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  1. P

    IIFYM vs. Keto

    Everything works.Low carb/high fat or high carb/low fat have about as much research behind each to support them as effective methods of weight loss. I tend to lean towards whatever works for the individual, I react poorly to higher carb diets so I tend to lean towards fattier foods and while I...
  2. P

    What do you do for breakfast?

    I either fast until noon or protein shake depending on recovery needs and whether I'm losing weight at an acceptable rate or not.
  3. P

    Going 80% vegan

    Lol what? A tablespoon with a teaspoon of coffee? I almost thought this wasn't more of your trolling but it's either that you're a bit slow. Buttered coffee is typically a tbsp or so of butter per cup of coffee, I can't believe anyone would be dumb enough to spice their butter with a teaspoon of...
  4. P

    How do you keep motivated to continue working out?

    There are a couple issues I see with your approach. 1) you don't mention specific goals, setting small and obtainable goals is the key to maintaining motivation while you build the habit. 2) cardio may help drop pounds on the scale but if you're just wasting muscle mass and not dropping any...
  5. P

    Be careful with energy drinks, this may happen to you.

    Huh? How are they any different from pre-workout? I don't consume either on a regular basis but I wouldn't think less of someone or assume their dietary habits based on what they're drinking. Now if you're talking about people who only drink energy drinks I may be more inclined to agree but...
  6. P

    Have I reached my genetic potential?

    How long have you been bulking? If it's been a while a cut would do you good for a few reasons. If you're really above 15% body fat you're carrying more fat than is recommended for optimal muscle growth 15% is the high side, 10% is ideal. So if you cut down to ~10% in 12 weeks that takes you at...
  7. P

