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    How good/bad is ASUS P5E mobo onboard card

    From what I am reading, the audio is onboard, the motherboard just adds a break out box like card. Barring the memory leak, which I might add should be fixed in time. The dedicated sound card should outperform the onboard video. I did a few tests with Oblivion when it first came out between...
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    *The Official* Abit IP35-E (Ed. 2)

    I bought 2x2GB DDR2 6400 sticks from ADATA 1.8v modules and the system runs extremely stable. I was a bit leery at first since I rarely stray outside of Crucial for name brand, but at the time the sticks were so cheap I could not pass them up. I have not regretted my purchase one bit one year...
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    *The Official* Abit IP35-E (Ed. 2)

    Tungfree, Only time I have personally experienced similar issues was when I had a pair of DDR sticks go bad. My cure for this issues was RMA the memory, getting the new pair, and then finally re-installing Windows. I am not exactly how this effected my XP pro install, but somehow it did, and...
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    *The Official* Abit IP35-E (Ed. 2)

    ABIT is supposedly supporting their products for another 3 years. I have not tested this theory as I have no personal need.
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    *The Official* Abit IP35-E (Ed. 2)

    The board as I recall was not designed for quad cores. I do not remember where I read this, but I am fairly certain.
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    *The Official* Abit IP35-E (Ed. 2)

    Great board. I love it. Overclocked my E6550 to 3.4 Ghz no problem; Stock voltages, and cooler. Cut that down to 2.8Ghz for 1:1 with the memory during the summer, and it has been running that since. No problem what-so-ever(hardware related that is). Now, since we've gone 100% RE (renewable...
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    Are you happy with your upgrade to an E8500 or Q6600? I wanna know

    I dont know how to break this to you guy, but the reason a dual core performs better is because of all the little behind the scenes stuff the OS does(like copying data from disk to memory etc) is no longer bound to a single core. This means that the OS is no longer starved, or as starved for...
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    Abit IP35-E Review (500MHz FSB board)...$90 @ NewEgg + $6.61 ship

    According to CPUz my IP35-E *is* equipped with the ICH9/R . . .
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    Abit IP35-E Review (500MHz FSB board)...$90 @ NewEgg + $6.61 ship

    Lots of people just dont seem to get the fact that disk block sizes / TCP/IP packet sizes do not jibe well. In a real world scenario, you would be extremely lucky to get a steady 50MB/s over GbE from HDD on all file sizes. IF you're using a large RAM disk, or extravagant caching scheme, then...
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    P35 motherboard good or wait for something else?

    Ill second the ABIT IP35-E as being an extremely good overclocker. Right now my IP35-E is running my E6550 at 3.33Ghz with stock cooling and voltages. OVerclocking was extremely simple: drop FSB:DRAM ratio to 1:1, bump MCH up one notch, and set external clock to 475Mhz. 1 Ghz OC in about 2...
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    Abit IP35-E Not Booting? No Juice at all! HELP

    This happened to me too with my IP35-E. You need to make sure you have your Windows XP CD inserted, so XP can update the drivers correctly. I am XP Pro SP2 x32, but there should be little difference concerning drivers so long you have the proper x64 drivers to install.
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    Your expert advice ? (ip 35 pro or GA-P35-DS4) ?

    The IP35 Pro seems to have issues with the larger Raptors HDDs, and I have seen some posts indicating that there may also be issues with the X-FI sound cards. That being said, I own an ABIT IP35-E, which aside from all the bells and whistles, it is supposed to be a equally capable board. If...
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    ABIT IP35-E, IP35 Pro, or ASUS P5K DELUXE for E6420

    Wow, driverheaven's web page REALLY needs work. Anyhow to the OP, take a gander of the user reviews of the ABIT IP35 Pro on newegg, 37 reviews, 5 eggs average. Dont just take the 5 egg average, read the reviews and see what the people are saying. I personally hold the user reviews in higher...
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    ASRock 4CoreDual-VSTA

    IF you had a ROM reader/writter with JTAG capabilities, I'd say go for it. Only thing then would be if you somehow burned out the chip in the process, which I do not think is possible(unless you accidentally short a few pins out somehow).
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    erratic cpu usage...any help appreciated

