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    Some Questions About Android

    Hey guys, thanks so much for the helpful info! I didn't realize that going Android means using G-Mail, etc. on the cloud. I just stopped paying Apple $99 for MobileMe, at least Google's cloud-based services "come" with your phone! Heading to Best Buy this weekend for a nice, shiny-new...
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    Some Questions About Android

    Hi Everyone! I've been an iPhone user since Day 1. Right now, I have a 16GB 3G on a month-to-month contract with AT&T. (Rollover with Unlimited data plan, no cap.) I've grown disenchanted with Apple recently due to their Draconian policies concerning iTunes, apps, etc. So, I'm looking...
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    Intel P4 Prescott Question

    Hello Everyone. Does anyone know which, if any, of Intel's "current" chipsets support the old 775-socket Pentium 4 Prescotts? Last I heard, the old 975x chipset was the last "official" chipset to offer P4 support from Intel, but those boards are long gone from the retail market. I have a...
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    Need Some Trouble Shooting Help...

    Hey guys, thanks for the responses! I do get one beep on start-up, which leads me to believe that the thing does indeed make it to & past the POST. After the beep, the h/d spins up like it's loading the OS. It's looking more & more like I'm just gonna' replace the m/b. I would have...
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    Need Some Troubleshooting Help...

    It's making it to beep, then the H/D starts spinning like it's loading the OS. Yup, monitor is all good. It's usually hooked up to an old AMD XP2600 rig that's running Windows Home Server. Whenever I bring a PC home to try & fix/upgrade, I just switch all the cabeling over...
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    Need Some Trouble Shooting Help...

    Hi everyone! I originally had this posted under the General Hardware bad! Figured the forum titled Computer Help in much more appropriate. I'm trying to figure out a problem with a co-workers home PC, HP Pavilion with an AMD 64 X2 CPU. PC turns on, but no signal goes out to the...
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    Opinions please on keeping x38

    ...wait for that new Intel socket, which is what I'm doing! Check out my rig down below. I'm running pretty much what you're thinking of: Intel Quad-Core 9450 overclocked, 8 Gigs of DDR2-1066 RAM, 2-TB's of hard drives, nVidia GTX-260 and Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. While it's no longer...
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    Need Some Troubleshooting Help...

    Hi everyone! I'm trying to figure out a problem with a co-workers home PC, HP Pavilion with an AMD 64 X2 CPU. PC turns on, but no signal goes out to the monitor. Her PC has a dedicated Asus-branded nVidia PCI-Express card (not sure what model, but looks like an 8400 GS). When you turn it...
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    My New Toy: HP Envy 15

    Hi all! Just received my new HP Envy-15 laptop this week. When I was younger, I always dreamed about owning one of Raul Sood's monster, Voodoo PC machines. But as lust-worthy as they were, the price was way too far out of reach. But because of this, I decided to look into building a...
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    Need Help Picking Between the Intel CPU Sockets

    Hello everyone! Getting ready to build my next super-rig & I need help picking which CPU to use. I'm sticking with Intel's line-up, but I can't seem to wade thru all the build guides out there to really reach a consensus. So... - What are the pros & cons between the 1156 vs. the 1366...
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    Scavenging a CPU for Windows Home Server

    Hello again all! Arkaign brought up some good points about this board having a very early SATA controller. In your expert opinions, will my Home Server build be losing anything by sticking with IDE drives for the time being? I have a 80Gig IDE drive that I plan on putting the WHS...
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    Scavenging a CPU for Windows Home Server

    Hello everyone and thanks for all the great advice! So, you know that feeling you get when you reach into your pocket and find a $20 bill you didn't know you had? Well, I found this to run the Athlon 2600: Soyo KT880 DRAGON 2 It's based on a VIA KT880 chipset, runs DDR-400 memory, has...
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    Scavenging a CPU for Windows Home Server

    Hello everyone! I'm planning on building a Windows Home Server box and like most of us, I have more than a few parts laying around that I can use. I have two CPU's laying around that I can use for this build: - AMD Athlon XP 2600 - Intel Petium 4 3.0 GHz (Prescott, Socket 775) I'm...
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    Question On Vista's File Structure

    Hello everyone. Got a real basic question for you Windows experts: How does Windows handle things if I run out of space on one of my drive partitons? For example: I am currently running Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit. I have (2) Seaget 1-TB drives partitioned to 4 drives of 500-GB each...
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    Can I Run Windows Home Server Using This?

