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  1. P

    Here's what you asked for RussianSensation

    If you see how many times he called me out because I didn't respond, then you know the answer was, "yes." As it was clear he wasn't going to stop until he got the answer he thought he was going to get. I don't expect any constructive conversation from this and I expect it to get locked, but if...
  2. P

    Here's what you asked for RussianSensation

    This has nothing to do with the thread you posted it in, so I didn't respond to it there. Here you go. Get to know Viral Marketers through Hardware History. From a post I did 3 years ago here, so you can't accuse me of making stuff up just to prove you wrong again. In 2014 I bought a 780Ti...
  3. P

    [WCCFTech, VCZ]RX 490 briefing happening right now...

    You're late to the party. That was already discussed.
  4. P

    [WCCFTech, VCZ]RX 490 briefing happening right now...

    You're a one trick pony. Not everything can be defined with the same benchmark comparison chart you derail practically ever thread with. The 980 Ti was the last market altering card. Released just 2 and a half months after the Titan X, the Ti was not expected that soon. If you read the rumor...
  5. P

    [WCCFTech, VCZ]RX 490 briefing happening right now...

    They announced the 980Ti and then dropped the prices on the 980 and 970.
  6. P

    [WCCFTech, VCZ]RX 490 briefing happening right now...

    If there is an imminent release of an actual product then, yes, the press normally gets briefed ahead of time and gets product so the reviews are ready to go the day of release. However, unless AMD pulls off one of the biggest shockers in recent memory, they will not be announcing the...
  7. P

    [WCCFTech, VCZ]RX 490 briefing happening right now...

    They can adjust clock speeds and whether or how much they want to cut down a die well within 6 months of release which could effect baseline performance pretty significantly. Then aren't going design a new die or architecture in that amount of time.
  8. P

    [WCCFTech, VCZ]RX 490 briefing happening right now...

    Five days before the announcent? Yea, that will have a dramatic effect on market share. AMD has known for a while what they have. If your theory had any thruth to it, the leaks would have started long before we got this close to an official announcement.
  9. P

    [WCCFTech, VCZ]RX 490 briefing happening right now...

    Do any of the other tech giants do this? Intel, Nvidia, Apple, Samsung? Why does AMD need to give the press a heads up when no one else does? Again Vega is not schedule for release for months. If the press writes an in depth article of a non existent product in 5 days or two weeks is...
  10. P

    [WCCFTech, VCZ]RX 490 briefing happening right now...

    True and concerning. If AMD has market altering products coming, there is no way they would want anything leaked just days before the announcement that would steal their thunder or tip off Nvidia and give them time to come up with a quick response strategy. The unveiling of Zen and Vega is...
  11. P

    [WCCFTech, VCZ]RX 490 briefing happening right now...

    5 days before the supposed official announcement of a product that won't be released before April? I don't see any strategic reason AMD would benefit from or want that.
  12. P

    [WCCFTech, VCZ]RX 490 briefing happening right now...

    What would be the point of a secret unveiling to the press? I could understand developers and oem's. Showing the press something they can't talk about would seem a waste of time.
  13. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    The bolded part is where your analysis of Nvidia's pricing falls on it's face. You couldn't be more wrong there.
  14. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    What good is increased market share if it doesn't lead to increased profitablity? Having to drop the msrp of the 480 while adding a cheaper $200 4GB version just before release to counter the 1060 chewed up their potential profits. If AMD had released this supposed 490 they could have sold...
  15. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    Why? There probably aren't any. From all indications HBM2 will be faster. I don't see where you are going with that.
  16. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    Another textbook post of why AMD is in the financial shape they are in. When a company's customer base believes anything above the minimum level of profit margin is a "tax" or "price gouging", the company will always have to price their products below market value which will doom them in the...
  17. P

    So is 34" about the max size for decent 4k monitor?

