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  1. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    sweet, still going strong I see. This thread rules MDPE> you probably already know this board isn't very good for overclocking quad core processors because of its power design. Some P5N-E SLI owners DO have their Q6600s running fairly well on this board, but they might have just received...
  2. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Hey guys long time no post. I'm surprised you guys haven't changed your bios to 0901. Since 0803 the FSB hole with 4GB of ram (4x1GB) has disappeared for me at least. I don't know how it's affected my overclocking, but I don't think it has. I had major problems getting Crysis running stable...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    That's probably something else. I've had my ram up that high and things were fine. I have OCZ Titanium EPP PC2 6400 ram. That's 800MHz ram that'll do 1066 speeds with 5-5-5-15, 2T timings. Also the windows 32bit ISSUE is not an issue with showing 4GB of ram, it's a 32bit addressing...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    You should be fine with those settings. I would suggest just using your ram at 5-5-5-15, 2T. CMD rate has to be at 2T for 4 sticks of ram, not too sure about 2x2GB sticks, but I have 4 sticks of 1GB ram and you must run it at that timing. The reason I suggest the relaxed timings is...
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    Mobo for AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Brisbane

    Good choice on the board. You'll like it. Keep us updated on how it's going with the build.
  6. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    do a cmos clear
  7. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Oh you mean PC2 8500 ram? Sure it will. I don't see why not. Which ram? Gotta be a little more specific. Also check Asus' ram compatibility list as well. Just have some low voltage ram on standby because some boards don't post with performance ram requiring high voltages to work...
  8. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Hey welcome to the forum and to this discussion! Just update to 0901, I've updated my bios to this version and I'm good thus far. The E8500 will work with this board with bios starting from 0803 according to Asus, but I personally had problems with the E8400 running stable at stock...
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    Mobo for AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Brisbane

    How about the Gigabyte GA-MA69GM-S2H. I have the same processor as you do and ordered this board for an HTPC build, but the board itself is just solid for a mATX motherboard. With a modded bios update you can change voltage settings and overclock to your hearts content. Awesome board...
  10. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Guys the new bios is out! Not on Asus' website, but their FTP as I had suspected. Let the wolfdale overclocking begin!!!!
  11. S

    Ram problem in P5N-E-SLI

    Could always be the possibility of that ram not being compatible with this board. That's worst case of course. Double check everything, connections and buy yourself a cheap power supply tester as well just incase. I don't know if your PSU is new, but sometimes even fresh out of the box...
  12. S

    ASUS P5N-E SLI motherboard

    What geek said. I would also suggest just installing your OS at default settings with only 2GB of ram in the Black slots, then after you've installed your OS and downloaded the new 0803 bios from asus, see if you can boot with 4GB installed at any frequency you'd like. Worked for me, but...
  13. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Your problem my friend is an unstable system. No really. I had similar problems before. Everything was fine, but only video would do strange things to my system. Also if you are using any codec packages, uninstall that and only install codecs that you require, so you don't run into any...
  14. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Was speed was all of this done at? If you read previous posts you'd realize that there is a FSB hole between high 700's and low 800's, so you should just overshoot and clock your ram at 850MHz, see if that does anything, and also update your bios to 0803 if you haven't done so already...
  15. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    I couldn't get my board stable at stock settings with an E8400, I have a couple threads going over at, but yeah there are a couple guys who claim to have their E8400s stable with this board. I exchanged emails with an anandtech editor and he said he's going to contact Asus...
  16. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    BIOS? Mine came with 0202 when it was first released a while back, but I have 0803 on it. Goodluck with your build! I don't think I got such a great chip...running 1.36vcore trying to get 450x9 stable for 4050MHz overclock. Temps are: Core0:54, Core1:57 Full load orthos so far 5...
  17. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Quick update. I reseated my heatsink because Core 0 and Core 1 were off of each other by 3 degrees at idle, like the screenshot above, but on load it would be up to 5-7 degrees off each other. Reseating did nothing. Oh well. Realized I wasn't at default voltage, because I have done the...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Soooooooo, panfist, haha, honest mistake. GUESS WHAT GUYS? This board officially supports Wolfdale processors. I'm on it right now!!!! I ordered one through my company because I couldn't find any at retail stores, except Infonec for 235 CDN. I'm in Toronto by the way. So I picked...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Could be because you're mixing ram sizes. I don't know what kind they are, but I'm running 4GB (4 x 1GB) of ram in my system with no problems at all. I also can overclock them quite nicely. Did you set the timing to 2T over 1T? With 4 sticks of ram in a motherboard you can't run 1T...
  20. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    That's too bad, but at least it got to 3 and since it's a quad core I bet it's plenty fast for all your multitasking needs. Must encode video files like no tomorrow, haha. I'm still considering the E8400. It's 224.99 CDN at limited quantities. Sooooooooo tempted, but I...
  21. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Wow 8GB of ram. I don't think anyone else I've seen is running 8GB of ram on this board. Good to see it can handle it even though there still seems to be the fsb hole with that amount of ram. Could it possibly be the voltage? My hole disappeared when upgrading to the 0803 bios, but only...
  22. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    So I got greedy and tried for 1800MHz fsb (450MHz x4) and 900MHz ram frequency, but no go, haha. 3.6GHz just isn't in the books for this chip. Readjusted vcore and am testing my system under my previous settings of 1750MHz, 875MHz ram. Just to see if I'm 100% stable, since it's been a...
  23. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Whoa, I'd like to report something amazing. I flashed to 0803 bios revision and well, normally after flashing I don't reset my cmos, because I'm lazy and because I have 4GB of ram in my system with the OCZ ram cooler over them, so it's a bit of hassle taking it off to take out a ram module...
  24. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Wow great to see this thread and board is still getting a lot of attention. For those that were wondering about the memory hole, it's between high 700's to low-mid 800's, when using 4 ram modules for 4GB of ram. I don't know about using 4 ram modules that are mix and matched for less than...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    I agree with you guys on the lower voltage giving lower temps, but I would have to disagree with you guys on lowering the voltage below factory defaults. There's a reason why certain cpus have certain voltage ratings. I know mobile processors clock down with speedstep and the voltage also...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    JustaGeek>> That's because your vcore is too low~! :) Your CPU is set default to 1.35 not 1.3. Not recommended to undervolt a desktop cpu. Cheers, Mike
  27. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    JustaGeek: Yeah I read that article too. I've read other articles and did some reading into 4GB usage on XP 32bit systems and well using the 3GB switch and modifying the registry are things I wouldn't recommend unless there is a specific reason for doing so to get a program working...
  28. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Hey Tuvoc, how much did you pay for your cpu? That's insane man. I dunno why, but I just realized now what kind of cpu you have. Also, since you have that beast why are you even trying for an overclock? That thing in stock form will kick the arse out of any overclocked core2duo I've...
  29. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Freezes at the boot screen? I'm assuming you mean the post screen and not the windows boot screen? If so then try to get into your BIOS and set your ram voltage. I see you have 2GB of ram so it couldn't be the 4GB ram issue with ram speed holes. If you've tried resetting your cmos...
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    P5N-E SLI problems on boot

