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  1. 5

    The Unofficial Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R P35 Board Thread

    Been away for a while guys, but haven't missed much by looks of it. I replied to starfoxy's PM with details on my NB fan setup. starfoxy, where are you getting this reading of 70C from? If its the system temp in speedfan or something then this isnt the mch temp. The sensor is on the mobo...
  2. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    Default for the Balanced & Power Saver plans is 5% but 50% is enough to get the lowest x6 multiplier. EIST will only reduce your voltage if you're still on auto in the BIOS. If you've manually set your cpu voltage, it does nothing.
  3. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    No I believe it. I just like a warm room now it's winter :)
  4. 5

    The Unofficial Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R P35 Board Thread

    That's my understanding too. Once on IDE (which I have done too) the performance benefits are too small to justify the effort & risk in converting. You can still have RAID on IDE which is worth it. However, if you wanted to make your boot drive RAID after installing on a single disk, I think...
  5. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    @random, you shouldn't need +0.1 on the FSB or MCH at 3.2GHz. I need neither for 3.6GHz. You also want to get you ram to its tighter specs. If they're rated for 2.2v, what's the point in running them at 1.9v and having to loosen the timings? It's just wasted performance for no benefit...
  6. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    Buy some new games. HL2Ep2 & Crysis will be here soon. Just leave it alone. It'll end in tears :)
  7. 5

    E6750 G0 with Vcore 1.4 - how far can you get?

    :thumbsup: Edit: Should have said I'm on nearly 1.46 & have the same temps as the OP. What mobo do you have? Bear in mind that most vdrop & vdroop to some extent which will be giving your cpu less than you specify. My cpu-z reading is 1.41 which a hefty vdrop of 0.05v.
  8. 5

    RivaTuner upgrade is a must.............v2.05

    Funnily enough, not everybody likes taking the unnecessary risk of flashing their gfx BIOS and invalidating their warranty. Not all of us have a spare PCI gfx card hanging around to do a recovery. Thanks for the heads up OP.
  9. 5

    The Unofficial Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R P35 Board Thread

    You mean install a fresh copy of Vista on the RAID & then overwrite with your image? Not sure that will work. Was the image created under a RAID setup & has the drivers installed? Also if your imaged Windows partition was installed under IDE you wont be able to convert it to AHCI. Windows just...
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    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    lmfao. Good stuff. It's a shame AT forums don't let you have your own image.
  11. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    I'm impressed you know that Balomory is actually Tobermory. Are you a fan?That PC Plum, what a tin roof.
  12. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    It's taken 2 months for you to experience the random reset syndrome? Count yourself lucky big fella. I have had at least 2 of these & there's others with the same experience on our 2 forums. It could be the writing on the wall or just a BIOS bug. Only time will tell......
  13. 5

    The Unofficial Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R P35 Board Thread

    There's no quick wins in the BIOS I'm afraid. I'd be surprised if 3 x 120mm fans at 1000rpm aren't doing a good enough job. 50C is high but I don't think it's dangerous for the p35 chipset. Try a fan on the NB if you're worried.
  14. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    Sounds about right. Read the the forum linked to by MrFatboy - it proves what we've suspected, that these board overvolt the memory voltage to the tune of 0.1v. Perhaps try +0.3v at 4-4-4-12 which will be more like 2.2v than 2.1v. Possibly. Every chip is different. Start at 1.35v and set...
  15. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    dude, the default freq for the 6750 is 333 not 266. And yes, it is probably better to run synchronously when overclocking for stability purposes but small performance gains can be had from running the ram faster, so if it's stable, it's worth doing. Above all else, as an overclocker, there's...
  16. 5

    The Unofficial Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R P35 Board Thread

    I had a similar problem when I first built my pc with my system temp at 50C. I moved some fans around to improve airflow and added a 40mm fan to the NB heatsink and now I'm at 37C. There's a lot of debate about where the mobo sensor is actually located & even if it isnt inside the chipset, it...
  17. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    I would shoot for 400MHz with ram running synchronously. Dont know if its possible on stock volts given the big vdrop on these boards. MrFatboy will be able to recommend ram settings but I'm sure he has his on +0.3v with 4-4-4-4-12. If you opt for stock cpu Mhz then you can use a 6:5 ram...
  18. 5

    System Problems (GA-P35-DSR3). NEED HELP!

    Which Corsair ram do you have? If it's the 4-4-4-12 spec and you are using these timings, then they will require 2.1v at 400+MHz which means you have to set the memory voltage to +0.3v. Leaving at Auto will only give 1.8v (probably 1.9v after the over-volting these GB boards are prone to) which...
  19. 5

    The Unofficial Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R P35 Board Thread

    Are you reinstalling Windows from scratch? If not, you should be able to setup RAID for a non boot disk without reinstalling. If you didn't enable AHCI you can use IDE RAID. Connect the 2 drives to the purple ports. In BIOS Integrated Peripherals, change "Onboard SATA/IDE Device" to Enabled and...
  20. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    Yeah, I'm a little concerned about the reports of delayed board failures going around. We could be sitting on a time bomb.
  21. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    Aye that it is. We're gonnae need it too ah tell yee. It's as calt as a witch's tit up here.
  22. 5

    The Unofficial Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R P35 Board Thread