    Interesting alternative to counting calories - daily weighing with adjustments

    My issue with increasing food intake based on a single scale reading is I can easily drop 3-5lbs of water in a training session and if I increased my intake based on my nightly weight I would never lose weight. I do, however, weigh myself daily and average that weight for the week and while I'm...
  8. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Yesterday: Squats: 10x45 10x135 10x185 8x225 8x275 3x315 5x365 5x405 1x455 Lat pulldowns: 3x10x200 Deadlifts: 10x135 8x225 5x315 5x365 5x405 5x455 1x495 Dead hang: 3x10 @ 30 seconds Box pistols: 3x10 per leg I figured I should attempt to start logging my lifting again. This was my first...
  9. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Wow, a month without an update. You guys probably thought I died or something. Not dead, lifting took a backseat to BJJ again. I was still lifting for the last month, keeping it below 405 and only 1-2 days a week. I've dropped down below 240 for the first time in a couple years and I still think...
  10. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Sunday, I forgot what I did Thursday Squats: 10x0 10x45 10x135 8x185 8x225 6x275 4x315 2x365 1x405 3x8x315 Seated calf raises: 3x10x225 Front foot elevated split squat: 3x10x30 Twisting back extensions: 3x10 Lat pulldowns: 3x10x190 planks: 3x30sec Another good deload day, this was the end...
  11. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Last Thursday, I forgot what I did last Sunday. Deadlifts: 10x135 10x225 6x315 3x365 1x405 3x12x315 Squats: 10x135 10x225 3x8x315 Lat pulldowns: 3x10x150 Twisting back extensions: 3x10 (each side) Crunches: 4x25 This was day 1 of my first deload week. I ended up not lifting Sunday (8/20)...
  12. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Thursday: Deadlifts: 2x10x45 10x135 8x225 5x315 4x405 5x455 3x475 1x495 1x515 1x525 1x535 fx545 3x8x315 - snatch grip SLDL: 3x10x135 Pendlay Rows: 3x10x135 Front foot elevated split squat: 3x10x30 Planks: 3x60 seconds These were super heavy, my form started to break down at 535, the 545...
  13. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Quick chest/upper day before BJJ yesterday: Press: 10x45 10x65 10x95 5x5x145 Bench Press: 10x135 10x185 5x5x225 3x5x245 3x275 Pull ups: 5x3 Nothing too crazy, pressing before bench press was rough, as always. I also worked in pull ups as a superset which made the top half a bit more...
  14. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Yesterday Deadlifts: 10x45 10x135 5x225 5x315 6x2x405 3x8x315 Squats: 5x5x315 Pendlay Rows: 3x10x185 Pull ups: 2x5 4 Twisting back extensions: 3x10 I got a late start, seems like that's the theme of my whole life this week, so the gym was more busy than normal so I couldn't find space to...
  15. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Forgot to log Sunday... Squats: 2x10x45 10x135 10x185 8x225 8x275 6x315 4x365 2x405 1x455 5x2x405 2x455 5x5x315 Leg Press: 4x10x655 Front foot elevated split squat: 2x10x25 10x0 Planks: 3x30seconds Side Planks: 3x30 seconds Twisting Back extensions: 3x10 This was another brutal session...
  16. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Squats: 2x10x0 2x10x45 10x135 5x225 8x315 6x365 5x405 6x455 3x8x315 Front leg elevated split squats: 3x10 Holy hell the squat volume was brutal. Another ~10-ton day. I wanted to add weight to the split squats but I barely made it through them with no weight. I also wasn't able to hold a plank...
  17. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    SLDL: 2x10x45 Deadlifts: 10x135 5x225 5x315 5x365 5x405 3x455 2x495 2x505 2x515 1x515 Snatch Grip Deadlifts: 2x8x225 Penlday Rows: 3x10x135 Back Extensions: 3x10 Deadlifts felt really good, my grip was holding me back more than anything. I made a couple changes to the way I pull which seems...
  18. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Bench Press 10x45 10x135 5x225 5x275 3x2x315 3x10x225 Lat Pull-downs: 3x10x160 Front Squats: 10x45 10x135 10x185 Squats: 10x45 10x135 5x225 5x5x315 Fairly heavy bench pressing again felt good, the last 2-3 reps were harder than I would have liked them to be but it is what it is and I neglect...
  19. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    I apparently forgot to log last Sunday's lifts: Squats: 10x0 10x45 10x135 5x225 5x315 6x2x370 2x455 - reverse band 5x5x315 - High Bar Back Extensions: 3x10 Front leg elevated split squats: 10x0 3x10x30 2x10 Planks: 3x45 seconds Side Planks: 3x60 seconds I decided not to lift for the rest...
  20. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Squats: 10x0 10x45 10x135 5x5x225 SLDL: 3x10x135 Deadlifts: 10x135 10x225 5x315 5x365 5x405 3x425 1x455 2x5x225 RDL: 3x10x135 Bulgarian Split Squat: 10x0 3x10x70 10x0 I was a bit hesitant to do many deadlifts but I've been working on Sacrum mobility all week and it seems to have paid off...
  21. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Yesterday Squats: 10x0 2x10x45 10x135 10x185 5x225 8x315 6x365 8x405 30x135 Front foot elevated split squat: 10x0 2x10x35 10x0 Planks: 3x30 Side planks: 3x30 I decided to skip Sunday, my SI was bothering me quite a bit after deadlifts Thursday it was still sore yesterday but not nearly as...
  22. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Yeah, I just figured it should have been easier both before and then looking back at the numbers. I think the higher volume sets were the real killer.
  23. P

    Bulging Disc

    That's funny, I've gained considerably hamstring flexibility with static stretches in a couple months after trying to improve it with Yoga for about a year because I followed advice like that. I'm sure doing both things play into each other but the blanket statement that static stretching does...
  24. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Deadlifts: 10x135 5x225 5x315 8x3x370 3x12x315 Front foot elevated split squat: 3x10 HB Squats: 10x135 5x225 3x5x315 Headstands: 3x30-45seconds I don't know why today felt so much harder than it looks when I type it out. The higher rep deadlifts really drained me but I think I got the split...
  25. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Seated Calf raises: 3x10x225 Squats: 10x45 10x135 5x25 8x315 6x365 5x425 5x3x455 Front foot elevated split squat: 2x10x0 10x30 2x10x0 RDL: 10x135 10x185 2x10x225 Planks: 3x10x30 seconds Side planks: 3x10x60 seconds Squats were brutal, 315 felt heavy until I did the first rep. Then 365 felt...
  26. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Bench press: 10x135 5x225 5x2x280 1x315 10x225 12x225 10x135 Deadlift: 10x135 10x225 5x315 5x405 5x430 3x430 Front Squat: 10x45 10x85 10x135 3x5x185 Bulgarian Split Squat( weight per dumbbell. reps per leg): 10x0 3x10x30 Not too shabby, feel a little weak but overall not too terrible. 430...
  27. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    You haven't missed much, I've probably only lifted 20 times this year. I need to get back in the habit of logging everything in a timely manner. Like this last week I was in a couple times but didn't log anything. Managed to squat 455x2 and deadlift 495 without much trouble so I don't think much...
  28. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Failed at Worlds too, it was better than Pan's but no podium so.. Back to lifting a little more. I haven't decided what my goals are other than just continuing to move. Probably more GPP than power lifter focused - once I get around to making actual programming changes. For now I'll just go lift...
  29. P

