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    (Dead) Ultimate Game Makers Bundle @ Bundlestars, 4 tiers from $2.99 up to $79.99 Tier 1 - Pay $2.99 RPG Maker XP Axis Game Factory's AGFPRO v3 Axis Game Factory's AGFPRO Fantasy Side-Scroller Player DLC Axis Game Factory's AGFPRO BattleMat Multi-Player DLC GameGuru GameGuru Mega Pack 1 DLC GameGuru...
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    (Dead) GameGuru + 5 Assets and RPG Maker VX Ace + 11 Assets for $8.49 @ BundleStars I suppose the Game Character Hub isn't technically an asset pack but I couldn't fit it all in the title. It's more an art program for asset creation that might work with other 2D game engines not just RPG Maker. It says it...
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    (Dead) GameMaker: Studio Pro + Android Export Module and YoYo RPG Engine for $12 @ HB

    Deal is only up for about 3 more days. There's also about a dozen games including the source code so you can pick them apart to see how they're made. I saw another thread in Hot Deals about the 2 free games but it didn't mention the bundle so I...
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    Amnesia The Dark Descent Free on Steam; 24hrs only

    I know the giveaway is over but I don't know how to post without bumping the thread. I hope it's not a problem. Anyway, just thought I'd mention the free total conversion mod on steam for owners of this game. It's called Penumbra: Necrologue and you can get it right here...
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    (Dead) Free Game and $2k worth of software for $12 in the Humble "Game Making" Bundle If you scroll down below the $12 dollar tier there is a field to put in your email and you can receive a free game and some DLC for RPG Maker. The name of the game is Mibibli's Quest. I haven't played it yet. A few games are scattered through the tiers...
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    $29.99 windows 7 for students

    It seems that they only allow one purchase now. At first I tried to order with both versions in my cart but it forced me to choose only one. So after I ordered the 64-bit I went back and tried to get a 32-bit but it said I had already ordered the limit. It's unfortunate since I could have...
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    Which one is perferred?

    As far as I know Silverstone rebadged Etasis power supplies for the 56, 75, and 85 ZF series. I don't know who made the 65. Either one should be quite good. Even if you're only gonna load the thing up half-way you should still get the benefit of greater efficiency.
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    Gigabyte P35 Motherboard Thread

    Hello, I started a thread a few days ago but didn't know this thread was around so I'll ask here as well. The motherboard I am currently using is broken (permanently corrupted bios) and Asus is taking forever to fix it. So I just decided to buy a new one and when I eventually get the one...
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    Need to change motherboard. Some questions.

    I was looking into that one but passed it up for reasons I should have specified. I really wanted to get one of the IP35's from Abit but they were a bit larger than I would like. My current board at 12" x 9" was a tight fit so I really wanted to get something about that size or less. The...
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    Why do people keep thinking that nVidia's next will be 9800?

    Really? I dunno I kinda thought U = upper, M = middle, L = lower wasn't too confusing. I was tacking on the X to signify a step up. Good thing I don't work for nvidia's marketing department!
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    Why do people keep thinking that nVidia's next will be 9800?

    I was thinking along similar lines. I kinda like one number followed by letters. I was thinking something simple like GeForce 9UX = ultra GeForce 9U = upper GeForce 9MX = mid/up GeForce 9M = middle GeForce 9LX = low/mid GeForce 9L = lower I'm not a marketer though I don't know...
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    Need to change motherboard. Some questions.

    Hello, The motherboard I am currently using is broken and Asus is taking forever to RMA. So I just decided to buy a new one and when I eventually get the one back from Asus I'll just keep it around as a spare or sell it. I'm looking at getting a Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L here Now I was...
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    Radeon HD X2900 XT or Nvidia 8800 GTS 640mb

    I'm quite happy with my 8800GTS 640. I bought it way back before the 2900XT came out. It has turned out to be fairly adequate for gaming at 1920x1200. I suppose if I needed to game at 2560x1600 or with absolute maximum eye candy then I might need something better. It was good for the price at...
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    Getting the 24" is my videocard? - Updated!