    There's a lot of guys OCing the DS3R above 400MHz with the stock NB heatsink with no stability issues. Granted the thing is scorching hot but it was just the same at stock speed. You dont really need either but if you feel you must, then probably go for the DS4. The NB is very close to the cpu...
  23. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    Good find. Also good to know you can trust the monitoring apps. Piss poor that the board over-volts vdimm so badly, especially when you consider the opposite happens on the vcore. Changes nothing though. According to Everest, +0.3v gives me 2.26v which doesn't concern me particularly. If that's...
  24. 5

    Question about overclocking and ram

    You can use a memory multiplier so if you ran your components at stock speed you'd use a 3:4 cpu:memory ratio to run the cpu at 400 & the ram at 533. There's little performance gain from doing this so the extra cost of DDR2 1066 is not worth it. Another option if purchasing DDR2 1066, is to run...
  25. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    random, 2.2v is the rated voltage for running at the EPP 4-4-4-12 timings at 400MHz. If you drop down to the JEDEC SPD (5-5-5-15) then you'll get away with lower voltage but what's the point in that? 2.2v should take you further than 400MHz at 4-4-4-12 if these are any good. The problem with...
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    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    Mate, that's the VID its reporting, not the actual vcore, same as Coretemp. CrystalCPUID also reports a drop although it says 1.148v instead of 1.175v. It's all bollocks. If you look in the "sensor" page in Everest, rather than overclock, you'll see the real vcore reported. Here's my idle...
  27. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    Yeah, you know those thermometers you stick up yer arse? Stick it right up there & put your tongue on the heatsink. Works, honest.
  28. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    random, are those Patriot not rated at 2.2v? In which case you'll need to add +0.4v. You could try +0.3v but dont be surprised if you need the full 0.4. A guy over on the P35C-DS3R forum had a similar issue with his quad on stock settings & that turned out to be undervolting the memory, so crank...
  29. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    Yeah so those bragging that their core temps are in the 50s (you know who you are ;)) are actually no better off than us. All that money on expensive coolers spent needlessly :D Seriously though, I wouldn't want to be above 70C for my core temp.
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    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    No. Coretemp displays the Tjunction temp a.k.a. core temp. Hence the name "Coretemp". Speedfan & BIOS display the Tcase temp, a.k.a. cpu temp. Both are measured temps. Tcase is measured using a thermal diode located between the cores and Tjunction is measured using thermal diodes embedded within...
  31. 5

    The Unofficial Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R P35 Board Thread

    NB is the one to worry about. I've got a 40mm fan screwed onto mine. Read my description here - about 5 posts down. I did post this same info about 5 posts above yours.
  32. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    Vista is very different. Under power options it has 3 default plans, balanced, power saver & high performance. I use balanced. Within the advanced settings, it has an option called "processor power management" with 2 settings, "minimum processor state" & "maximum processor state". I have minimum...
  33. 5

    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    sniper, I'm on F2 still & I dont see any change to vcore either so dont get too hopeful. conjugal, you do indeed have a special chip if it says it wants 1.2875v. Mine, like most of us here, defaults to 1.35v. I'm miffed you can get EIST to work on the F2 BIOS. I've tried most of the...
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    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    cv, do you have the vcore on auto to get the voltage throttling back? Once I set vcore to anything other than auto, EIST does nothing to it. If you have got 3.52GHz on stock volts then that's a very impressive OC. Regarding the loss of functionality from F2 to F4, I can only presume that it...
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    E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

    I dont know what to believe. Vdimm is set at +0.3v in the BIOS but reads 2.26v in Everest. Vcore is set at 1.456v in BIOS but reads 1.41V in Speedfan & cpu-z. Like you though, my RAM is rated for 2.1v at 4-4-4-12 & if I drop vdimm to +0.2v, I fail orthos. Interesting article on the sound...
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    E6750 temps on stock cooler

    How's that? He's using coretemp to measure his temps so 56 is the tjunction, not the tcase. Even if this was the cpu temp, it still isnt too hot. I hit 56C tcase, 66C tjunction under orthos load which is fine. Granted this is at 3.6GHz & 1.46v. 56C is slightly high for non-OC settings but then...
  37. 5

    The Unofficial Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R P35 Board Thread

    Yeah, add a 40mm fan to the top. I've described how I did it here - about 5 posts down.
  38. 5

    The Unofficial Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R P35 Board Thread

    Same as me. Or are those the 5-5-5-18 modules? Told you they needed +0.3v :) Whether the board over-volts the memory or the sensor/software is just gash is up for debate. Until someone sticks a multi meter on it & proves it one way or t'other, I'll go with the BIOS. Makes no odds for me anyway...
  39. 5

    The Unofficial Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R P35 Board Thread

    spluff, the lower cpuz reading is typical for most of us. This board, like most, has a drop & vdroop issue where the delivered voltage is less than specified, esp. under load. At stock MHz this shouldn't be an issue. What's you RAM voltage though? If you've still got this at Auto then you wont...
  40. 5

    random reboots after upgrading to x2 4200+ from a64 3400+

    Unlikely. CPUs dont generally fail intermittently. They usually work or the dont. OP, can you post the readings from your Health Status screen - to check all voltages & temps are correct. Also what is the BIOS version? You need to have version 1.1E for X2 support.
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