    Hey Guys! Great advice from everyone! Thanks so much! My plan for this project is just as a stand-alone box for media storage and back-ups. Most CPU intensive tasks will be done on the client rigs, then the finished files stored on the server for archiving and streaming. Looks like I...
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    Can I Run Windows Home Server Using This?

    Hello all. Title pretty much says it all. I'm looking to run Windows Home Server in a media/file server box that'll be up and running 24/7. It'll be sitting in my garage, patched directly into my Leviton Home Network junction box. My only question is, can I run this box using the...
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    Workstation Card for Professional-Class Imaging Workstation?

    Hello Everyone...hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving Holiday! I'm looking for advice on what video card I should recommend/buy for an up-coming build for a family member. It'll be a professional-class imaging workstation for digital photography. He's looking to run Adobe Master Collection...
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    HDR Panorama of JHU campus

    Wow, beautiful picture! I work down the street from that shot, at Union Memorial. It's funny...we call that lawn the "beach" because we so many of JHU student laying out there once the weather's warmer! Sorry I can't comment on the technical aspects of your picture, just wanted to comment...
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    Help Me Decide on a "Pro-sumer" DSLR...Santa's coming!

    It's interesting that you asked me this, because that was something I couldn't really answer without thinking about it. After thinking for a bit, I guess I would be shooting people, scenery and...buildings! I love archetectural photography...building, brideges, inerior, exterior, it all...
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    Help Me Decide on a "Pro-sumer" DSLR...Santa's coming!

    Yes, I do like that the IS is built into the K20D body vs. the lenses. In fact, it was one fo the features that I learned about first. The prints were made by the store using one of their Epson commercial printers. According to the saleman, they were not post-processed in any way, were...
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    Help Me Decide on a "Pro-sumer" DSLR...Santa's coming!

    Hello everyone! guys really know your stuff! After reading all of your informative responses and doing more research, I've come to the realization that: a.) I need to brush up on definitions and concepts (ISO values, focal legnth equivelents, etc.) since everything's gone...
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    Help Me Decide on a "Pro-sumer" DSLR...Santa's coming!

    Hey guys! Thanks for all the info. I'm going tomorrow to get some hands-on time with both of these cameras...hopefully that will help me make my decision. I was leaning toward the Pentax. The sample images at DCRP Review on the K20D are so detailed! The first photo with the traditional...
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    Help Me Decide on a "Pro-sumer" DSLR...Santa's coming!

    Hello everyone! Okay, I've narrowed down my DSLR search to these two very well regarded, extremely capable cameras. On the Nikon front, I like the metering system, the faster burst mode, HD-movie capability and the sheer number of lenses and accessories made for it. Nikon also has a greater...
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    Best Program for Serious Amature Shooters

    Hello all! I know this may technically be classified as a Software topic, but I decided to post it here in effort to get more experienced, focused opinions. Anyway... I'm looking to get back into photography in a pretty serious way. I was a serious amature back in my high-school and...
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    Best photo printer for under $100?

    The RX-680 is the replacement for the RX-595. It'll become harder to find a RX-595 in stores. Epson themselves only have them in the Clearence section of their web-store. The number of tanks a printer has gives you two distinct advantages. First, it can be cheaper to run the printer since...
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    Best photo printer for under $100?

    Hello Kyzen! Well, now you're talking! If you're gonna' throw down in the $200 to $300 range, get an questions, no worries, no regrets! I mean, they have EVERYTHING, including Wi-Fi!! Photo-wise, the Artisans are the best Epson offers outside their Professional Line. Their...
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    Best photo printer for under $100?