    Like one of the above users already said, open task manager, and click the CPU usage tab twice, and the running proccesses will be listed by CPU usage. google the offending executable(s) to check its virus status. Typicaly downloading programs from the random webpage that 'claims' to be a virus...
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    Need a good low profile OC HSF

    No. Actually, I probably should have stated in my initial post "no special brakets", thats one reason why, 'no' , although, If I used an Orb HSF, I probably go with the "Blue Orb".
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    Need a good low profile OC HSF

    Well, where to start . . . I'm using an AMD 1210 Opteron, with an ABIT NF-M2 nView motherboard, inside a Lian Li PC-G50 case Link . This case is short at 15" tall, is a reverse ATX layout, and the PSU( Antec EA 500) sits above the CPU, granted, its only over half of the CPU, but pretty much...
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    802.3ad link aggregation + iSCSI

    Well, right now, on a single GbE connection using cross over cables, I'm achieving 85MB/s. Thats using a 700MB ram disk. Only other testing I've done, was using an img file on the Target, to the Initiator, and as far as throughput goes, only about 60% of what was achieved with the RAM...
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    802.3ad link aggregation + iSCSI

    So, I guess what this means if I *need* to increase my Target to Initiator bandwidth, 802.3ad will not work, and that I'll *have* to either go with FC 2.2Gbit or greater, or 10GbE equipment (currently)? No other options that I'm aware of, are there any ?
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    802.3ad link aggregation + iSCSI

    Mainly because this would be used in a home / small business environment, and I want to keep costs at a minimum. Recently I've been playing around with StarWind / MS' Initiator, and see huge potential in this technology. I was hoping for a little more "oomph" from my network, and was hoping this...
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    SATA 300 or Giga nic?

    Oh hmm, sorry to the OP, Intel Pro 1000 line is probably the best for GbE. You can find them at several reputable places, but newegg doesn't seem to carry them. Also keep in mind they are a PCI-E 1x part. Tiger Direct, TheNerds.Net, all should be fine to purchase them from. There are...
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    802.3ad link aggregation + iSCSI

    Hello all, I'm wondering if anyone can enlighten me concerning 802.3ad link aggregation, Basically, right now, I'm looking into buying 2 Intel Pro PT 1000 dual port GbE adapters, that sit on a 4x PCIE bus minimum. The application I'm considering these for is peer to peer(cross over cables)...
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    NAS for airport home and office

    Yeah, the idea I have since you do not have a need for huge storage, my suggestion would be to use 1394a/b (firewire), and find software that fits your needs for backing up whatever. As for Macs, Im unsure of how to do what I'm going to say next, but in Windows XP, you have an option to Bridge...
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    SATA 300 or Giga nic?

    Wrong, read my post Here . Those GbE speeds are with Jumbo frames disabled even. check back tomorrow on that forum for speeds with jumbo frames enabled, and other details (trust me, it makes one hell of a difference) Anyhow SATA2 is basically 99% marketing, and 1% NCQ, however, if you use a...
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    1366x768 LCD Resolution - Who is running it?

    You're right, there is theory, and there is conjecture. I seriously doubt your 30+ IN lower resolution HD TV can even match the crispness of my 19 IN wide screen LCD ( which BTW is only 1440x900 resolution) I've played games on all sizes of CRTs, LCDs, and analog TVs, and I would put them in...
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    New evga 680i and NTLDR is missing?

    If what the last user said doesnt work by its self, boot from the XP install CD, then do a "Repair". Dont remember the steps to get there once XP setup starts, but if you poke around (without actually installing, or re partitioning, reformatting, etc), you should have no problem finding it.
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    How to make a SATA disk logic board?

    Thanks for the links guys, first link, is crap (sorry to the poster, but its true), second link, I've already found, and is pretty useless :(
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    How to make a SATA disk logic board?