    It really depends on the individual monitor. Some are better at handling VGA and some aren't. I've had some first hand experience with this. I tried an older 19" fullscreen BenQ over analog and it was an absolute travesty. A newer 19" widescreen Samsung however was almost indiscernible from DVI...
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    Best 24" for gaming?

    I stepped up to 24" and never looked back. There's no way I can deal with less than 1920x1200 resolution and 8-bit color anymore. Once I got used to the increased resolution and color fidelity I realized that no TN panel could ever be adequate. As for having a powerful enough videocard, many...
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    finally - i have a monitor that is going to push my video card

    Hehe, they still haven't corrected the technical specs. It should be 0.27mm pixel pitch not 0.285mm. Don't know how that got in there but 3dgameman has the right specs on his site. Also, about the warranty, it was my understanding that upon purchase you had 14 days to return or exchange, then...
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    Getting the 24" is my videocard? - Updated!

    I don't mean to intrude but most of those cards are PCI-E and the fellow is running AGP. With that in mind I found a few possible upgrades. Radeon 9600 Pro for $43 Radeon X1650 for $77 Radeon HD 2400 Pro for $63 after $20 mail in rebate I figured on ATI for you since there could be...
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    Patriot Xtreme PC2-6400 2x1gb CL 444 with EPP $49.99 after $30 MIR

    Sooo tempting... I really want to pick up another pair of these. I mean 2 gigs is enough but... oh who am I kidding? Why Hot Deals? Why do you do this to me?
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    finally - i have a monitor that is going to push my video card

    I'll second that. This is definitely not a TN. I've run it through every test I could think of and enough gradients to boggle the mind. No backlight bleedthrough or ghosting to my eyes. I think it's a great value. The only real unknown is how long it will last. I'm hoping mine makes it well into...
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    Cheap 24" 1920x1200 monitor for the masses? ITS BACK!

    I've been wondering about this. It's never occured to me personally but if I recall correctly, a previous poster with the same problem said his monitor showed up as an M24EI4 or something like that in his video card drivers or something. I found it odd because mine shows up as M24EI5. Maybe...
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    [Retired] The LCD Thread

    Thank you for your reply xtknight. Oh I'm not complaining. I love this monitor. The colors are so pleasing to the eye. I didn't know 8-bit panels looked this good or I would have insisted on getting one long ago. I was just curious about that dark greyscale result but I don't notice any...
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    [Retired] The LCD Thread

    I am one of the lucky few who seems to have picked up a Soyo 24" MVA with little to no issues. I must say I'm very pleased with this monitor considering its price. I came to this monitor from a history of using only TN panels. I had heard of the other panels qualities but never had a chance...
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    IT'S BACK 24" Soyo LCD for $299. @ Office Max is back

    This monitor is fantastic for the price. 8-bit MVA panel, good contrast and brightness. I don't notice any input lag or ghosting. Only hickup is calibration. Every panel is a bit different. Once you tweak it to your liking though, it looks great. Original thread has lots of info on that...
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    Soyo 24" LCD @ Office Max $299 Aug 19th-25th

    Well, it seems on my monitor to be brightest in the central area and the four corners and edges have the ever so slightest bit of dampening. It's a bit hard to explain. It's not really darker but just bit more "yellowed" without really being yellow. I only notice it on forums with all the ranks...
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    Soyo 24" LCD @ Office Max $299 Aug 19th-25th

    I too have the slight buzzing sound but I can only notice it if nothing else in the room is turned on. At first I thought the profile was working fine but then I found it wasn't being applied correctly. I used Adobe Gamma to load it up and thats when i noticed it was too warm. So I took them...
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    Soyo 24" LCD @ Office Max $299 Aug 19th-25th

    Well, I've been playing around with the settings trying to get it perfect and I must say I can't use either of the profiles Viper uploaded. Turns out that with all RGB settings on the default 38/38/38 there is in fact a reddish bias on my panel. So the profiles end up making my screen way too...
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    Soyo 24" LCD @ Office Max $299 Aug 19th-25th