    Hello Kyzen. I've been an avid photographer since my HS & college days. Back when film was still king, Epson was the big name is photo printing and scanning. IMHO, they still are. Epsons have remained atop the photo printer world for two big reasons: their inks are simply wonderful and...
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    Microsoft Sidewinder X6 Keyboard & Sidewinder Mouse

    Hello everyone. I've been looking to replace my tired, old Dell-branded media keyboard and have been reading a lot of good reviews concerning Microsoft's new SideWinder Gaming peripherals. They look great, are built well and the performance is top-notch. So, I started shopping around...
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    Current choice of CPU coolers

    Hello everyone. For my full-size rigs, I've become a big fan of Noctua coolers & fans. I have a 12UF that is going into my Nehalem build. Noctua's products are very well made, extremely well-engineered & their performance is right up there in every test & review. Noctua's a really cool...
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    Opinions Please: Low Profile Cooler for Q9450

    Thanks MP. I'd always thought that the stock Intel cooler was pretty good for its size. I did find several LP server coolers that cool even better, but their fans spin way, way fast & they sound like screaming banshees (Dynatrons). Too bad my rig sits on my desk & not in a server cabinet...
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    Opinions Please: Low Profile Cooler for Q9450

    Hello all. Just looking to get some opinions on what cooler I should get to fit in my LAN Box. A picture of where in needs to go can be found here. It's the right side of my rid, you can see the stock Intel cooler in the lower rigth corner of the window. I was looking at something like...
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    My Vista x64 works great!

    Hello all. I've just made the switch the Vista Ultimate 64 just this past weekend. I switched for the extended memory support and to finally game with DX-10. I was some-what reluctant to leave XP MCE 2005 since it was very good to me and due to the fact that I knew it so well. It only...
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    Asus PQ5-EM...Great Board In The Making?

    Hello all. Another update on my overclocking experiences with the P5Q-EM board: Last night, I started experiencing some in-stability while surfing the web, watching videos and playing Company of Heroes. Nothing major, but Explorer shut down on me twice and CoH locked up during one of the...
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    Disadvantages of MicroATX

    IMHO, going small is definately the way to go! There are several great motherboard options from Asus, Gigabyte and DFI that, to me, qualify as "enthusiast-level" products. Start off by looking for a board with a PCI-E 2.0 slot. This way, you can run all of the current GPU technology. Then...
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    Asus PQ5-EM...Great Board In The Making?

    Wow...270 Degree SATA Cables!?!?!? That's something that would definately be useful, and not just in this build either! :thumbsup: I'll be looking out for them, that's for sure! Currently, my DVD-Drive is running on IDE, but I want to move to an LG Universal drive (Blu-Ray, HD-DVD, etc.)...
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    Asus PQ5-EM...Great Board In The Making?

    Thanks for the compliment. I want to go higher, but I'm using the stock Intel cooler ATM...have to figure out which Low Profile cooler I want to use. It's so hard to find out exactly what'll fit in a mATX case, you know? Do it!! Throw it in there...I thought the move from 8800 to 260 was...
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    Asus PQ5-EM...Great Board In The Making?

    Okay, here's an update on this board: Initially, I had lamented about the inability for me to overclock my Q9450 on this board. Well, thanks to Geokilla on this forum, I finally found out why! I forgot during the initial set-up to disable all the Power Saving features in the BIOS!! DOH...
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    Help! Why Is My Multiplier Set at 6?

    AAAAHHHHHHH!!! Shoot...forgot all that crap about Speedstep, C1E settings and the like! Now, EVERYTHING'S fine!! :cool: I even have it oc'ed to a nice, even, easy 3.0 GHz! Wow, it's the simple things, eh? Thanks so much, Geo! Arvin
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    Help! Why Is My Multiplier Set at 6?

    Hello everyone. I just performed a whole bunch of upgrades last night. :thumbsup: Basically, I decided to move onto Vista Ultimate 64. So, I got a new Seagate 1 Terrabyte drive (32 MB cache...freakin' fast!) for a fresh install and added an EVGA GTX 260. You can see the rest of my LAN Box...
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    Integrated Audio or old SB Live

    Hello Lightning, I got two words for you: Asus Xonar. PCIe interface with very good driver support from Asus. Then again, almost anything's better than Creative... :disgust: Anyway, the Xonar cards are top notch in terms of sound quality, sonic definition and build. They produce...
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