    Having basic knowledge of electronics I was curious where I could find information concerning hard drive logic boards (the PCB on the botom side of most hard drives). I've googled, and have found nearly zero information on the subject, and a friend of mine who has been an E.E. for nearly 25...
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    DirectX 9.L will be a DirectX 10 for Windows XP

    Are you sure Intel isnt still the evil empire ? Oh, Wait, AMD just bought out ATI, and it was *supposedly* a hostile take over . . . maybe I should beat my current AM2 system with a sledgehammer, and buy a C2D system ? Seriously, I hope AMD doesnt ruin ATI, as while I AM a nVidia fan, I still...
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    DirectX 9.L will be a DirectX 10 for Windows XP

    Let me ask you a question. Lets assume you're a owner of a company that writes software. you've had a product out for several years, and have supported it for many years, and at the same time you have a new revolutionary product coming out (soon). Would you re-write the older software to...
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    DirectX 9.L will be a DirectX 10 for Windows XP

    Uh, where do you 'guys' come up with this crap ? Windows Vista originally was supposed to ship with two versions of Directx. Directx 9L for hardware unable to handle Directx 10 (D3D 10), and of course Directx 10. Let me nail this to your forehead, in case it hasnt sunk in yet, Directx 10 is...
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    Reliable compatible AM2 board?

    The board in my signature is good, IF you dont need alot of bells and wistles. It doesnt OC well, unless you drop the multiplier (atleast for my 3800+), in which case I was able to run a 250 MHZ HT. Had to drop my HTT link to 800, and memory speeds from DDR2 800 to DDR2 667, but it worked fine...
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    Asrock AM2NF4G-SATA Overclocking fun

    So, today, this motherboard finally ran for more than 3 days stright without crashing. What I did was go into the BIOS, manually set memory voltage to 'Ultra high', disbaled my serial, and paralel ports, and turned CPU. SATA, and memory spread spectrum off (disabled). If I had to guess which was...
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    Asrock AM2NF4G-SATA Overclocking fun

    Thanks for the reply Jarred. I did want to mention that while running Prime95 + SuperPI 32M, at the same time, the core temperature never went above 124F (according to nvmonitor), do you still think heat would be an issue here ? As for AMDs '2.8GHZ barrier', I always thought that was simular to...
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    Asrock AM2NF4G-SATA Overclocking fun

    Well, where to start . . . its been a long time since I've overclocked a system (last OC I've had sucsess with was on an Intel P55 233mmx system, YEARS ago), and thought since I've already considered buying a new motherboard, and CPU, why 9the hell not try now. Since the current motherboard, and...
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    Abit AN9 32X 590 SLI AM2 (also including AN9 Fatal1ty)

    As far as I know the 3 major differences between these boards, is: 1) the fata1ity has active cooling on the rear of the motherboard, by the I/O panel for cooling the chipsets (by the rear chipset heatpipe heatsink). 2) The non fata1ity has a SIL 3132 SATA RAID controller additional...
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    Home NAS

    If you NEED something that plugs dirrectly into your network, you can buy a conversion adapater for IDE->ethernet for about $90. Dont remember the link, but google IDE to ethernet, and you'll be set :) another option to consider, Linux, with software RAID, and Samba, which is fairly simple...
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    Home NAS

    Look into SATA port multiplier technology. Theoreticly with 5 HDDs, an enclosure with PSU, SATA port multiplier, motherboard with a SIL 3132 controller, or capable PCI, or PCIE card, you can get an external RAID 5 array going much cheaper than using a dedicated system, that uses less power, and...
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    is it true the 7900GS is the last AGP from nvidia?

    What I'd do, is hold out, and upgrade to PCIE, period. Spending money on a system with AGP is a waste of money as this point in time. Sure AGP may not even be bottlenecked by current games, but technology has been moving away from AGP for a while now, and you're going to have to make the jump...
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    6800 Ultra or 7600GT

    A 7600GT has about 24GB/s memory bandwidth, where as a 6800GS even has around 32GB/s memory bandwidth. Performance wise, the 6800Ultra would probably stomp the crap out of the 7600GT. However, the 7600GT uses less power, has a smaller PCB, and doesnt require any additional power to be...
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