Search results

  1. G

    (DEAD!) PNY 256MG DDR @ OD $5 +tax after MIR

    I just got back from scouring my local area (So. Cal., Orange Co.) for PNY 2700 modules (in the 2100 pkg.) and this is what I found; I went to: 3 Circuit Cities, 3 Staples, 2 Office Depots, 1 Best Buy, 1 OfficeMax (don't carry PNY), and 1 CompUSA. I looked at close to 75 pkgs. of PNY 2100...
  2. G

    (DEAD!) PNY 256MG DDR @ OD $5 +tax after MIR

    OD delivered 3 sticks to me today. One is 2100, the other two are 2700.........all are Spectek chips. In So. Cal.
  3. G

    (DEAD!) PNY 256MG DDR @ OD $5 +tax after MIR

    It's the luck of the draw as to whether you get/find 2700. There are differnt batches with different chips all over the US. If you do this deal and have OD deliver your order, then you get what you get. Although you could go to your local OD and exchange it for another PNY 2100 package that...
  4. G

    (DEAD!) PNY 256MG DDR @ OD $5 +tax after MIR

    Q]Pretty Sweeeeet!!! This site says it's made by Micron : "][/Q PNY does not use any particular chips. They regularly use up to 8 different manufacturer's as memory chip suppliers. The Micron chips are...
  5. G

    refurb black plextor cd-rw 48/24/48 $65

    Please put "Refurb" in your subject title, thanks.
  6. G

    (Dead) Cendyne 52x24x52 & 100-Pack Slim Jewel Cases for "$14.98" or "$22.97" with 100 Fuji CD-Rs at OfficeMax

    Mine was delivered (So. Cal.) today and it was a LiteOn. I was slightly surprised to see the Mfg. date of 11/02. I would have figured it would be more recent stock. Thanks again MysticMan1.
  7. G

    Jesus! I blew out my Dremel. What now?

    Yikes!. Get/use a jigsaw from now on. Jigsaws will do a better job, and much, much faster as well. The only thing is, dad might want a replacement Dremel instead of a jigsaw.
  8. G

    Does anyone sell a real glass window kit?

    I use 1/4" standard plate glass for all my window mods. I've got 4 Antec SX 1030/40B cases that I've modded with 1/4" glass. I personally can't stand all the Chenming (and OEM versions) cases where the window is cut around the side panel latch. I rather do away with the latch so I can have an...
  9. G

    Conext 900VA for $41.50 and APC 650VA for $45.50 at Staples

    zuffy, I still have the orig. box to my APC Back-UPS Pro 650, and it lists it at 400 joules. Where did you find the Conext spec.?
  10. G

    Conext 900VA for $41.50 and APC 650VA for $45.50 at Staples

    Thanks render for the heads-up on this deal. I first tried to see if I could get to pricematch your NJ B&M on the 900VA model. The CSR was very cooperative, but once they determined this was a discontinued item, I was told that can't pricematch B&M discontinued items...
  11. G

    DVD-R 50 Pack Spindle $39.99 PC-Club B&M (West Coast States)

    I looked at the edges of these discs through a jewelers loupe. They seem to be 2 thin disks that have been glued/laminated together. I can see traces of glue that have oozed out from the laminating process. Also, there are many tiny chips all around the edge of each disc. Can anyone notice...
  12. G

    DVD-R 50 Pack Spindle $39.99 PC-Club B&M (West Coast States)

    I went to a different PC CLub, they were completely sold out. Then I decided to go back to the one I visited this morning. I was just about to give up on seeing the "K1-3083 10MAK". After about a minute of intense scrutinizing, I saw a glimpse of what appeared to look like a letter. More...
  13. G

    DVD-R 50 Pack Spindle $39.99 PC-Club B&M (West Coast States)

    Sept1967, Went to my local PcClub armed with you info. The problem is the inner ring is not visible because the cake box has a spacer obscuring the inner ring markings. My question to you is: Was the information you posted, visible without removing the cover, or was your packaging like the...
  14. G

    (Dead) Cendyne DVD-R/RW 4X Drive (Pioneer) "$149.99" AR & coupon at Staples

    Didn't have time to post this reply until now. Staples courier delivered the drive Wed. day earlier than the "rescheduled" delivery date. Screaming deal, got mine for grand total (taking MIR into consideration) of $113.45. Special thanks to MysticMan1 for the original post...
  15. G

    How many watts do the CCFL kits at SVC draw?

