempted to install it on my system last night (An A64 3000+, on a DFI SLI mobo with 2x512 sticks of Kingston HyperX ram) onto a SATA drive (not raided tho). Since I could not find a floppy creator for...
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    Possibly Dead Motherboard (VNF4 Ultra) -- Ideas??

    Well, I finally got it working. The original problem I was having WAS a dead motherboard -- stone dead. I managed to borrow a new processor and videocard from a friend to test it with -- stone cold toast. Which brings us to the DFI board -- ALSO stone dead! And NOT related to the new PSU...
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    Possibly Dead Motherboard (VNF4 Ultra) -- Ideas??

    Well, I took it out of the case completely, and tried booting with just the PSU wires, CPU and fan, and video card, and still no video, no boot, etc. This thing is driving me nutz! Worse yet, after doing this last night, I made the assumption that it WAS a problem with the motherboard...
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    Possibly Dead Motherboard (VNF4 Ultra) -- Ideas??

    Sorry, I forgot to make it clear that the system DOES power on. All of the internal lights, fans, etc come on, you can feel the hard drives spinning at least a little, and the cd drives seem to blink thier leds ever few seconds. Nothing else ever happens. I have tried shorting the power on...
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    Possibly Dead Motherboard (VNF4 Ultra) -- Ideas??

    Good morning. I have had a Chaintech VNF4 Ultra since before Christmas, and have loved the board. After adding a fan to the chipset, I have been able to keep it running at 300HTT for the past 3 months with rock-solid stability, and no heat issues (Thanks to the CoolerMaster Hyper6 CPU cooler...
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    There are no jumpers that need set Triple B, and you SHOULD be able to plug and go. 3 possibilities seem likely here. 1) Inadequate power supply -- this is the most likely, and is a VERY common cause of mystery blue screens, etc. during installation. Without knowing what PSU you have, I...
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    Chaintech VNF4

    There is no way around it for this board. You MUST have a PCI-E video card in order to get any video at all (this has been confirmed by Chaintech reps on other boards). You CAN use PCI video cards to get dual video, but there is no way to make this board function without a PCI-E card.
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    Gadgetbuilder is absolutely correct. This board will NOT work at all with a PCI video card. For some reason, it seems to have a quirk wherin regardless of whether you choose PCI or PCI-E video in BIOS, it still will not work without a PCI-E video card. PCI video cards DO work, but only with a...
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