    Fiber= fiber? (Whole grain bread instead of veggies/salad?)

    Also 39 calories vs 260 calories. You also have more inflammation to deal with when it comes to refined flour.
  30. P

    Which is worse for our bodies, sugar or fat?

    Except eating lots of sugar (more than 50g in added or processed sugars daily) can lead to fatty liver disease and has been shown to have stronger correlation to heart disease than saturated fat. I tend to go with all things in moderation due to my lifestyle but if I wasn't concerned with...
  31. P

    The idea that people can be fat but medically fit is a myth, say experts

    "wearing out" probably wasn't the correct term but that doesn't change validity the rest of the statement.
  32. P

    The idea that people can be fat but medically fit is a myth, say experts

    The interesting thing, which isn't new information by any means, is that it doesn't matter if the excess weight is good (muscle) or bad (fat) it has the same correlation to coronary issues. The more load the body is forced to carry the harder it must work, the harder something works the more...
  33. P

    Does anyone have a nice master list of the nutritional content of various foods?

    Yeah I just use google and keep track of foods I eat on a regular basis on a spreadsheet.
  34. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    5 min warmup Seated Calf Raises: 3x10x225 Squats: 10x0 10x45 10x135 5x225 5x245 5x275 5x295 5x315 1x365 1x405 RDL: 10x135 3x10x225 Pull ups: 5, 4, 4 Ez-bar Curls: 3x10x70 10 min cooldown Holy shit it's been a whole month. Pan Ams didn't go my way but it was a good experience and I had a...
  35. P

    More low T

    Apparently different labs have different protocols so their ranges might be different but the amount is still the same(ex: measuring in mm and inches would give different number for the same sized object). I'd be happy in the top 1/4 of the range. My doctor is aiming for ~900-1000 once we get...
  36. P

    More low T

    I got test results back last week, it's not quite what I was expecting but. Total testosterone only increased by ~20 4 days after injection which doesn't seem like much of an increase at 100mg/wk. I was also surprised to see both progesterone and DHEA were so low. I've been looking into both and...
  37. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Seated Calf Raise: 3x10x225 Squats: 2x10x0 10x45 10x135 10x185 10x225 Front Squats: 10x45 10x135 10x185 5x225 5x245 5x265 2" Deficit Deadlifts: 10x135 10x185 5x225 5x315 5x365 5x405 1x425 1x455 1x475 2xfx495 5x315 5x225 5x135 10 min walk at 150bpm Just realized I haven't deadlifted since...
  38. P

    More low T

    I am, my doctor gave me the option and I figured that's easier than having to take the time to make it into their office when it's open. It might be something that you bring up after being on for a while and making sure your numbers are where they need to be. I think lots of doctors are worried...
  39. P

    More low T

    I figured I'd a 'one month check in'. I felt improvement almost right away, within hours of the injection. I took it at night, not really thinking about it but it really made falling asleep difficult. I don't know exactly why but it did. And I continued to feel better until 4 days in and I...
  40. P

    Pantlegz's Workout Journal

    Sunday: Squats: 10x0 2x10x45 10x135 5x225 8x315 6x365 5x405 3x425 1x455 1x475 1x500 3x3x405 2x5x225 RDL: 10x135 3x10x225 Pull ups: 3x3 KB Swings: 3x15x55 Seated Cable Rows: 3x10x170 Sunday was fun. I wasn't sure about 405 after 365 feeling heavy but it was fairly light. 455/475 went up...
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