    I had the same question because I wanted to hook them up to a fan bus that was only rated for 6 watts per switch. I ordered a bunch of CCFLs from SVC and Coolerguys. They both use Sunbeam CCFL kits. I called PcToys and spoke with their tech. guy, and he seemed to know the answer without...
  16. G

    (Dead) Cendyne DVD-R/RW 4X Drive (Pioneer) "$149.99" AR & coupon at Staples

    Just got a phone call from a Staples rep. regarding my order (scroll up to my post dated 2/17) I placed early Sat. morn. She said they have approved the pricematch, and wondered if I still wanted to place the order. I said, "Yes". She said Staples is experiencing some delivery delays...
  17. G

    (Dead) Cendyne DVD-R/RW 4X Drive (Pioneer) "$149.99" AR & coupon at Staples

    The link is supplied in this thread, somewhere.
  18. G

    (Dead) Cendyne DVD-R/RW 4X Drive (Pioneer) "$149.99" AR & coupon at Staples

    Ordered mine at 2:00 A.M. Saturday morn. (got in late and decided not to wait till the CSR's knew about the rebate). Got them to pricematch (110%) the Bay area Fry's @ $209, they took the $50 off coupon (no questions asked). However, I was told that the pricematch is not guaranteed until the...
  19. G

    (Dead) Cendyne DVD-R/RW 4X Drive (Pioneer) "$149.99" AR & coupon at Staples

    Spinn, Do any of the local Bay area newspapers websites have links for viewing their advertiser's print ads? If so, can you provide us a link? Different region Fry's stores will match prices with each other. If we can print out the ad for the Bay area Fry's showing the $209 price, Staples...
  20. G


    UPS delivered my order today. In the Cendyne box, that was supposed to be a 48x12x48x (most likely to be a Liteon), I received a Samsung SW-248. It is a 48x24x48x, with 8MB buffer, and their version of Burnproof. Can't find any reviews on this particular Samsung model. Anybody else have this...
  21. G

    Maxtor 200GB/7200rpm/8MB cache HD for $199.99 AR at CompUSA (starting Sunday 2/2/03)

    Is this Maxtor the one with fluid bearings? If so, how does this particular drive compare with Seagate's Barracuda V, in terms of noise? The Barracuda is by far the quietest in the industry, virtually inaudible. However, the Barracuda's performance and warranty is not as good as Maxtor. But...
  22. G

    Vantec Nexus NXP-201

    This thing is a P.O.S. Each port makes a "Geiger counter" noise when the fan speed is reduced below a certain point. Therefore, if you have all the ports connected and wish to run all the fans at lower speeds, just imagine four little "Geiger counters" activated at the same...
  23. G is really great!!!

    I agree their prices are good. However, their shipping prices on many low dollar items is horrible. In the past I've wanted to buy just a few inexpensive items, but they make you add the shipping price for each item. So, what should cost me only $5-$8 in shipping charges from any other...
  24. G

    (Dead) At OfficeMax, Cendyne "40x12x48" (LiteOns upgrade to 48x) for "$5.00" AR & AC (limited areas or Phone order)

    Thanks, as always, MysticMan1. A heads-up to all interested in this deal: Your rebate claim for the Cendyne must be postmarked within 15 days of purchase. The Hi-Val CDR rebate claim must be postmarked within 7 days of purchase. Pretty laim of Office Max. Just make sure you don't delay...
  25. G

    PNY 128MB PC2100 DDR RAM @ BB for $5 AR

    None of you guys have mentioned that PNY has bundled this memory with "System Mechanic" software, included in the package. I think its full version, not a trial, but I'm not 100% sure on that. "System Mechanic" retails for $60, and Ebays for $30+. So you can actually make money on this PNY...
  26. G

    19" IBM Trinitron Monitor- $189

    This is really a great price, good find. However, here's my personal experience with IBM monitors. I purchased a 21" (P260) and a 19" (P96). These were both retail boxes purchased at separate times. The 21" went bad after 2 weeks. The 19" went bad after about 5 months. I got them...
  27. G

    HOT!!! Abit KG7RAID mobo $59.00 ($49.00 w/coupon!!!) at Compgeeks!