    There's a huge article on the P5N-E SLI board which should help you out, but this just sounds like a general new build scenario and not related specifically to this board. Try resetting the cmos. Also, I hope you didn't short something out by not grounding yourself first. If you didn't...
  31. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Hey guys remember that your system's stability is dependent on the cpu and ram and they're not independent of each other. You have to find a certain ratio for the ram and cpu to work well together. So change your cpu clockspeed accordingly with your ram speeds. Yes it is a bit of work...
  32. S

    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Wow JustaGeek, I gotta thank you for all these updates I never would have heard of. How do you find out about these updates? Directly at microsoft's website or some third party site? Also, about your boot failures. If you fail to boot or have bluescreens why are you lowering your core...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Yeup, just go ahead with what JustaGeek said above. I would also stay with Auto settings for the subtimings. On a side note. I received a typical sales newsletter from futureshop and I'm in shock. An HP multimedia system with a QUAD CORE Q6600 with 3GB of ram for only 1599 and that...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Hey Blieb, it's your 4gb of ram and the speed you're running it at. I had the same problems with vista 32bit and winxp. Everything would run okay, and then all of a sudden it would bluescreen even after a succesful 24 hour run of orthos. Vista is even more sensitive so it would blue...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    What I've noticed so far. When the patch is disabled (0), the two cores, as described in other forums, seem to be erratic and all over the place in terms of sharing the load together. When the patch is enabled (1), the two cores seem to work together, although not always at the same load...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    I actually noticed a difference as well. Not a positive one as of yet, but I will see how my system behaves with this patch over the next couple of days to get a subjective view on things. So far just messing with the task manager's Performance tab I see that one core is being use more...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Off topic, but I was just wondering about the dual-core patch. From what I've read it seems to be a patch for AMD X2 processors. I haven't read anywhere else where an Intel Core2Duo user has had problems like those of the X2. Other forums point to a discussion on the forums here at...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    I'm officially stable. Ran memtest with my 4-4-4-12, 2T timings at 875MHz without errors. Ran a Blend stress test for 24 hours and a bit error free. I'm liking my temps too, but I may reseat my heatsink once again. ugh. Sandra gave me the following: Int=7667, Float=7677 I am...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    Hey JustaGeek. You're still on 0202~!!??? Haha. I guess as long as you aren't running into issues you don't have to update your bios. I don't like how 0608 takes longer to post than 0505 and 0401, but it seems to be doing well so far. Better memory compatibility is part of the...
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    The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

    I know people always say that you must clear the cmos after a bios update, but you don't really have to unless you realize any strange behaviour from the board. I upgraded to 0608 and things are just fine and dandy. I'm pretty much stable now. Settings are as follows. 3.5GHz (FSB...
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