    Alright, I went and exchanged it. This panel doesn't seem to have any black line issue. Everything else is the same except its just a tad bit brighter at the same settings. I set the color on User, exited out without changing anything, went back in and it said R/G/B was 50/50/38. Set the...
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    Soyo 24" LCD @ Office Max $299 Aug 19th-25th

    I just had to get in on this one. Bought it 2 days ago and it really is nice. I do notice a very slight buzzing when its turned on by itself but the computer drowns it out. The viewing angles are fantastic compared to my old 19" TN panel. The backlight is nice and even. I hardly notice any input...
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    AL2223WD Best Buy $189 22" ACER LCD

    I've been running the monitor through a few more tests and I've come to the conclusion that I'll have to exchange it again. After it ran for a few hours I noticed more things. There is a huge central stripe of brightness on a dark backround. It's quite noticable. Looks like a skunk. Same thing...
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    WARM: Acer 24" lcd widescreen $418

    That's odd, the Best Buy website says its an 8-bit panel. Check it out here. Link edit: Ouch, now I have a headache from trying to navigate Acer's website. I couldn't find the specific model and what I could find didn't go into much detail on the panel. Im thinking it really must be...
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    Soyo Warehouse Sale (HDTV LCD TV's, LCD Monitors etc...)

    I had a Soyo motherboard once long long ago. Maybe 8 years... It was pretty good at the time, had no idea they went so far downhill.
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    AL2223WD Best Buy $189 22" ACER LCD

    Well, I got back from the store with my new Acer, hooked it up, rubbed my hands in anticipation and, BAM, several stuck pixels. Not on the side either, about a third of the way up and two thirds over from the left. A whole cluster of em. Was a bit disappointed to say the least. So I did an...
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    AL2223WD Best Buy $189 22" ACER LCD

    I decided to jump on this. I've been looking for a good deal on a nice 22" for awhile now. Always seem to just miss them. Now I don't have to be jealous of my friend's 22" Westinghouse that he picked up on Black Friday. :D Deal came out to $206.90 with tax and in-store pickup. Seems like a...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Alright, good to know. I ran the memtest that is included on my Ubuntu live CD. It is version 1.65. This memory passed over 12 hours straight on this same test 2 weeks ago. I'm going to try a few more things but I guess I'll have to initiate an RMA. -------------------- Asus P5N-E SLI (0202)...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Well, something strange started happening. I left my computer on over a day or two then shut it down. Upon booting back up I started getting random crashes. Windows would just spontaneously reboot with no warning whatsoever. I tried running the benchmark programs like super pi and orthos but...
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    HEC HP585DR 585W ORION - $20 Instant Rebate

    I bought one of these from directron a few months ago. Usually, with PSU's you get what you pay for. I was too paranoid to use it myself so I gave it away :D. It turned out just fine for him. Running it with a 3.4Ghz Prescott, ATI x1600 Pro, and about 5 hard drives over a couple months and no...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    My ram is supposedly SLI and Crossfire certified and EPP ready if that means anything. cpu-z also shows SPD timings of 4-4-4-12 at 800Mhz and 5-5-5-15 at 1000Mhz. Im hoping they're good chips. The computer is insanely fast anyway, that 1T is really just icing on the cake. Still, it would really...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    btw, how's vista working out for your hardware? I'm curious because I'm considering buying the new OS a few months down the road and I was wondering about any inconsistencies or driver issues with this nvidia hardware. I know I'm gonna be waiting on X-Fi support but anything else? Have you tried...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Ah, I was wondering about this Patriot memory. It works fine for me so far but I'm hoping the bios upgrade will let me run 1T. I checked the ddr2 ram list and there were many possibilities for the sticks I bought. I'm hoping I got some Micron D9's but someone in an xtremesystems forum thread...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    I'm running my E6600 at stock with a zalman CNPS9500 and MX-1 and my temps(using coretemp beta 0.94) are usually around 33C idle and between 39C to 42C under full load with orthos and super pi running for an hour. It does peak at 43C briefly. This is after I've let the MX-1 settle for a week or...
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