    There are a few in the low 40's which for many people, who don't have the eyes of a MLB batter, will be the ideal size for everyday use with no scaling. A 40" 2160P monitor has pretty much the same dot pitch as a 27" 1440p monitor. Dell, Seiki and Philips come to mind off the top of my head.
  18. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    Vega will make it to market before Volta is announced. Officially unveiling the volta architecture in the first half of 2017, even without any specific product announcement would prevent Nvidia from releasing any more Pascal products. Too much money was spent on the development of Pascal for...
  19. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    I'm not really interested in arguing this topic any more. The choice to pick the 980ti as the Nvidia representative for efficiency against the Nano IMO was a poor one as the primary focus for the engineering teams were not the same. The 980 notebook is a more valid comparison in that regard...
  20. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    One would assume that if you have more accurate benchmarks you would have posted them rather than just complaining that the ones posted don't support your opinion. The benchmarks posted above putting the Nano neck and neck and even ahead of a 980ti in multiple tests are by far the exception...
  21. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    TDP is 125-150. Depends on OEM configuration. When you don't cherry pick only benchmarks that the Nano does well in, the efficiency drops significantly. The Nano's efficiency overall was not that special. THG tested it vs a 970 mini OC...
  22. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    Why are you still talking about the GTX980M when you just quoted me saying the 980GTXM and the 980 GTX notebook are NOT the same product in the 2 sentences before the one you bolded? THIS is the 980 GTX Notebook This card is Nvidia's Nano for the Maxwell line. The GPU is the exact same one...
  23. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    The last part here is not necessary. All it does it open yourself up to ridicule when your post indicates you don't know what you are talking about. The GTX980m and GTX 980 notebook are 2 unrelated products. Nvidia did a horrid job of naming them, but it is what it is. The GTX 980 notebook's...
  24. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    I edited my previous post. I don't get what you are saying with your response. It looks like you are inventing a mobile nano instead of comparing actual products.
  25. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    Edit: misunderstood what you wrote the first time. Even in the cherry picked benchmarks you chose to put the Nano in the best light above, the nano is only leading the 980 by 30.7% on average. While the TDP of the Nano is 17%-40% higher than the 980 gtx notebook depending on configuration. If...
  26. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    Nvidia doesn't produce golden sample limited run desktop products. It's an apples to oranges comparison. You seem to have easily forgotten that Nvidia took their golden samples and made a GTX 980 that was crammed into a 17" laptop with a TDP of 125-150w (OEM configurable) without the benefit...
  27. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    If I had to put money on it, this is the most likely scenario. Though I hope Nvidia has a refresh ready to go so that mainstream gamers have something faster than the 1080 GTX a year after release that doesn't cost more than about $650.
  28. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    So this is what it has come to? We have now gotten to the point where we are denying the existence of products that are readily available for purchase? The P100 was the first pascal product announced back in April...
  29. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    Has AMD indicated that all vega products will come with HBM or are we just assuming that is the case? 1080's were selling comfortably below $600 for black Friday which is in the same price range that aftermarket 980's were selling for. If the 490 is in the 1080 performance range what price do...
  30. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    So what? All that means is he isn't an objective gamer looking for the best price/performance based on his own definition.
  31. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit, considering the 2nd sentence of his post attacked nvidia users as "NV loyalists who will never buy AMD," the clear implication is that people who buy Nvidia are not objective and just buy based on brand.
  32. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    I don't know. Why are you complaining about something you decided to bring up on your own? I don't understand what you are responding to here. Doesn't seem to have anything to do with the RX 490 this thread is about or what market effect it could have. This is where I stopped reading your...
  33. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    Titan XP is a cut down gp102 471mm die with gddr5x. Full die has 30 SM's. Nvidia also sells a gp100 610mm die with 16GB HBM2 and a 250W TDP. Full die has 60 SM's. Previous generation Titan XP utilized a 601mm die. You really believe AMD is going to announce a card that is twice as fast as...
  34. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    You can't possibly believe that. Nvidia's market position is so dominant at this point that there is nothing AMD can realistically release that would "devastate" Nvidia. If AMD released this unknown card for $100, sure that would shake up the market, but that isn't happening. The best we can...
  35. P

    [WCCFTECH]Possible AMD Radeon RX 490 Performance Numbers Show Up in DX12 AOTS Benchmark – On Par Wit

    The AOTS benchmark detects if the card is mGPU and lists it in the results. Notice the card above the highlighted one. The highlighted card is supposedly a new AMD GPU.
  36. P

    HDR support, displays and video cards, oh my.

    Are there fundamentally different versions of OLED? Otherwise I don't see how they will be used for PC monitors due to the image retention problems they exhibit. We never saw plasma pc monitors for basically the same reason. Here is an example of the problems from a review...
  37. P

    CF RX 480

    Having used 2 xfire setups over the years. Never again. Friends don't let friends do multi-gpu setups. The last time multigpu setups made sense was when 3dfx was doing them. The only time someone should go multi-gpu now is if they are buying 2 titans so when sli doesn't work you are still...
  38. P

    Vega/Navi Rumors (Updated)

    The 390 was not consistently faster than the 970 at launch especially when factoring in overclocking. So, it was not a year after launch as you said. 970 was released in September of 2014. It took until 2016 for AMD, the date range you gave, to consistently eek past the 970 in price...
  39. P

    Vega/Navi Rumors (Updated)

    The 390 was released exactly 9 months after the 970. You cannot ignore that point. AMD had ample time to properly position their cards in response to what Nvidia had released. By the time the 390 had caught the 970, the 1070 was hitting the market. How does the 390 fare against the 1070? It...
  40. P

    Vega/Navi Rumors (Updated)

    Performance matters. If Lamborghini released a Huracan replacement that got 20 mpg, most car people would think that's surprisingly good. If the next Honda Civic gets 20 mpg, pretty much everyone would be wondering why it was such a gas guzzler. Same gas mileage, completely different view of...
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