    Don't you mean 10% instead of $10 off? I don't see a $10 coupon, only a 10%. If I'm wrong, I apologize. If I'm right, you should edit your subject to read ($53.00 w/coupon). Still a screaming deal. I paid $180 when it first came out.:frown:
  28. G

    (Dead) At Staples CenDyne "32x12x40" (Lite-ons, Mitsumi & AOpen) "$30.00" AR & coupon

    Yes, the Verbatim is a LiteOn, as long as the serial # is 12 digits. I flashed my Verbatim with mtkflash version 1.48. If you're going to use the LiteOn firmware version XS0U.BIN, just remember that the "0" in that filename is a ZERO, not the letter O. I was going nuts for a couple of hours...
  29. G

    *DEAD* CRAWL TO STAPLES!!! Vivitar 3725 3.3MP 4x optical zoom for 130!!! B&M

    Owners of the Vivitar 3725, I need advise on transferring images from the camera to the computer. I have been using ArcSoft PhotoImpression for downloading images on my other usb cameras. I was hoping that I could use it for the Viv. 3725. However, when I select the "Acquire" button, the Viv...
  30. G

    (Dead) At Staples CenDyne "32x12x40" (Lite-ons, Mitsumi & AOpen) "$30.00" AR & coupon

    Univac wrote: "The "O" in XSOU.BIN is a zero" Thanks Univac, That was it! Flashed without problems.....whoohooo!
  31. G

    (Dead) At Staples CenDyne "32x12x40" (Lite-ons, Mitsumi & AOpen) "$30.00" AR & coupon

    When flashing my Verbatim to be seen as a LiteOn, I get this error in DOS: "ERR: fail to open input file!" This happens right after I see "Updating.......00%" I used MTKFLASH to back-up the Verbatim's firmware just fine. Then I tried to flash by typing MTKFLASH 1 W /B XSOU.BIN, I got the...
  32. G

    *DEAD* CRAWL TO STAPLES!!! Vivitar 3725 3.3MP 4x optical zoom for 130!!! B&M

    C,mon guys, the outside parts of the camera are PLASTIC, so too are the Minolta S304. It's the internal body around the lens that is aluminum.
  33. G

    *DEAD* CRAWL TO STAPLES!!! Vivitar 3725 3.3MP 4x optical zoom for 130!!! B&M

    I believe the reviewer means that the body that houses the lens is aluminum, not the outside skin. The way he worded it is confusing. I too thought that for a second also. I opened the battery compartment (plastic inside) and saw a tiny bit of material located in a notch, close to the lens...
  34. G

    *DEAD* CRAWL TO STAPLES!!! Vivitar 3725 3.3MP 4x optical zoom for 130!!! B&M

    I do agree they are similar, and the Vivitar is essentially the same as the Minolta. However, if you look at the two side by side, every outside plastic piece is somewhat different between the two. What I mean is, a different mold was used to produce almost every plastic part on the Vivitar...
  35. G

    *DEAD* CRAWL TO STAPLES!!! Vivitar 3725 3.3MP 4x optical zoom for 130!!! B&M

    I just picked one up. I does appear to be a "rebadged Minolta S304". But the standard "rebadged" label is stretched to the limit here. Most rebadged computer merchandise I have experience with, is simply a different name slapped on the product and maybe a packaging/firmware/user manual...
  36. G

    (Dead) At Staples CenDyne "32x12x40" (Lite-ons, Mitsumi & AOpen) "$30.00" AR & coupon

    Just got back from my local Staples in So. Calif. They only had 6 Cendyne 32x12x40 in stock, and I was the first one in the door. The serial #s on all of the ones at this store were like this example: 916D3712521406117JED1 I have not opened up my boxes yet, but doesn't this type of serial #...
  37. G

    flat thermistor w/o LCD - online vendor?

    There was an online vender that carried replacemant thermistors (flat style with wiring but without the LCD monitor) for about $5. Does anybody remember which vendor carried these?
  38. G

    Polish for plexyglass case

    << Idea on the lexan? >> Yes, works great on Lexan. It believe it works for all plastics, fiberglass, and some painted surfaces. I collect classic Italian road bicycles. I use it for restoring the paint on the frames. It's a great product!
  39. G

    Polish for plexyglass case

    toshiba3020, << I have this at my local pet store. Do you think this would work as well as the novus? >> That product will certainly work, but is much more aggressive than you probably need. It uses a type of sandpaper which is good for deep scratches, but not neccessary for fine...
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